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3:53 PM
A: Help cleanup tags!

YCorI propose to make qcqp (10 questions) a synonym of quadratic-programming (34 questions). quadratic-programming has no usage guidance. qcqp has: A quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) is an optimization problem in which both the objective function and the constraints are quadratic...

4:12 PM
A: Help cleanup tags!

YCorI propose to systematically rename each tag xxx reduced to the name of a software, adding "-software" to make the tag (thus xxx-software) more understandable, and, furthermore, to allow to gather such tags when typing "software". This applies to sage, gap, magma, coq, etc (this list is not compr...

1 hour later…
5:31 PM
It seems that [tag:quadratic-programming was created in 2014 - the edit summary explicitly says "new tag: quadratic programming".
5:46 PM
I see that I did not include the link - the edit summary mentioning creation of is here: mathoverflow.net/posts/159693/revisions
@RodrigodeAzevedo The synonymization of qcqp and quadratic-programming was recently suggested on meta. As far as I can tell, you are the creator of the (qcqp) tag, so I thought it might be useful to let you know. Feel free to ping me here or in chat to let me know that you've seen this message and I can remove it. (It is unrelated to the question - I used it just as a place where it was possible to ping you.) — Martin Sleziak 4 mins ago
@MoritzFirsching The synonymization of qcqp and quadratic-programming - with quadratic-programming as the master tag - was recently suggested on meta. As far as I can tell, you are the creator of one of these two tags. So I wanted to let you know in case you have something to add to the discussion on meta. Feel free to ping me here or in chat to let me know that you've seen this message and I can remove it. — Martin Sleziak 51 secs ago
BTW I have pinged the tag creators of those two tags - in case they have something to add to this discussion. — Martin Sleziak 15 secs ago

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