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Q: Where is it indicated that Charlotte has difficulty choosing between Albert and Werther?

bobbleI read The Sorrows of Young Werther for my literature class (our translation was from Corngold and its title substituted "Sorrows" for "Sufferings", but it's the same story). For a quiz I answered that Charlotte didn't have a difficult time choosing between Albert and Werther. From my reading the...

10 hours later…
Q: Death described in, least to say, very unflattering terms

OlorinI would like to find a poem or a book where death is described in very unflattering terms, possibly with lots of blood involved. Possibly coupled (but not necessarily) to a form of statement that the death is an event like other events and that the death of a single man has never changed anything.

2 hours later…
Question to native speakers of English: how would you pronounce King Leir? As rhyming with "lair" or rhyming with "Lear"?
the former
Q: What is the history of Kant and the concept of autonomous art in literature?

Matt ThrowerIf you read around literary theory, you'll frequently come across the concept of autonomy in art, the idea that an artwork is a thing unto itself, independent from the artist. As far as I understand it, it appears to be founded in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant and a number of book interpretatio...

@Bookworm I kan't explain it, sorry.
@Tsundoku Neither: I'd guess a pronunciation more along the lines of "lay'r", treating the "ei" as a diphthong.
Wish me luck:
Q: Pronunciation of (King) Leir in Early Modern English

TsundokuShakespeare's King Lear may have used the anonymous play King Leir as a source. Lear in pronounced /lɪər/ in present-day English and I assume that Early Modern English used essentially the same pronunciation. But I am not sure about the pronunciation of Leir. Do we have enough knowledge about Ear...

I'd've posted that on Lit instead: it's about pronunciation in context, a specific piece of literature.
It fits better on ELU if(f) there's a clear answer based on Early Modern English norms of pronunciation.
But as you know, modern English doesn't have consistent rules linking spelling with pronunciation, and I don't know if it was any better a few centuries ago.
Scholars know certain things about Early Modern English pronunciation. See Pronouncing Shakespeare. (I read the first edition over a decade ago.)
@Tsundoku Now I'm curious what the context for that one is, as in who that King Leir is and where does his name come from.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Leir ah. apparently it's the same king as the one in King Lear
so probably just different spellings for the same name
41 mins ago, by Tsundoku
Q: Pronunciation of (King) Leir in Early Modern English

TsundokuShakespeare's King Lear may have used the anonymous play King Leir as a source. Lear in pronounced /lɪər/ in present-day English and I assume that Early Modern English used essentially the same pronunciation. But I am not sure about the pronunciation of Leir. Do we have enough knowledge about Ear...

@Randal'Thor oh well that's a much harder question
Q: First work to depict Mr. Hyde as superhuman

Nu'DaqIn Robert Louis Stevenson's "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", the latter character was depicted as, while vicious and sinister, an ordinary human in terms of physical strength and endurance. However later works tend to paint Mr. Edmund Hyde as someone with strength and endurance of superhuman levels mor...

^ This sounds like a sci-fi question that users on Lit might be able to answer
2 hours later…
On the other hand, this other similar ELU question seems even less ELU-ish. Get thee to Latin Language! ;-)
@Randal'Thor I'm honestly shocked by the answers to that question. I've always pronounced it pom-PAY, never with the accent on the first syllable.
3 hours later…
@DLosc Pompey, the person, has the accent on the first syllable, but Pompeii, the city, has the accent on the second.
2 hours later…
Q: Name of purple hardcover book covered in a soft fabric with fairy tales or similar stories

ZhroI remember being gifted as a child some kind of hardcover book that had a purple colored soft-touch cover; I think it was some kind of fabric. There was also a purple ribbon as bookmark. I think it was a collection of short stories, children's stories, or folk stories. The look of the book was ce...

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