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A: What was Pope Innocent VIII's reaction to the Edict of Expulsion of the Jews in 1492?

GeremiaHere is how the historian Dr. Ludwig Pastor explains it in his 1899 The History of the Popes vol. 5 pp. 345-7: The Jews in Spain were a source of considerable trouble to Innocent VIII. They had become a real danger to the population by their usury and their proselytising. In 1484, the Pope to...

Is Dr Pastor a reliable source?
Book says from original German, that he was professor of history university of Innsbruck
I am afraid, Ludwig von Pastor is not a neutral source but a proponent of unconditional obedience to the papacy and an apologist of everything the Catholic church ever did (including the Spanish inquisition). The antisemitic spirit of the time is also evident from the passage you quote.
Good H:SE answers should not just quote a source, but should provide context and assess reliability of the source. See Help Center>Answering This is especially true if the source is evidently not neutral (see other comment above) and outdated (Pastor wrote 120 years ago, when views of the papacy were very different from what they are today) as in this case. As it stands, I will have to downvote this answer. Please consider improving it.
@0range Is there something erroneous with the facts he reported and sources he cited?
@Geremia Pedro Arbués was killed by assassins hired by marranos, but his extreme hardness was far from groundlessly founded. The opposition against the Inquisition in the kingdom of Aragon was far from restricted to jews. The mutilation of crucifixes and profanations are nothing but blood libels, and the story about Toledo jews planning an uprising and posterior genocide of the christians is pure nonsense. All of which are presented by Dr. Pastor uncritically.
@Geremia Yes, unfortunately there is. The Jews did not concoct a plot "for massacring all the Christians". This is the usual antisemitic narrative. I am sure they also did not mutilate crucifixes. And since conversion to Judaism is generally not permitted, it is hard to see how the Jews' proselytising could have "become a real danger to the population" (even if it was, this is not logical). Finally, accusing proponents of the Spanish Inquisition such as Arbues of "extreme harshness" is hardly groundless. Does torture not seem harsh to you?
@Rekesoft Why was "Ferdinand finally determined to resort to a drastic remedy," then?
@Geremia: Assuming that you are genuinely confused by the issue, the answer to your question "Why was Ferdinand finally determined to resort to a drastic remedy?" is "For the same reason Hitler was "forced" to implement the Final Solution."
@MoisheKohan Which was?
The comment section is not for extended discussions (but for brief comments relevant to the answer). We can continue the discussion in the chat.
@MarkC.Wallace You may be interested to know that I have created a chat for this 2 days ago (linked above). I would argue that: 1. There was no need for you to create a second one. 2. You moving all comments to chat indiscriminately was not helpful.
I realize that this is standard practice on H:SE, I understand that moderating is a tedious and difficult job (Thank you), but this still defies the purpose of comments.

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