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I have just realized it's entirely possible I have too many books on Tolkien...
Took almost 4 hours of digging to find the reference I wanted for literature.stackexchange.com/questions/373/…
Hmm - how do you guys do those fancy question boxen?
ah - a line by itself
A: Creation myth based on music

TMLI have a couple of references that, if I remember correctly, indicate that the song of Illuvatar is derived from the ancient Greek concept of Musica universalis; however, I'm having difficulty locating the precise quotes at the moment, but I will update this answer when I locate them. [EDIT] OK,...

Cool. :)
6 hours later…
I keep tagging all of my questions "novels". Someone give me enough rep, or pipe the Wikipedia title dump into the tag creator, please.
9 hours later…
We need to get some promotion going - we're doing OK on all of our stats except users and visits. :)
@TML Whoa, stop! Those Area 51 stats don't mean what you think they mean. It takes some experience to understand what they're saying.
Posted by Robert Cartaino on July 27th, 2011

Anytime you find yourself answering the same question over and over and over and over … blog post time.

This is that blog post.

This cycle has repeated itself on more sites than I can remember — When a new community approaches the end of their beta period, users start looking forward to graduation. So when that 90th day looms, anticipation starts to turn into speculation about whether the site is going to survive.

Does this site have a chance of succeeding? Is this site viable? Visits per day — should we be worried? At what point will this site grow out of the beta stage? What are the crit …

Lit's answer ratio is on the low side
For users and visits, you've got to compare with a site of comparable age, which there isn't. The goal figures are for when the site graduates. Obviously the site is still months from graduating, that's normal when it's 9 days old!
I know that - it was meant to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek
What worries me about Lit is the question and answer quality. It seems to be a bit worse than Science Fiction and Fantasy was at the beginning
and that's worrying, considering that SF&F was meant to be a fan site, whereas I'd have thought Lit would be more highbrow
Was it?
@TML Was what?
shrug You said it was "meant to be more highbrow"
I'm not convinced about that
@TML When a site is called “literature”, I expect it to be something I could show to a literature professor
To be more precise, I should say "That wasn't what I had in mind when I clicked 'Commit' to a proposal called 'Books'"
Q: Was it a mistake renaming this site to Literature?

Adam RackisIn a nutshell, would it be possible to rename this site to "Books and Literature" instead of just literature? If it is possible, then am I the only person who would like to see this happen? Books was the original name of the proposal. Some of the questions that have been debated as to their ...

