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A: If Jesus is not God according to Jehovah Witnesses, why was He accused of blasphemy?

KrisJesus was accused of blasphemy by the Jews because they wrongly leaped to the conclusion that saying “I am the Son of God” was tantamount to saying “I am God”. How did Jesus respond to this erroneous point of view? The Catholic Jerusalem Bible reads: “ Jesus said to them, ‘I have done many ...

I read the article, so why would it be blasphemy for the Father and Jesus to be one in purpose by protecting the sheep like ones? I believe from John 10:30, "I and My Father are one" means that the Father and Jesus have the same nature. This is confirmed at vs33 because the Jews are not stoning Jesus for a good work, but He made Himself out God. Jesus brings up Psalm 82:6, why? Jesus ask why there are accusing Him of blasphemy because Jesus said, "I am the Son of God" at John 10:36? In all the verses quoted about Jesus being God, or the Son of God, why does He never deny the charge?
The accusation was false the Jews were wrong to equate being the son of God with being God. similarly the vast majority of professed Christians today equate being the Son as making Jesus equal to God. That is a jw response to your question it is accurate according to jw doctrine.
No, the charge was not false. The Jews knew exactly what Jesus was claiming for a number of reasons. It would be blasphemy and you to claim to be THE Son of God--as in THE (singular) ONLY (there are no others) BEGOTTEN (uniquely "generated:) Son of God, because neither of us is really THE "Son of God," But Jesus was. This is according to John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." In the verses I presented, what did Jesus SAY that caused the Jews to accuse Him of blasphemy resulting in death?
I quote John 10:32-38 in my answer. Jesus quoted psalms 82:6 in that. Both trinitarians and JWs agree that the charge of blasphemy was false albeit for very different reasons. . Are you going to ask a new question so that you can answer with your belief that Jesus was saying he is God because he is and that the Jews were wrong to accuse him of blasphemy because God is allowed to call himself God?
In due time I will ask another question? Can you explain why Jesus quoted Psalm 82:6? Secondly, in the verses I quoted in my original thread, why did not Jesus just deny the charges of blasphemy and tell the Jews I am not "equal to God," and I am not "making Myself out God?" Why are you falsely accusing Me?
@Mr.Bond he did
Where did Jesus deny the charges leveled against Him?
John 10:32-38 @Mr.Bond
Your "assuming" that Jesus is denying it. This is what I said to Mr Pearne. I know the point Jesus was making. Jesus is taking the Jews statement about Him blaspheming to its logical conclusion to show that they are being inconsistent. In effect, Jesus is saying, "If you say that I am blaspheming, you must also hold that God is blaspheming because He said "ye are gods." "I said I am Gods Son"? If you don't believe Me, believe the works so you will know that the Father is in Me and I am in the Father, vs38. Jesus does not back down and deny anything, instead He reinforces who He really is.
Yes he reinforced that he really is the son of God
In my thread I quoted Matthew 26:57-66, the trial record. At vs63, the high priest Caiaphas said to Him, "I adjure You by the living God, that You tell us whether You are the Christ, the Son of God?" He's asking Jesus to swear as to His identity. At Luke 26:70, Jesus says, "Yes, I am." Vs65, "The high priest tore his robes saying, He has blasphemed! Why is it blasphemy to claim to be the Son of God when the Jews themselves claim to be the sons of God as well? The Jews understood everything Jesus stated but the Jews did not believe Him. Oh yea, it is not blasphemy to claim to be the Messiah.
Looking forward to your question and answer explaining why the Jews were right in accusing Jesus of claiming to be God
@Mr.Bond "I and My Father are one" means that the Father and Jesus have the same nature Unfortunately, we don't know if this sentence was said in Aramaic or Hebrew language. However, in German language the sentence "she and her brother are one" has the meaning: They always have the same opinion and they never argue. Can you be sure that in Aramaic language this sentence does not have the same meaning?
@MartinRosenau. I am not a language expert, not even in English. Regardless of what language was used, i.e. Aramaic, Hebrew or Greek the "context" determines the meaning. Jesus meant He and His Father are one, in nature or essence. This is confirmed in two ways? One, the Jews accused Him of blasphemy because Jesus made Himself out God. Two, Jesus Himself confirms what the Jews meant because He brings up the subject/issue about the Jews statement by Jesus quoting Psalm 82:6 and the blasphemy charge at John 10:36. I know Jesus is claiming He's the "Son of God," but why? What is Jesus' point?
@Mr.Bond I just read the Catholic (because I'm Catholic myself) German translation of John 10:24 to 10:36. If I understand 10:34 to 10:36 correctly, Jesus explains in these three verses that what he claimed about himself in the verses 10:24 to 10:30 is even less (!) than what the Bible says about "regular" faithful people. In other words: In 10:34 to 10:36, Jesus tells the Jewish people that his words were misinterpreted.
@MartinRosenau. What's that suppose to mean when you say, "what he claimed about himself in the verses 10:24 to 10:30 is even less (!) than what the Bible says about "regular" faithful people." The Jews admitted that they were not stoning Jesus for good works at vs33. They wanted to stone Him based on the six words of vs30. Jesus says if you don't believe Me, believe the works. Heal the sick, raise the dead, forgive sins. These are works only God can do. Vs42, "And many believed in Him there." Think! Believe what, that He's not claiming deity, is that what their suppose to believe?
@Kris. Since you are your father's son, what nature do you and your father share? A Human nature. Since Jesus is His Father's son, what nature does Jesus share? Jesus does not have a biological father, He has a biological mother. This is why Jesus Himself referred to Himself as the "Son of Man" and as the "Son of God." He's the only person with two natures, deity and human. Notice the Father and the Son are distinct persons as well as the Holy Spirit being a distinct person from the Father and the Son, hence the Trinity. It's a universal law that all sons share the same nature as their father. We accept that Jesus is divine in fact we are cool with John 1:1 being rendered “and the word was divine (godlike)”. We don’t accept that he is without beginning. Nor that he is equal to his father. We do accept that he outranks every heavenly creature other than Jehovah the almighty eternally existing God
@Mr.Bond In verses 34-36, Jesus claims that there is a verse in the Old Testament where God said that every faithful person is a "god". He insists that he only called himself as "son of god" but not as "god" although every faithful person could call himself or herself "a god" and justify this claim with that verse in the Old Testament.
@MartinRosenau. Martin, why is it you do not know the verse Jesus is quoting? The verse is Psalm 82:6. Jesus DID NOT say every faithful person is "a god." Psalm 86 (read it) is talking about Judges who are "corrupt" and judging unjustly by showing partiality to the wicked vs2. Since they are corrupt God says (sarcastically), vs6-7, "I said "You are gods that represent Me, Nevertheless you will die like the men that your are. And fall like any one of the princes." If Jesus is only the "son of god" but not as "a god" then why does your church teach that Jesus is God? Are you reading JW stuff?
@Mr.Bond the tone of your comments to Martin is a bit over the line of acceptable respectful dialogue. A couple months ago when we had 4-5 or more moderators you would have gotten a warning and possible suspension for this and other cases where your enthusiasm has gotten a little high. Please be respectful.
12 hours later…
What exactly did I say that you came to the conclusion that my tone was a bit over the line?

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