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A: Shortest infinite loop producing no output

A̲̲W, 5 bytes Pretty much a terrible language for looping. i""pE Explanation i E % Foreach the range from 0 to positive infinity: "" % Push the null string p % Print the value (i.e. print nothing) % Implicit print disabled

Foreaching to infinity? That sounds like an interesting approach. Reminds me of TRANSCRIPT, which has no while loop -> no infinite loop -> not interesting to me. If only variables can be infinity...
I feel glad that you find my language interesting! (I initially didn't think it as interesting...)
(Very off topic and self-promoting and attention-drawing and... but: Do you have prime detection in 1+?)
And also, if W have "implicit print disable command" just like Retina, it could be 3 bytes XD
Nope. The Foreach loop body has to be exist in W. If not this foreaches over the implicit input printing positive infinity on each iteration.
I mean I wish there is a command which makes the implicit printing "silent". For example, if it is ., then the program i.E would be 3 bytes.
(I have already made . an inclusive range but oh well.) Adding a flag might be nice, but I am too lazy to do this...
I didn't mean you have to use exactly ., just take it because Retina uses taht
How many characters have you left (or has them been all used)?
Anyway, what do you think . should do upon the stack? I have no idea what operation it should do.
I have about half of the ASCII codepage used. (And I am trying to remove some of them to make W simple.)
Reply: "Anyway, what do you think . should do upon the stack? I have no idea what operation it should do." I'm not sure... do nothing at all?
Possibly push the null string. But doing that is only useful in specific circumstances. (I'd prefer leaving that alone.)
left a while
(I think Japt has 1-char null string constant, but we don't want that kind of thing)
@A̲̲ I'm still not sure how would that implicit thing work...
Maybe . can be equivalent to ""P, which disables the implicit printing of this loop? (Which is much useful than equivalenting to "".)
1 hour later…
@HighlyRadioactive Added an i which consists with the spirit of the language. It disables the implicit print (at least in an each body).

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