@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Shame on you! Evryone knows that Blue+weird hat means you're one of the two Wizards who accompanied @Mithrandir but whose GPS malfuntioned.
I found the following chart online several years ago and saved it for personal use because I found it interesting. Unfortunately I don't remember exactly where I got it from but I'll share it here since it is relevant. It outlines the entire Ender Wiggin saga including in-universe chronology and ...
@HDE226868 No, it's not that. Analogies are pretty common, I use them a fair bit. The identifiable bit is the completely unrelated analogy that you wouldn't think of in a million years. I mean, identification questions, sushi and carrots?
@ArtOfCode Well, to be honest. Sometimes I don't really get them and they rather tend to distract from the matter at hand. It's a bit of a way to avoid directly discussing the problem.
There's a somewhat popular theory about The Kingkiller Chronicle, which is that the name "Denna" derives from the use of denner resin, and its addictive properties.
The theory branches two directions: the first speculates that the name is supposed to be symbolic, rather than textual. Denna is a...
@ArtOfCode Despite agreeing with the answer 100%, the analogy is a failure. I'm aware of several parental stories, independently, where the kids were taken to a fancy restaurant, only to admit tat their favorite food of the whole meal was things like "nice radish pieces" and "cucumbers from salad"
@DVK-in-Florida Ah, but that's not a failure of analogy, but of observation. Assuming that Shog's observations are correct (i.e. nobody cares about the carrot), the analogy itself is solid.