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Q: Too many pull requests in backlog

FrustratedI work in a small company, and my manager is involved in managing 2 projects as well as doing his own coding. I am increasingly frustrated as there is a queue of 50 Pull Requests waiting to be either reviewed or merged from another developer and myself. I review my coworker's PRs to make it easie...

Doesn't anyone care that this work is sitting around, unused, for that long? It sounds like you're working on stuff that's utterly irrelevant.
No, the work that we're doing is important and that's why he keeps asking us to do it, but he doesn't feel that it's his priority to review it unless it's a tiny change or unless people are pressuring him that they need the changes now.
Well clearly it's not important if it doesn't matter that it remains unmerged for months.
@Frustrated If it's not getting merged, and still y'all can continue, how is that important?
@Erik you beat me to it by 17 seconds. :)
Most of the code is not 6 months old, it's just a couple of pull requests.
Is that something to do with the competence of the manager?
@SolarMike I think that he is the one that is not keeping up with his load, and it's really frustrating to work for him.
Seems there is no or very less value for the work you do... Prepare your resume rather than trying to educate them.
Is the problem your manager or your co-worker? Can either of them approve the requests?
This all sounds like a recipe for disaster, and the sh!t that's building up is likely to hit the fan, at which point he'll likely look for a scapegoat. In your shoes, I'd look for a new job. Not because you're bound to be fired, or facing imminent danger, but because this state of affairs is unsatisfying, unhealthy, unlikely to improve, and likely to blow up in someone's face sooner rather than later. After switching jobs this year, I can confidently state that working with sane, and honest people is very pleasant. Give it a try.
Is it just a couple of pull requests, or 50 pull requests? You've said both but they're quite different things.
"my manager is ... doing his own coding." Why is your manager doing this? 1 person coding part-time is not worth blocking 2 developers.
If the work you are supposed to be doing for the company has no value (which is clearly the case if nobody wants to review it), then so long as the company is stupid enough to keep paying you, you might as well work on something that is of value - to you, in your next startup company. But don't use company resources to do that - bring in your own laptop, so you can't be fired for misusing company equipment.
In your comment, you say "Most of the code is not 6 months old, it's just a couple of pull requests", but in your question you say "50 pull requests" and "several months". Which is it?
If a pull request isn't looked at within 2 days, just go ahead and merge it yourself.

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