@YCor I see that you have edited the "MO “memorial” questions". What do you think of the suggestion to add the on-topic tag?
yesterday, by Martin Sleziak
specific-question meta Perhaps on-topic could be added to: Ron Graham (1935-2020), and MO “memorial” questions?
I think that your comment is unlikely to get deleted, but maybe it still makes sense to copy it here:
The question initially mentioned the then very recent death of Ron Graham and asked "Ron Graham passed away on July 6, 2020. (...) What the community could do right now to remember Ron Graham and to commemorate his outstanding contributions to mathematics". Now there is a MO post about this mathoverflow.net/questions/365170/…. In case there is still a need to address this question in Meta I'd suggest to repost it separately. — YCor 1 hour ago
The question here is (among other things) whether such posts are suitable on MO. So maybe the tag (on-topic) could be suitable for this question? — Martin Sleziak yesterday
Jul 13 at 5:46, by Martin Sleziak
tag-suggestion The about comment suggests memorial. Maybe tag called mathematicians would be useful for questions about a specific mathematician? Such tag exists on Mathematics.
@polfosol: A tag is a good idea. Over on Science Fiction & Fantasy meta SE, we call it scifi.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/in-memoriam . "obituary" is another name we could use for the tag. — Zsbán Ambrus Jul 17 at 19:10
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