How do you avoid getting angry or upset because you perceived in your mind (and the impression is very strong) they do not want to hire you and you are wasting your time by remaining there?
I agree. It's certainly he first thing that occurred to me. The second being that if I employed the OP, I feel that he would be likely to express his anger, be put on aP|IP, and fired within a few months. Fredinand, if you feel like this is happening to you often, please seek some help. Also, if you feel an ourburst of aner coming on during an interview, say something like " I don't feel that this interview is going well, and don't want to take up any more of your time, solet's top here", then walk out before you shout - or worse.
Some of the tpughest interviews I've ever had have actually been successful. I think you need to be careful because your anger could end up causing a self fulfilling prophecy. i. e. The interviewers sense your anger and are taken aback. It's important to not let your emotions get the better of you.
@mxyzplksaysreinstateMonica I think this is the first time I've seen a comment that would be eligible for the Populist badge if the top answer was marked as correct. Mars is right, you should give this as an actual answer. It's obvious that the community likes it better than the ones that are already here.
I was ranked second in an interview for a position I considered myself unqualified for, I was surprised to be ranked so highly. A year later I spoke the candidate who got offered the position (and accepted), and he said he was surprised to have been offered the position (he didn't know I was ranked second when he said "probably all the other candidates were sh*t"). You might be surprised when you get (close to) an offer.
@Mars Answers can be upvoted or downvoted. A comment is permanently at the top- evading quality control no matter how short or controversial the answer.
Guys, please consider that they might be in an industry where this happens a lot. For example. actors will often spend a lot of time preparing and going to auditions only to discover again and again that the part was already cast but they had to hold an audition due to union rules.
Interviewer, writing: "Does - not - perform - well - under - pressure". Sometimes interviews are deliberately designed to make you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, they are deliberately designed to make you feel comfortable. But, they are always watching your response and behaviour - even during lunch or a tea-break (if they offer you that). Best to assume that the interview starts as you enter the premises, and doesn't end until you're no longer in view of the building!
Did you say in the interview something like "I can't answer that question because I don't know that library"? If so, did the interviewer say or indicate that you had no chance of getting the job? Remember the interviewer may be working off a script that gives every interviewee the same questions and opportunities to demonstrate a skill.
Well, I can’t change my comment (now deleted though it has hundreds of upvotes, which seems unusual) now... not sure why this is closed, questions don’t have to be super long to be clear. @fernandomartinez I’d suggest you edit your comments about the situation into your question to get it reopened.
Fernando, you say you have "no experience with this Java library", and you talk about "jquery and java". I hate to ask a basic question, but you are aware that JQuery and Java have absolutely nothing to do with each other? And are you aware of the difference between Java and Javascript?
And if you were told about this library, why didn't you spend you 2-3 hours reading up about the library, instead of reading about array lists and node lists?
javascript =/= java. Since I saw you bring up jQuery and java which are unrelated (though javascript and jQuery is related since jQuery is javascript library)
@FernandoMartinez If you want it deleting flag for mod attention and ask them to delete it. Vandalizing your post like a tantruming toddler is not the way.
@FernandoMartinez Nor is casting spurious close votes.