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2:15 PM
I have already added to the question Which popular games have been studied mathematically? (Since the tag-info explicitly says: "Applications of mathematics for the design and analysis of games and puzzles".)
Q: Which popular games have been studied mathematically?

David WhiteI'm planning out some research projects I could do with undergraduates, and it struck me that problems analyzing games might be appropriate. As an abstract homotopy theorist, I have no experience with this, so I'm writing to ask for some help. I think students will be more interested in popular g...

Still, I mentioned it also here in case somebody has a feedback on this. (I have explicitly mentioned also in the edit summary that I did this based on the guidance given in the tag-excerpt.)
I wonder whether there is somewhat better description of what belongs under than the current revision of the tag-info. However, I do not have any good suggestion myself.
Recreational mathematics is mathematics carried out for recreation (entertainment) rather than as a strictly research and application-based professional activity. Although it is not necessarily limited to being an endeavor for amateurs, it often involves mathematical puzzles and games. Many topics in this field require no knowledge of advanced mathematics, and recreational mathematics often appeals to children and untrained adults, inspiring their further study of the subject. Mathematical competitions (such as those sponsored by mathematical associations) are also categorized under recreational...
MSE has a bit longer tag-info but the tag-excerpt is rather short: Puzzles, curiosities, brain teasers and other mathematics done "just for fun".
However, questions described like this would probably not belong on MO (puzzle $\ne$ research-level question).
2:58 PM
I have added feeds for questions tagged and .
Q: Voting on suggested tag synonyms

Ricardo AndradeI created a suggestion for the tag synonym 'mg.metric-geometry' <--- 'classical-geometry' two weeks ago. However, it appears to have received no votes yet, up or down. Is this delay to be expected? If not, what is wrong?

Q: Potential "technical" obstacle to migrations, and suggestion for a solution

user9072Practical advice: If you want to/vote to migrate something to another site (especially math.SE) please make sure that at least one of the tags on the question exists on the target site (math.SE). Possibly, do a retag to achieve this. If not, the migration will be rejected. Update: The reques...

Q: Merge complex-analysis and cv.complex-variables?

Nate EldredgeWe have distinct tags complex-analysis and cv.complex-variables, of which the latter is the arXiv standard name. They seem to mean the same thing. Should they be merged?

Q: Proposed merger of tags

Mikhail KatzI would like to get some reactions to the idea of merging several tags under an umbrella "infinitesimal". The motivation is that the individual tags each have few questions, and the existence of separate tags makes it more difficult for a user to become aware of other related questions. The tag...

Q: Can some higher power merge the enumeration and enumerative-combinatorics tags?

Tony HuynhI tried to do this myself, but I do not have sufficient privileges to do so. It seems like I cannot even suggest one as a synonym of the other. As a side question, is having an approved synonym the same thing as merging?


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