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6 hours later…
Q: Creating arithmetic logic tag

YCorIt seems to me that a tag for "arithmetic logic" is missing while it concerns a significant number ($\sim 500?$) of questions, which currently have no common tag other than the very broad lo.logic —3700 questions— (while the main specific tag in this direction, peano-arithmetic —206 questions— is...

3 hours later…
A new tag was created in the above question.
BTW there is a minor typo - [tag:metamathematics should be [tag:metamathematics]. (Missing closing square bracket.)
I do not know to which extent the name of user with recent activity on question influences whether MO users actually look at the question - I simply mentioned this here, since I know that you visit this room.
@MartinSleziak The question was bumped by reopening, so I have edited the answer to change https://mathoverflow.net/questions/22038 to `mathoverflow.net/a/22038. The other question is now among the linked questions.
4 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Yep I'll probably add this tag to a few other meta questions (but not while this specific question is active) Thanks for pointing the typo, now fixed (in general feel free to edit!)

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