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Search returns 17 posts on MO and 103 posts network-wide with math.sfsu.edu/beck. I recently edited this post to include https://matthbeck.github.io/papers/ccd.pdf instead of the dead link.
A: Two questions on the permutohedron

Sam HopkinsThe number of integer points in $P_n$ is the number of forests on $[n]$; see Section 3 of Stanley's Decompositions of rational convex polytopes. In fact you can see there a simple description of its entire Ehrhart polynomial in terms of forests. (See also Section 9.3 of Beck and Robins's book Com...

The link to Beck and Robins's book no longer works - but is seems to be still available online on a new website: matthbeck.github.io/ccd.html and matthbeck.github.ioMartin Sleziak 17 secs ago
3 hours later…
What is the oldest open problem in mathematics? I have added following François G. Dorais' recommendation that this tag is about posts concerning multiple open problems (rather than a single one).
Q: What is the oldest open problem in mathematics?

coudyWhat is the oldest open problem in mathematics? By old, I am referring to the date the problem was stated. Browsing Wikipedia list of open problems, it seems that the Goldbach conjecture (1742, every even integer greater than 2 is the sum of two primes) is a good candidate. The Kepler conjectu...

About (open-problems-list) tag

Oct 14, 2017 at 9:05, 2 days total – 61 messages, 3 users, 3 stars

Bookmarked Oct 17, 2017 at 7:26 by Martin Sleziak

Oct 16, 2017 at 3:36, by François G. Dorais
In any case, using for specific problems is a meta usage and shouldn't be encouraged. I remember adding the plural form in an attempt to discourage this.
Q: Could we characterize elements in the second dual by the character space?

Meisam Soleimani Malekanlet $A$ and $B$ be commutative Banach algebras. Assumes that $A\tilde\otimes B$ is a Banach algebra obtained by completing $A\otimes B$ with respect to a cross norm not less than the injective norm. It is well now that the character space of $A\tilde\otimes B$, $\Delta(A\tilde\otimes B)$, ...

@MartinSleziak With regards to you fighting with http/https links for DOI links. I realised some time ago that there are some issues with the citation helper code as well as with the data we are getting from zbMath. It will be much simpler to let us try and fix this globally first and then ask SE to just update all the links in the background in one go.
So there's no need to fight a losing battle with those. Not that you shouldn't do it, it's just a problem on a more global scale and your energy can be directed to other issues.
@AsafKaragila That's exactly why I posted the feature request about this.
Q: Could the citation helper include DOI-links as https rather than http?

MartinThe citation helper usually includes some link in the citation. Specifically, it includes a link to zbMATH. And a link to a paper - quite often as DOI. However, the DOI-links are in the "old" format http://dx.doi.org/DOI rather than https://doi.org/DOI. For example, I have just tested this on Mat...

I still maintain that in general, it is better to have https than http (if available). Regardless whether it is a link to Wikipedia, nLab or elsewhere.
I do not consider it a big thing. But if a question is bumped for some other reason, I think it's reasonable to fix this, too.
The phrase "there's no need to fight a losing battle" sounds a bit like broken things on MO are by design. (I.e., there's no point in fixing dead links, wrong tags, typos, etc.)
@MartinSleziak It's not by design, but the data we are getting from zbMath is "broken", as to some extent is the citation helper (which to my understanding is somehow under my responsibility at this point). I've already asked the board members for the contact at zbMath for their server-side code, since that needs fixin' much more than our code does (in fact, if they fix their code, we might not need to do anything at all). Hopefully this will be easy and sort itself out next week. But probably not.
I meant MO being broken in general - not the specifically.
@AsafKaragila As far as I know, citation helper is no longer "additional javascript" added by the MO mods - it is now a part of Stack Exchange software.
That's why I posted the feature request on Meta Stack Exchange (and even a mod on that site confirmed that it is the right place for the feature request).
It involves site software in more than one site, with something that the devs probably have more visibility than us? I don't see why it wouldn't belong here. — Journeyman Geek ♦ Nov 23 at 11:36
@MartinSleziak Yes, but since it is a fairly straightforward script and the majority of the code is formatting the output, I have a strong feeling that the SE devs would prefer to receive a bit of code from the MO people than to figure it out themselves.
Also, the point is that the feature request to change the formatting is almost entirely irrelevant to SE, it's first and foremost about the data coming from zbMath.

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