In The Plague, Rieux, the main character of the novel, claims that
I've seen too much of hospitals to relish any idea of collective punishment.
What does he mean by that? How exactly is seeing a lot of patients make one averted to the possibility of collective punishment? One line of reasoning ...
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I don't have the answer posted yet, but I have a 30,000K long answer draft to a super-narrow question "When did events in 6 books in a series happen". Been sitting in my drafts for a couple of years
While thinking about "holes" in the wonderful, epic The Lord of the Rings story, I had a thought:
Why did they go through all this trouble of very slowly sneaking around with a whole fellowship, when they could have simply had Gandalf call for his Eagle friends and have them transport Frodo, carr...
There is a motif-index for folk-literature composed by Stith Thompson. I wonder if there is a
similar index regrouping fables by the moral they convey? As a rough example
G. Blinded by greed
G.1. "The labours of others it is often another who profits''
Aesop's The Lion, the Bear and the Fox
Since Socratic can be awarded multiple times to the same user, this site has almost as many Socratic badges as Inquisitive badges. I wonder if any site has more Socratic than Inquisitive?
I have a vague recollection of a scientist sharing a problem solving strategy. The content of that quote/strategy, which I do not recollect literally, can be summarized as:
Keep a list of 10 unsolved problems (that you would like to solve) in
your head, and every time a mathematician/physicist c...
I'm very confused by this quote, found on:
"The Eagles are a dangerous 'machine'. I have used them sparingly, and that is the absolute limit of their credibility or usefulness. The alighting of a Great Eagle of the Misty Mountains in the...
I'm wondering, if such practice was popular in Russia in that times, 37 - is a great number of years and Pushkin should did shoot many humans, before was shot-downed by d'Anthès... I'm trying to grep with "дуэль" - and there is only one... and it is only little paragraph about hi...
Yesterday, I gained 28 reps on SFF SE by fixing typos. I simply searched for "doesnt" and found a few dozen answers with typos and other issues. There's still a lot to do there. The same trick doesn't work on Lit SE, though; we are better reviewers.
There is this famous short-story by Poe called "The Tell-Tale Heart" in which a man tries to convince the reader he is not mad by narrating the way he killed his master.
My question has to do with the very first words of the story that read as follows:
True! --nervous --very, very dreadfully ner...
@EddieKal In my opinion it would be on topic at Literature—it's a wording-choice question, of which we have a few. Of course, it might also be on topic at ELL.
In chapter 11 of The Just Men of Cordova (1917) by Edgar Wallace, the author was describing an old man who was changing the topics of talking very quickly:
he old man had a trick of striking off at a tangent; from one subject to another he leapt like a will-o’-the-wisp. Before Horace had framed h...
@bobble I don't' know if we have a standard form. We tend to use GivenName-FamilyName, but T. H. White is known is T. H. White rather than Terence Hanbury White, because that's the name he had on the book covers (and hence the name used as the title for his Wikipedia entry).
Oh, I think you can edit the tag wiki excerpts without end. Some excerpts have some biographical information and best-known works to make them more interesting. I don't see why we would need to delete all that.
2.26 questions/tag for here, 102.02 for Puzzling. I don't know how to use Stack Exchange data-query system, but I can look for more stats manually if anyone's interested.
I'm trying to write my question on name significance and I'm unsure what to put in it. There are three points in the book (which I remember) where the fact two characters have names which mean the same thing is explicitly noted. Do I need to include notes on those sections? Or just state that they have the same name-meaning and I'm curious why?
I have an idea for a question - one of my favorite books has two main characters with names that mean the same thing (in different languages) and I've always wondered why. Could I ask that here? And if so, what to include in the question?
@bobble Here's a question about a book with multiple characters with the same or similar names — you'll see that a question like this doesn't need to be long or complex