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I have noticed tag in this question:
Q: 12th grade - Ramanujan Partition theory

JosephI've been really trying to prove Ramanujan Partition theory, and different sources give me different explanations. Can someone please explain how Ramanuja (and Euler) found out the following equation for the number of partitions for a given integer? Any help is appreciated thank you so much! ent...

The tag-info is empty. Is it clear what the tag is supposed to be used for? On math.SE this tag is was blacklisted, see here and here.
5 hours later…
@MartinSleziak the idea ought to be that it is for questions about proofs specifically. But really I think it's not a meaningful tag. I am actually surprised it's around. I do recall , which is not much better, and I think we got rid of missing-lemma at one point.
When searching whether this has been discussed on meta, I have noticed that the tag of the same name exists on meta, too: .
@quid Perhaps tag could be important enough to raise the issue Help improve tagging! I will wait a bit to see whether there will be some feedback in this room. And perhaps when I have a bit more time I will make a post there.
Although looking at that thread, it does not seem that too many of the issues raised there get resolved. But at least it would bring some attention to the tag.
This is strange. I tried to add two links to the tag-info . Namely What are the Frequently Asked Questions on meta? and FAQ for Stack Exchange sites.
Yet the review system behaves as if I created the whole tag-info: meta.mathoverflow.net/posts/3097/revisions meta.mathoverflow.net/review/suggested-edits/248
As you can check in Internet Archive, the tag-info existed long before my suggested edit.
Is this somehow connected with the fact that it is moderator-only tag? Or is the more likely reason that the tag-wiki was migrated when MO joined SE network?
1 hour later…
@MartinSleziak MO had no integrated meta before the move. Meta then was a discussion board comepletely independent of the main site. (Except for a link.) It is still accessible (and even theoretically active) here: tea.mathoverflow.net thus it is certainly not this. It is also not strictly because it is a mod only tag though indirectly in a way. Sorry maybe I should get to the point...
What is I believe the reason is that there are a few tags that have pre-written tag infos.
This is mainly for the mod tags, but also for feature-request for example.
If you visit meta.mathoverflow.net/tags/feature-request/info there is an info. If you click the history you'll get a 404 error.
That is the info is there but noone, not even Community, owns it I assume. Thus you then get it all once you touch it.
Seems like a bug to me.
At the very least there should be no history link giving a 404 error on the revision.
It's not specific to MO. You can look at the Math Ed meta for example. Most tag infos that are there are pre written ones.
So it is easy to reproduce there.
Feel free to test it there.
@quid D'oh! Difficult to believe how stupid I am. I knew about tea (and that it still exists). So it is not possible that it has something to do with migration.
If you do, maybe ping me so that I can approve the edit; the meta there is a bit idle so it might not happen soon otherwise.
I see the behavior you describe on Math Educators: meta.matheducators.stackexchange.com/tags/feature-request/info is discplayed, but 404 for history: meta.matheducators.stackexchange.com/posts//revisions
@quid By test it, you mean trying to edit some meta tag?
I should have a look first to see whether I have something reasonable to edit in some of those tags.
@MartinSleziak yes.
So most likely explanation is that it has something to do with default tags.
@MartinSleziak yes, but only those (which is a minority) that in addition to being default have a prewritten/default tag info.
The tag users is in the list of tags on MESE as a default tag but has no tag info
@quid Would it be ok if I add "See also: FAQ for Stack Exchange sites" to the tag-wiki for ?
Just for the sake of testing - you can remove it then again.
@quid Well, I went ahead and made edit suggestion to the faq tag-info on that site.
@MartinSleziak on the other subject, IIRC various things did get resolved (although it could take some time) in this and in a similar thread, but the practice was to delet for the most part things that got resolve (maybe not that good idea in retrospect). So it is a kind of confirmation bias that it looks as if almost nothing got resolved.
@quid I see. I should work on my MO reputation, so that I can see deleted things.
As expected, the edit behaves exactly the same way on math educators.
@MartinSleziak sure. I approved it.
Thanks for the test. I'll have a look whether this has been reported - if not I will post on meta.SE.
@MartinSleziak I had to approve two suggestions. ALso for the excerpt, which I think you did not actually touch at all.
Exactly, I did not edit the excerpt.
@MartinSleziak yes, good idea, I think it should definitely be reported.
Probably I should also have a look at Math.SE - where I have privilege to edit tag-wikis. (So if I add something, it will not be through suggested edit.)
As I said, if you think the added link is not useful, feel free to remove it - it was mainly the test. (Personally I do not think it does any harm there.)
After all, it says that the tag-wiki has been viewed two times. (Although it is possible that the counter has been reset now.)
Although it only mentions the 404 error, not the incorrect revision history after the post is edited.
Sorry I got got distracted. I also tested what happens when I edit something directly. I did it on the discussion tag.
On mese. Same thing.
Maybe worth adding that additional problem there.
The edit is perfectly fine I think.
@quid I see that I have added "see also" twice to the tag-wiki for faq. I should have been more careful. So I have made new edit suggestion - if you happen to have time, could you please approve this one too?
I wonder whether rejection of the edit would mean that the whole tag-wiki (including the original text) is lost. But we can leave it for others to test also this.
I approved it.
@quid If you are willing to do one more test - what happens if an edit is rejected - simply ping me.
I'll be probably at my computer for the next hour.
BTW I have posted on meta.SE: The imported tag-info for default tags is ignored in revision history. Although it is rather similar to the previous bug report linked above.
1 hour later…
@MartinSleziak sorry I missed that. I'll be around for a quarter hour an then likely off-line for a while. But tomorrow afternoon (UTC) I should be around a lot.
@quid So we will leave it for now?
Or can we try during the 15 minutes you have now?
Although, I do not think that is something very important, but since we have already started testing...
@MartinSleziak since you are here, you could just go ahead an do it, sure. Please make t so it is obvious it shoudl rejected. Like "Test please reject or somethin. " I am not sure my vote suffices. (Although likely it should)
Or I am the first to see it.
Ok, I will copy the text of the wiki here:
Excerpt: You need help with the use of one or more of the site's features.
Body: Before posting your question, please check the <a href="http://meta.matheducators.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/faq">FAQs</a>‌​, and do a <a href="http://meta.matheducators.stackexchange.com/search">search</a> to see if your problem already has a known solution or procedure. If you cannot find an answer, we will be happy to help you.
@quid I have made edit suggestion to support: meta.matheducators.stackexchange.com/tags/support/info
So I guess that after it is rejected, the tag-info will be empty.
@MartinSleziak I rejected the wiki, yet approved the summary. Result as expected.
Ok, I have also saved the tag-info after the change in Internet Archive.
The excerpt is there and yours but the tag info is empty and now owned by community.
I guess you can restore the tag-info from here: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/34707668/history
It is probably easier to do for somebody who has privileges to edit tag-wikis.
@MartinSleziak sure, I'll restore it later.
I will update the meta.SE post (with the link to internet archive.)
See you!
Thanks once again! Have a nice day!

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