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Q: Can we extend the Bernoulli distributions on finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$?

MathlearnerThe source of the following topic is Section 5 (Measure and integration), Chapter II of the book $p$-adic numbers, $p$-adic analysis and zeta functions. by Neal Koblitz: The $p$-adic field $\mathbb{Q}_p$ has topological basis of open sets of the form $a+p^N \mathbb{Z}_p$ for $0 \leq a \leq p^N-1$...

2 hours later…
Seeing the recent edits by David Roberts made me a bit curious which posts have been edited the most (i.e., the posts with most revisions).
This is what I got: main, meta.
And here is a query which shows a bit more data about the post - but the query had to be a bit more complicated (INNER JOIN for PostHistory and Posts): main, meta.
On meta, this answer has the most revisions: latex.mathoverflow.net/png images broken
However, I should explicitly mention that bumping by a Community User is counted as a "revision" in the above query. The posts with most bumps: main, meta.
4 hours later…
Since there has already been a lot of activity concerning the arXiv frontend, I'll add a few minor comments.
The numbers in my answer show the status from the time when the answer was posted.
Using the SEDE queries I posted there, one can also look for posts which were edited away.
I would not consider those queries 100% reliable, but they can be considered at least a reasonable approximation.
I am not sure to which extent they will be useful, but I have added such queries to most bullet points.
Maybe they might be a bit useful, maybe not - after all it needed, they can be edited away. (And maybe in some places the wording can be changed.)
The version after me adding links to those queries is the revision 30.

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