How fast are deprecated tags getting removed?
May 1 at 8:04, 2 hours 27 minutes total – 22 messages, 2 users, 0 stars
Bookmarked May 1 at 10:40 by Martin Sleziak

TL;DR: I suggest to blacklist the deprecated tags that still exist on some questions, in order to prevent them from being added to new questions.
There are a few tags which are deprecated and should not be used at all, but still exist on the site.1 Ideally such tags should be completely removed,...
During the last month I have not edited away any of the deprecated tags. It seem that the numbers did not change too much anyway.
abstract-algebra has 329 questions, 193 after removing the most frequent related top-level tags, 113 not having any top-level tag at all.
geometry has 402 questions, 249 with no geometry-related top-level tag, 150 with no top-level tag at all.
Rodrigo de Azevedo: mathoverflow.net/posts/252629/revisions mathoverflow.net/posts/299619/revisions mathoverflow.net/posts/254912/revisions
And as I have mentioned a few times, François G. Dorais removed (geometry) tag from a bunch of questions during the last year. I'd guess that getting from 475 questions in August close to 400 is largely thanks to his edits.
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