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Q: Hindus and halal

asweenIs it OK for a Hindu to consume halal certified vegetarian items? There are vegetarian food items like spices and pickles that are certified like that.Should I ignore it or look for non-halal alternatives? I do understand there aren't any clear answer. My expectation is to just get some guidance...

@Just_Do_It are you counselling someone to eat meat on Hinduism forum? If so, then you can write answer and get some feedback.
@ram I have voted to close this question. It is not Hinduism or Sanata Dharma question. It is socio-cultural (humanities) domain questions.
@Rickross I have voted to close this question. It is not Hinduism or Sanata Dharma question. It is socio-cultural (humanities) domain questions.
@Just_Do_It Which version of the Gita/Geeta you are following? In the name of Hinduism everyone is taking a free hit. Krishna himself was a proponent of vegetarian diet. Which God, demi-God, Yogi, Shant, or Guru preached you to eat meat? This is not a socio-cultural site under humanities domain. Here you should share knowledge only based on the teaching of Hinduism. Support your thought by giving proof that meat is permissible in Hinduism. You can't stop them from eating it, but at same time you should also tell them that you are not practicing Hinduism either.
@Just_Do_It you can't snap back with an argument about what others are doing. If I see them, then I will require clarification from them as well. You can't support your argument based on those logic. Why aren't you correcting them? Also, provide independent support to your thoughts.
@UbiBhatt This question is not off-topic question. Our site includes social and cultural aspects of Hinduism too. This is as valid as "Can Hindus eat Beef/meat". I am not sure where and why you got the information this question is off-topic.
@Sarvabhouma secular mentality everywhere. You seams to forget that I also demanded said commentor to quote scriptures, guru, saint, or yogi teaching to eat meat. Being born hindu and practicing Hinduism is two different things.
@Sarvabhouma Can you explain how the term halal is a part of Hinduism? If you wish to comment then please comment with proper references because our website also demand to furnish proper source to substantiate your thoughts.
@UbiBhatt See help center for what is on-topic for the site. You can also see what is off-topic in the same page. There can be Hinduism equivalent for any term. English is not a part of Hinduism but you are talking. right? Meat is also an English word but we find an English equivalent. Ask the OP what they mean by Halal but this question doesn't become off-topic. "Secular mentality everywhere" What exactly do you mean by that? What else do you expect then? Fight among each other? This is not a Hindu website. Please understand Stack Exchange model. This is not a place to demand or debate.
@Sarvabhouma your logic is very lame when say English language is not Hindu or term meat is not Hindu. Also, you saying This is not a Hindu website really, then what it is? Halal website? The help center only talks about broad, open ended, or opinion based Qns to be off topic. So, according to you, if I ask questions: Can hindu fly an Apache Helicopter? Should also be consider proper question, because we are talking about social activity of a Hindu, isn't it. **Most important: You or Just_Do_It haven't supported your thoughts with authentic excerpt from any scripts/Guru.
@Sarvabhouma When I say, "Secular mentality" then I am talking about claims made by people without substantial proof. Stackexchange answers/comments/thoughts etc. demands proof in form of authentic sources. Also, you failed to explain, IS HALAL a part of Hindu terminology? There is difference between terminology and language vocabulary. Language can be used to express thoughts, it does not necessary be associated with any religion or dharma. First get your basics right.
@Sarvabhouma also, if you concentrate on question more than my trailing comments. Then OP is asking for Halal-Vegetarian food items, and not meat. That was the first trigger point when I questioned Just_do_it's comment. That user is simply endorsing eating meat even though OP isn't asking for it.
@Ubi I suggest u to get your words right. SE isn't a social media to use vocabulary as you wish. There's a Code of Conduct. Secular here means what it actually means i.e who is not connected to any religion and respects every religion equally. SE is a secular site which respects every religion equally. This is just a site for learning Hinduism not a Hindu site which preaches. That's where you're confused. Only answers are to be backed up with references. Comments are just for clarification. Please get your facts right from SE. Learn about "boat meme" on SO to know if your example is on-topic.
@Sarvabhouma don't deviate from original point. Try to read OP's question, if you are so into defending meat eating. OP is asking about Halal vegetarian food, and other commentor is endorsing eating Halal meat. I have been long on SE then you may be. I haven't used abusive words, or insulted anyone in any form. I am again and again trying to point that OP is asking about Halal VEGETARIAN food and not meat. Cultivate habit of reading question in detail before engaging someone into unwanted debate.
So, have you read question?
@UbiBhatt So what is your point?
How does this question become off-topic?
Even before we start any form of discussion. I would like to ask you, have you read the OP's question?
I am waiting for reply and then I will explain my side.
Yeah, I did.
Is it asking about meat eating?
Have you read the question?
asking rhetoric will not work
if so then please explain what question is asking
*what OP is asking
I asked a straight question why this question is off-topic. Just that is enough. You can read the question yourself if you want to know if it's asking about meat eating.
Please explain why this question is off-topic.
Q: Hindus and halal

asweenIs it OK for a Hindu to consume halal certified vegetarian items? There are vegetarian food items like spices and pickles that are certified like that.Should I ignore it or look for non-halal alternatives? I do understand there aren't any clear answer. My expectation is to just get some guidance...

