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Q: Is Choker worth playing?

lbragileChoker (chess + poker) was released recently as a mobile app. It is a game where players have a round of poker to bet on cards they draw. They then use these cards to play chess and win the bets. My concern is that this is very unfair to one of the players as often even strong hands are not str...

Why is this being closed? What's the point of all this "closing"? Do you not want me to ask my questions anymore?
I agree. Why is this different from any of the other variants, or chess boxing that gets covered on Personally, I think most variants are rubbish, but where do you draw the line? It is very arbitrary.
I think some variants are very stimulating and fun to play. Like most the variants on However, Choker seems to rely heavily on luck rather than chess skills as it favors the poker side much more (which seems to be a bit biased to one player).
I am not saying they cannot be fun for some people, but I still have my low opinion about them. That said, I am generally reluctant to censor thinking. That includes closing most questions unless they are duplicates. I think the the line drawn here is often hypocritical, and some questions are allowed whereas others that are roughly the same are closed.
0 I completely agree with my learned colleague PhishMaster. This is a fun question about a (commercial) chess variant and deserves to be asked and answered. Welcome Ibragile!
I see you are giving some bounties out, Ibragile. Hope this isn't the act of someone planning to leave chess.stackexchange soon. I for one value your contributions here and I am sorry if some moderatorial over-reaction has made you feel unwelcome. Hope you decide to stay
Thanks Laska, I was planning to leave earlier, but after seeing the comments I decided that chess knowledge is better than some negative administrative actions. Plus this community is very informative and supportive most of the time. I appreciate your support!
I play poker too. I downloaded it. It looks funny.I am going to play some games before answering.
Ibragile My first view is there is material inbalance almost allways, so I found the game more interesting as poker player than as chess player. Gonna calculate with python the frequency. I am not very good programing so give me a couple of days. I promish to give you my full point of view of the game. By the way, thanks for posting, I discover the game thanks to you. I think I am gonna enjoy it :)
What exactly is the question here? Your post reads like a rant, made into a question by “but what do you think” at the end. You may have a different goal for this question, but as it stands it looks like you just want people to agree with your assessment. Even if you are genuinely interested in other people’s opinions, that would make the question opinion-based which is not a good fit for the SE network (there is a closing reason dedicated to this). Please specify what exactly you want to know. So far, the only sentence ending in a question mark is a question only the developers can answer.
Also, I’m sorry you feel like many of your questions have been closed. Looking at your profile, though, I don’t see them, I only see very well-scoring questions. The point of all this closing (to answer your first comment) is to keep the question quality high enough that the people who write high-quality answers (the subject matter experts) are kept interested so they stay on the site. Of course, what makes a question high-quality is sometimes a matter of debate, but the help center should be leading in this.
@Universal_learner What exactly is the question? Asking people to share their point of view? I refer you to the help center.
@11684 I am poker and chess player. I find the question good. Queenside games is not going to change the rules, but the sugest of poster to allow pieces to place on all the ranks is very good. Maybe he could specify a bit the question but I find it good as player and perfectly answerable from a chess point of view.
@11684 he may have asked it in a better way but I understand the question. I played the game and it looks like it is more poker than chess. He asks if material inbalance make the chess part unplayable. In fact if you play a hand, most of positions are resigning ones for a club player not expert. So what's the point of playing it as chess player he is asking
@Universal_learner You might have correctly guessed Ibragile’s intent, but that is simply not written in the question. (If you disagree please quote the relevant portion.) Again, I’m not saying the essence of the question is bad, just that the form the OP posted it in is unclear and satisfies multiple close reasons, to help the OP (since they complained about their questions getting closed).
@11684 well mods opened the question. I agree if a poster is complaining his question was closed the correct thing to do is to link the help center as you did. I may don't find the question weird because I play both games as you say. Tomorrow gonna answer. Gonna resume the rules for chess readers to realize how the game works at the header.
Ibragile I left them the feedback on the store linking to this and also sugesting to include premoves. Who knows? maybe they change that.
@Ibragile I will post you the answer from the app team to the sugestion of allowing premoves

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