@Adam A lot. I'm still not for it - if anything, I'd like to see if we can strive to abolish that hoity-toity feel with ourselves as an example that any such works are considered literature. – Grace Note♦
You might want to chime in there :)
the proposal was originally named "Books"
@TML Right, I remember that now
I even advocated for closing Books and reopening Literature
Now we have the worst of both worlds: a site about books, but called literature
If it becomes a "high-brow Literature" Q&A site, I'd really have to bow out, as I don't know the first thing about that stuff
Well, it's still salvageable: the site can tackle literature. But it would be very difficult, you can't drive expertise up that much.
The problem is, what if a bunch of literature professors come along and want to start a literature site?
There is room for a readers' site. But putting literature professors and casual readers on the same site? I don't think it would work.
I think I agree with you
When I got the notification that this proposal went to private beta, I had a REALLY hard time understanding how I got on the list :)
And I still have no idea why/how it got renamed.
@TML Looking at Area 51, this discussion is the only one that looks relevant
I didn't...even KNOW Area 51 had "discussions"
I mean, I know about the "propose questions" feature
@Gilles Terrifying in what way?
@TML They weren't there at the very beginning
I don't remember when they were added, maybe after you committed (that proposal sure has been a long time in commitment)
I can't say I've ever spent a lot of time on Area51
@TML Mark Rogers is a mod on Scifi, he has been moderating recommendation questions
Though our big problem was with list questions really (what are some/all works about X)
I've already ranted on that on Literature Meta
We never gave recommendations a serious chance, most of them were bad because they invited one-liner answers and not necessarily because they were asking for recommendations
I saw your link over to the SF&F site, but all I could see there is that it ended up at a -1 (or -3, depending on which category you're referring to). I don't have enough rep there to see what the spread was (for example, did you only have 3 guys voting, all who were against it?)
@Gilles I mean, obviously I'm not an active member of SF&F, I have no idea how these events shook out. But it seems to me that if you have a lot of them out of the gate, and you keep the number of them high, you'll draw an audience that is interested in asking and answering such, instead of an audience that is opposed to them.
For my part, I like them. I've asked a few, and I've answered all of them where I have even the slightest inkling of related experience. I wouldn't be upset if that became the site. SE clearly would, but shrug - if the site I want to be a part of doesn't match any site that SE wants to host, then I'd rather have that come now, instead of 90 days from.
I think I may be one of the few people on earth disappointed at the shift from SE 1.0 to SE 2.0, because it means now that I have to convince SE that my site is "worth hosting", instead of just being able to say "I've got the idea, I've got the $129 - don't worry yourself over whether or not I have an audience, that's MY problem."
Now if I want to see a site be successful, I have to do a whole bunch of things I hate. Instead of just kicking back and answering questions, I have to become a marketer and promoter. BLEGH
@TML It used to have a lower score, it's been upvoted more than downvoted since
@TML You can see some of the history if you search for “list” on our Meta.
We deleted a lot of them at some point. Look at the history of this meta question
As I wrote on Literature Meta: we ended up with lots and lots of one-liner answers, which weren't any use.
Paradoxically, now that the site is mostly clean, the pro-list movement is stronger.
It's something like this: 1/3 are strongly for list questions. 1/3 are strongly against. 1/3 are in the middle. (Not precise figures by any means, just giving the idea.)
When the questions were out there, that middle 1/3 saw them as an eyesore and was against them. Now that there's nothing to serve as a warning sign, the middle 1/3 doesn't see the problem and wants them in.
And I'm always going to be in the "strongly for" 30%, so it's hard for me to see the objection.
Q: Are list questions allowed?

Martinho FernandesThis just started, but there already seems to be a lot of questions that essentially boil down to "Please list stories that X". These questions cannot have a definitive answer, and sometimes you can simply find a highly comprehensive list on wikipedia. These kinds questions can be interesting to ...

