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A: Is the pruner bad or my technique? Cuts are not clean and nice

BambooAlthough these are meant to cut up to 25mm stems, in practice, it's better to stick well inside the limit of the cut; in my experience with this length of pruner, achieving a very clean cut on stems at the maximum width is next to impossible. The other drawback with this type of pruner is that, b...

There are some pruners with springs and I heard that the springs break easily.‌​0/…
That's the problem.One-hand pruners available here cut only upto 15mm, even the best ones. And the one you linked is available but crazily overpriced at 27 Pound or $35. I have mix of branches a little thicker than 15mm and probably 18-20mm. And you are right, these are not very good to use with one hand. Do you think I will benefit from a smaller one than this larger one?
Whenever I've had them with springs like that, the spring inevitably falls out and gets lost rather than them breaking, so I don't really like those. I think you will find a smaller, one hand only use pair more useful generally - pity you can't get those that will cut thicker branches though because up to 15mm is not going to do all the things you want....
So what's your take on this? This pruner good enough or should I change it to the ones that do 15mm cuts? I am confused :( I want the best one of the two and this is my very first time purchasing a pruner.
I would invest in a good pair of secateurs (that means one handed pruners) rather than just sticking to using the small loppers you've actually bought - but obviously, you won't be able to cut anything over 15mm with the secateurs you can buy, so if you're not going to use them much because of that, there seems little point in buying them. You're a bit stuck really....
I know :( apart from that, are these cuts problem?
The one in the second image might be over time, bcause the outer bark has come away from the inner cambium, but there's nothing you can do about it now.unless you cut back lower down and remove that part of the stem. I wouldnt't be too cncerned about the one in the first image - the third image appears to show dead wood rather than live?
The third image is the live stem of weeping fig. I think it is live only because the stem has put forth many leaves. If those cuts are problem then I am really stuck here.
Pruners with 15mm capacity, can they not cut beyond 15mm? or it gets hard or damages the pruner?
trying to cut stems wider than is intended may damage the pruners and may be unscucessful in terms of actually cutting through a thick stem, leaving a chewed up or half cut/split mess behind
I have done it sometimes by cutting through halfway, reversing the pruners and cutting through from the other side, but it doesn't give great results
So any tips on making clean cuts since I am stuck with this pruner?
Or should I post some variety of plants that I have or intend t purchase?
I have already lost half of my plants due to moving
and don't want to lose another plant due to bad pruning.
just try to cut steadily and try even harder not to move or twist as you do cut. Thing is, secatuers and loppers (both pruners)
are not interchangeable - loppers are meant for much thicker, larger stems, secateurs for smaller ones.
Do you think it is worth investing in another pruner? I have only houseplants and not a garden or tress.
Some are lemon plant
Neem plant
Weeping figs
so really, everyone should have both - the loppers you bought are probably the worst option for loppers and secateurs in terms of giving reasonable control to make good cuts
song of India
Peace lilly
Its all down to the size of stems you need to cut - if they're under 15mm, use secateurs every time, but over that size, you will have to use the loppers you've bought
rubber plant
as I said, doesn't matter what the plant is, its the thickness of the stems that makes the difference
@Bamboo But why they are bad options? Like the quality or the size?
I used a pair like this myself at someone's garden - waht I don't like is the difficulty in controlling the cut. For loppers, the handles are too short and they don''t work as secateurs
because you need two hands to use them
with secaterus, you can at least hold the branch you're cutting steady with your other hand, which you can't when you're using loppers
that's an anvil type lopper, so unless you know you're cutting a lot of dead wood, you nneed bypass ones
even so, they;re no substitute for secateurs
The first time I held these pruners, that's my concern. How am I gonna make smaller cuts of branches? How am I gonna hold the branches,
well you cant - that's why you need separate secateurs too, the second amazon link ones are fine, but they're not secateurs....
No no
I was listing loppers
I see - but what you;ve got now are loppers, just with short handles, if you need anything else, its more important to find some good secateurs I'd have thought
The handle of this one very small so less leverage:…
these are the best ones
I don't have very good budget
remember my soil crisis?
This time I purchased some stuff
Pumice, peat moss, cactus soil, vermicompost
Might get the Wolf one as it cuts upto 19mm.
get the wolf onea - they're a good make, very reliaible
I am returning this and getting that one
Is 7 inch good size for normal hands?
Are garden scissors worth it? Or they are useless if one has a good pruner?
7 inches is fine... I've never bothered with garden scissors - if Iwant to use scissors, I just use a large sharp household pair, and only for trimming soft green stuff
like a herb bush or something, otherwise I use secateurs, shears and loppers at different times
Maybe when I have some bigger plants and collection will invest in a good lopper

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