@Pearsonartphoto A bit ironic, considering the site we're on. :)
It's gonna take a few days for the votes to shake down one way or another. If it turns out to be really close, it might be up to the eventual moderators to pick the "winner", as it were.
I'd probably wait until pro-tem moderators are selected. Flagging right now would just put more work on the SE employees that are filling in and runs the risk of increasing tensions around those questions. We might as well wait for a policy to come together first.
Well, unless moderator selection takes a long time. I think it's supposed to be soon-ish, though. Usually sites get their mods a couple weeks into public beta and we're either already there or will be soon.
Well, I do think this site lacks quality questions. I wish I could help more with that, but it takes a while to read books to get ideas for those quality questions.
But, I think this community is somewhat closer than SFF was at the beginning. About 2 weeks in SFF was in a virtual civil war, and I don't feel that here.
Well, it's hard to come up with good questions from books. Typically, I find I can ask at most a few questions from a book. If it takes me a week to read it, then I can only ask a few questions. And some books leave even fewer questions...
pro-tem mods are supposed to be elected at so many weeks from the beginning officially i think but in practice it seems to happen to be around about the time the first users are hitting 2000 reputation.