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@YCor I suppose creating (gfractals) tag was just a typo, I've changed it back to fractals. (If there is such a thing as g-fractals, I apologize for my ignorance. And thanks for adding top-level tags and improving tagging in general, as you have done here and on many other questions.) — Martin Sleziak 17 secs ago
I have created tag on meta - such tag exists on Mathematics Meta and singular- warning - exists on Meta.SE. Let me know if you think that the tag is not suitable here - or simply remove it.
BTW I did not get any warning when creating .
Q: Could there be a warning when a new tag is created?

Martin SleziakIt is rather easy to make a typo and create a new tag by mistake without even noticing it.1 Could we have a warning saying that the user is creating a new tag so that users can notice such mistakes more easily? This was implemented a few years ago, see: Warning or confirmation on new tag creati...

9 hours later…
@MartinSleziak yes of course it's a typo, I didn't mean to touch this tag. Thanks for fixing! — YCor 3 hours ago

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