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Q: 17 years old - made a mistake and got fired for stealing $50 at my first job - what other job options could I have?

IamAlex00057988I used to work at a fast food store and I made a really stupid mistake by stealing $50 and had to suffer the consequences of being fired. Now I'm worried if i can't or won't be able to get hired anywhere else. I had good things ahead of me - I'm in a welding tech program getting certified to weld...

Yeah, change your user name. You just need to contact a mod.
@Kilisi I usually agree with most things you say, but saying "low 90's at welding isn't much" sounds kinda rude to me. Welding is a great profession, and low 90s is above average. It is a trade where you can make great money, without having to spend a fortune on student loans.
Do you have a criminal record?
@Pudora I did welding, it's not rocket science.... to me low 90's would show lack of practice
Why would you put your own name as the username, when asking this question? smh
Somewhat ironic; Asking the question like this could be more harmful than the deed itself.
Wow. A lot of the Workplace community showing just how dishonest they are here.
@Kilisi if you're talking about regular welding, sure, it is not rocket science. Specialty welding (sanitary, underwater, etc.), on the other hand...
In @Kilisi's defense - stealing money is a good starter path for getting into politics. (I'll leave all comments about welding out of the equation.)
@JulianaKarasawaSouza op is at tech getting first certs, no mention of scuba diving or spaceships
On the other hand, if I were an employer discovering this Q when searching the Internet for the OP, I'd be impressed by the honesty and courage shown by the OP and by the OP taking responsibility for their actions. Also, I strongly believe every human being deserves at least 50 new chances in life. Always. Still, I know we live in a harsh world and that many employers might see things differently. So, sadly, the advice to change user name might be well motivated in practice. OP: I really hope everything will end up well for you!
@andreasrejbrand - you believe in redemption. Many don't. Most people would simply not want to take the risk - employers wouldn't want to risk having expensive equipment potentially go missing.
@AndreiROM And if something does go missing, OP will be suspected immediately.
@zovitssupportsgofundmonica - exactly. Had this happen to a mechanic friend of mine who's a very solid and trustworthy guy. Some tools went missing when he was the one responsible for locking up the shop. Did he take them? No. Another guy was picked up by his friend, who came into the shop for all of 5 minutes - he probably stole them. But my friend had the keys, and thus the responsibility. He had to replace the missing (and expensive) tools, and wasn't trusted to work unsupervised in the shop again for almost a year. The inconvenienced owner didn't care about the details.
@RyanfaeScotland what are you talking about?
Either a smear/troll or an accidental self-dox. I propose the question be dis-associated with the user account so it's posted by "Anonymous", so it can't be tied to a real person via reviewing edits and comments.
@StephanBranczyk he should definitely change the name. Another interesting scenario is that the wrong person gets blamed for something he didn't do because of similar names.
@Cloud Why have you got my username?! I was here first (and by here, I mean the overall SE site, not workplace...)
@Cloud I'm not quite sure, beyond me changing it some time back because I felt my old one was silly. Not my intent to duplicate usernames: the UI just let me change it.
@Cloud Given that I was able to obtain JoL, which I haven't on any other site, I think SE just lets usernames be duplicated. I think that's rather nice, if you ask me. You guys just got lucky and met each other, but that's probably rare (with the exception of users with the name "Reinstate Monica"). Also Cloud ID 91131, Cloud ID 19259 was actually the one that was here first, not you. :)
I vtc'd to get this off hnq while the username is removed.

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