as you said there
"they're interesting because they lead people to discover new works about particular themes"
@Gilles I'm curious as to which 1/3 you put yourself in - you seem to argue both sides of it a lot :)
@TML I changed over time. In the very early days, I thought they were fun and interesting. Then (day 6) I downloaded all the question titles to sort them out, and realized 25% of the site was list questions. They felt overwhelming.
As time went by, I realized that there were three types of responses to list quesions:
a link to a list of works, typically TV Tropes → no value added: we're just linking to another site
lots of one-work-per-answer → a mess, the answers are typically not explained and not sorted in any reasonable way, and even when there are a lot they're far from exhaustive
few one-work-per-answer → totally useless, noone's going to learn anything from that
So now, I guess I'm still in the middle 1/3. Because I don't think the questions are fundamentally bad, I just think our site's community can't give them good answers. (A good answer is one that gives a lot of examples, focusing on the most relevant ones, explains how they relate to each other, discuss influences, …)
But I remember the deleted crap. So I'm in the middle 1/3 but remain against the list questions.
Just to restate, you're saying "Even when answers are well written, they're not going to be exhaustive, and that makes them a bad answer?"
Or did I infer something you didn't intend to imply? :)
@TML No: there were very very few answers that went beyond giving one or two examples, and occasionally indicating why they were relevant (even that was far from systematic)
Keep in mind that these are the best ones. The ones where I thought the content may be slightly useful. And even then, they're rather a warning.
sorry about the delays, I'm juggling between rooms
where were we?
No worries
@TML First, I suspect you're going to have to be a moderator
@TML On the plus side, your chance of success is something like 95%. SE1.0 had something like 99.9% failure.
You mean I would appreciate the issue more if I had to moderate them?
That depends on how you define "success" or "failure", I suppose. If an SE 1.0 site got 5 users who are really passionate about something I'm interested in, that would be a "success" in my book. If an SE 2.0 site gets hundreds of questions per day and 1M views / month, but I don't feel engaged to discuss any of it...well, I don't know that I'd say it's a "failure", but I'm certainly not going to stick around.
FTR, I pay somewhat more than $129/month to host a site with 5 users which we really wanted to move over to the SE 1.0 platform, but missed our window
If I could be paying $129 for SE to host the site, maintain the software, and so on - that'd be a huge win for me over the $180/month I'm paying now, where I have to do the server administration and I have to maintain a software solution that isn't anywhere near as slick as what the SE guys have put out.
Unfortunately, I never even knew that SE 1.0 existed until it was already gone...
One of the (what I'm discovering to be many) drawbacks to not really finding stackoverflow.com an engaging way to address technical questions
@TML I'm curious why you don't find SO satisfying for technical questions
For me, it was a really good way. Usenet just goes on and on and on, isn't searchable (except for that brief time when Google Groups had decent search), you have to work really hard to filter worthwhile content, the same easy questions get asked over and over again, and now most of the experts have left the ship anyway.
And don't get me started on webforums. The downsides of usenet, with a crappy UI on top.
SO doesn't replace forums, but for Q&A it's really good
I agree on web-based fora :)
The site creation process… Now that could use some work. It's evolving, slowly.
I have spent the bulk of my personal time for the past 15 years as administrator of various IRC channels. When someone there "asks a bad question", we don't just kick them in the stomach and shout "BAD QUESTION BAD QUESTION!" - we try to educate and teach them how to ask the right questions.
You raise a good point that it's not any more searchable than Usenet
SO has sliced out a very narrow segment of the "technical question" market: "Things that can be asked and answered in a purely objective manner"
That only covers about 1% of the things that I need in the "technical questions" arena
And most of the stuff we handle in IRC can't easily fit there, either
That's why I used the word 'engaging'
SO sliced out that piece, which is cool, no worries! But that's only helpful to people who already know what they need to ask.
@TML If you don't even know what you need to ask, you can chat. Though SO doesn't have people on chat on every subject.
@TML I think it's more like 80%
I was speaking specifically about myself, there
That '1%' is referring to what I need help with.
And it's a SWAG, of course - but if you look at my SO profile, you can see what I mean
TML, Orem, UT
3.2k 3 15
I've certainly had a LOT more than 2 technical questions in the past "2 years, 9 months" :)
But when I go to write an SO question about it, I realize "Nope, I can't ask this there, it will just get closed"
@TML What am I supposed to see? You have only two (non-deleted) questions, so what?
Just pointing out the tiny segment of intersection between "Questions I have that fit on SO" vs. "Questions I have"
including one off-topic I see
Heh - see, the problem is even worse than I thought. One question in almost 3 years that was a valid question for SO. In the same interval, I've easily had thousands of questions about technical/programming topics.
I've flagged it for migration to Unix and Linux or Ask Ubuntu
I don't think Ubuntu existed at the time I asked that
I could be mistaken
I mean, the Ubuntu SE
Obviously the distro did :)
Yeah, Ask Ubuntu launched 10 months ago, that question is more than 2 years old
@TML It didn't. SU didn't either, and the question would be on-topic there too
But it's a good question, not a duplicate on U&L or AU, so I want it to be on a suitable site
Well, if you end up with any say in the matter, it should go to AU. It's incredibly Ubuntu-specific.
I need to just stop being consumed by this and wait until either the Literature.SE itself, the people who get voted as moderators, or SE staff make a determination...I just wish it'd come sooner rather than later, to minimize the wasted investment if it's going to go against me.
Thanks for your time, @Gilles :)

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