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@Feeds Thank you feeds! :)
@Namaskaram Do let us know how that book is if you manage to borrow and read it at some point! I tried looking on Google Books, but it did not give me any previews. Amazon also does not have the "look inside" option for this book.
Q: How can I learn to sing swaras (notes) correctly without an accompanying instrument?

BetaI'm trying to sing swaras correctly without the harmonium or identify a swara when played. But I'm finding it very hard to do. What is the best way to gain mastery over swaras so that one can sing them at will? How long does it take to achieve this mastery? I found this post that details the auth...

I revived the above question as I thought that it deserved more Indian-context-specific answers (the question had been marked duplicate and redirected to a question on absolute pitch training). Are there any specific exercises used in Carnatic music to train students to recognize swaras/sing them correctly on demand?
By the way, is there an equivalent to the "like" button in the chat room? I have been using the "star" in the way that I would use a "like," but I'm not sure if that's appropriate... :D
@Malavika hahaha. Sounds fun!
@Sadhana Hehe , unfortunately/fortunately there are no something equivalent to "like" button , but one can do a "conversation bookmark" other than marking stars , but that is a very good option for bookmarking looong interesting conversations :D :)
Well, I guess I will continue to star things to acknowledge and like comments then! :D
@Sadhana We can ask to @Namaskaram to put/make available a like button at the bottom of the room then ,hehe XD
@Namaskaram is now scrolling through this chat room transcript, I guess :D
Seconded! :D
Yaay ! 🥳😁
Oii @Namaskaram , Namaskaaram! needed like button , very BIG like button , strike started !
2 hours later…
@Mitra I received plenty of pings while a meeting was going on in another tab, and then I had to hurriedly close this one :P
@Sadhana "Officially", the star button is meant to pin any important messages to the starboard. In practice, stars are used for other reasons as well, including "liking" or "upvoting", so that's also fine.
Since chat conversations tend to ebb and flow, sometimes one may choose to pin a message so that it's easier to find later, or so that someone joining the conversation much later can quickly find which are the important messages. Or sometimes even to gather a quick poll.
Room owners have the additional ability to unstar messages, so the starboard can always be regularly cleaned up of stars that have outlived their usefulness. Still, it's better to star messages infrequently, since it tends to get distracting if a line of messages in one conversation are starred.
As @Mitra mentioned, conversation bookmarks are another useful record-keeping feature. Under the "room" dropdown menu in the top-right, you should be able to find an option to create a bookmark. You can also test out features of chat in a chatroom specifically created for this, called the Sandbox. :)
@Sadhana I can give a detailed review once I read it more thoroughly: a quick browse yesterday showed me that it is somewhere between a dictionary and an encyclopedia. Entries are arranged alphabetically, but they are not so brief as to just be definitions. In fact, I think I can give a complementary answer to yours on the types of Raga Sarang using this Companion. I'll just have to check how much I may be allowed to quote under "fair use" / copyright, etc.
@Sadhana I saw your edit, and I definitely approved of it: good to see that it helped get the question reopened, too!
@Sadhana Hmm, one big part of the training would be to practice the basic exercises: saralai varisai, jantai varisai, dhatu varisai, uchha sthayi varisai, alankaram and bhriga saadaka varisai in many Melakartha ragams, not just Mayamalavagoulai.
Then, my guru insisted that we try to notate on our own the compositions that we were taught. (We were only given the lyrics to note down, never the notation for a song.) The process of listening to a melodic line and identifying the notes in it definitely helped in developing svara jnyanam.
On my own, I would practice singing the scales of the 72 Melakartha ragams, in sequence and also in a random order, to get a feel for the positions of the different swaras. I'm quite sure this helped me, personally.
Sorry for the wall of text, I typed out too much all at once. My own eyes are hurting now. XD
Whether I can bring my experience of learning to sing swarams into a useful answer... hmm, it remains to be seen...
5 hours later…
@Namaskaram I hope you will! : )

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