@MartinR Give duplicates is correct but give it suddenly doesn't prevent that duplicate questions are raised. Let the asker work a little bit by themselves on it and then give the duplicates.
I only would like to know what is your aim giving dunplicates suddenly. The asker has requested genuinely an help. Give suddenly duplicates or full answers by comment doen't prevent that these kind of question are raised. Otherwise many users are not motivated to make effort because they know they will receive answers for free.
I only would like to know what is your aim in giving duplicates suddenly. The asker has requested genuinely for an help. Give suddenly duplicates or full answers by comments doesn't prevent that these kind of questions are raised. On the contrary many users are not motivated to make some effort to search for duplicates by themselves because they know they will receive answers for free by duplicates and comment
10 hours later…
@user I have quoted it before: “The fundamental goal of closing duplicate questions is to help people find the right answer by getting all of those answers in one place.” (From math.stackexchange.com/help/duplicates).
If a question has been asked and answered before (in this case, at least 9 times) then I do not see any value in adding a 10th answer. If you have a new solution then it is better to add that to an existing Q&A. (Your answer here is not new, compare math.stackexchange.com/a/1334183/42969).
Actually I voted to close this question as off-topic (missing context) because OP did not show his/her effort to solve the problem. There are different opinions whether a poor duplicate question should be closed as off-topic or as a duplicate (see the comments at math.meta.stackexchange.com/q/22830/42969).
Re “Let the asker work a little bit by themselves on it and then give the duplicates.” – As soon as you have provided the answer, askers have the solution and will not try to improve the question anymore. That encoures posting more poor questions.
Re “On the contrary many users are not motivated to make some effort to search for duplicates by themselves because they know they will receive answers for free by duplicates and comment” – Answering the question does not motivate to search for duplicates either. They got the solution for free, and that's it.
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