> Is it OK for a Hindu to consume halal certified vegetarian items?
Well, I am very much clear about this particular question. It is not asking about meat. Now that you know that this question is not asking about eating meat. Your entire focus shifted on WHY I raised it as off topic, right?
Yeah, that's my question.
Then what was your point by saying this "This is as valid as "Can Hindus eat Beef/meat"?"
Where this raises or fulfill OP's need
Do you see similar questions asked like that?
right now let us talk about this question this question and your comment
@UbiBhatt This question is not off-topic question. Our site includes social and cultural aspects of Hinduism too. This is as valid as "Can Hindus eat Beef/meat". I am not sure where and why you got the information this question is off-topic. — Sarvabhouma 3 hours ago
I know what you wrote.
that is the reason I am asking explaination
OP isn't asking about meat at all. Then what was your point by saying "This is as valid as "Can Hindus eat Beef/meat"."
Q: Eating beef as a Hindu

Aditya SomaniI have been told many a times that I shouldn't eat beef because I am a Hindu by religion. Even though I have never worshiped a cow in my life or interacted with any on more than exotic basis, I find it hard to understand the logic behind not eating beef. My argument against this has been the sam...

you are comparing apples with oranges
I guess, you are losing entire concept of what OP asked in his/her question.
You claim that you know what OP asked
and you are comparing apples with oranges.
@UbiBhatt I am talking about my comment only. Read the comment. This question is as valid as "Can a Hindu eat meat or beef". It's asking whether Hindus are allowed to eat certain type of food.
OP is asking about Halal vegetarian food and you are egregiously commenting about Halal meat.
@UbiBhatt "Their" is correct pronoun.
now what?
@UbiBhatt I am not talking about halal meat or halal vegetarian or the other. I am saying it's on-topic because the OP seems to know whether eating halal certified food is ok for a Hindu.
> Can hindu fly an Apache Helicopter? Should also be consider proper question, because we are talking about social activity of a Hindu, isn't it.
Which scripture talks about terminology "Halal" in Hinduism? I hope you also know that any language be used to express your thoughts, whereas particular set of terminology is associated with subject of interest. Do, we have concept of Halal? It is not Hinduism question, it is Islamic SE site question. OP need to furnish what is Halal in first place.
"There can be Hinduism equivalent for any term. English is not a part of Hinduism but you are talking. right? Meat is also an English word but we find an English equivalent. "
This is off-topic question because it's a question about a Hindu alone. It falls under boat meme of Stack Overflow.
@UbiBhatt Well, the OP wants to know whether Hindus can eat it and not Muslims. If question is not clear, please ask for clarification and flag as unclear. But not as off-topic. If there is clarity, this question can be on-topic.
Well, I have prerogative to raise this question as off-topic and no one can dictate their terms on what should I do on SE. As far as, I am following SE guidelines and features provided to me as user, I can vouch to choose this as off topic question.
One can't close questions as their wish. There's scope for that. There is a standard behaviour too. That's written in Code of Conduct. So we can't just do what we want. Close is not downvote or dislike button.
Can you elaborate by what you mean to say by this 'Close is not downvote or dislike button."?
I mean we can't just close a question because we don't like it. Even question should be close worthy.
Then don't it. One require at least 5 votes to close question. But, I guess, you agree that I have prerogative to raise this question as off topic, isn't it. If I so believe it?
If it is flagged then Mod decides to close it or not
You are not moderator. So why you are talking closing of question as requested by me on you.
let mod decide
Moderator also goes by scope defined.
If it is open, then let it be.
Moderator hasn't decided yet. If they don't want to close this questions, then I don't mind.
I raised by voice because I haven't read Halal terminology in any scriptures so far.
It is best suited to ask Muslim brothers that what is Halal Vegetarian food. They are in better position to help. As they know meaning of Halal food of any form.
I hope I have cleared by stand so far
Do you want me to be in chat for you to explain my stand any further?
waiting for your closure
I don't want to close chat without your consent

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