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04:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

@user8718165 Bangali ho kya?
@YusufHasan haa bhaiya :-)
@YusufHasan aap?
@YusufHasan dekho, Ab to new year bhi aa gya.
@user8718165 I don’t think that @AbhasKumarSinha knows swimming
Is ACM gone?
Can I joke more freely now?
@Knight @abhaskumarsinha knows everything
I should've gone to sleep a few hours ago...
@Knight so what you were doing before?
@AbhasKumarSinha When?
@AbhasKumarSinha Great :-) But I'm a bit afraid of sharks...
@PM2Ring you didn't sleep last night?
@AbhasKumarSinha We will eat all of them (or it may other way round)
@user8718165 they are pet/puppet
@AbhasKumarSinha what does this means?
@Knight we'll start a shark restaurant
@Knight you were already joking before
@AbhasKumarSinha and our chief guest on inauguration will be one aand only AC...
@AbhasKumarSinha inside the ocean.. right? Remember we planned to swim :P
@Knight okay, just ask him to come :P
@user8718165 no, hire sharks
@AbhasKumarSinha I cannot, he is very strict
@Knight you need balls of steel to mention him.
@Knight if you call ACM, the sharks will prolly swim away. 💯
lik that @ACuriousMind @Knight wants to say you something
@AbhasKumarSinha now it’s time for you to get fired
@user8718165 yes, good idea, he'll kick everyone :P
@Knight He woke the real shark XDXD
@AbhasKumarSinha you have pinged him
@Knight I think :P XD :))
@Knight knowingly
Rest in peace all!
@AbhasKumarSinha Hahahahahha
@Knight :)
@AbhasKumarSinha @user8718165 He is not here, we can talk freely
Just don’t ping him
@Knight @user8718165 Miracle!! We are not kicked.
@Knight won't
@AbhasKumarSinha YEAH
@Knight oh yeah
@user8718165 @AbhasKumarSinha Finally we have won
@AbhasKumarSinha We should better switch topics or the room itself. I'm having an eerie feeling.
@Knight yes
@user8718165 I too think.
@user8718165 Are you me?
@AbhasKumarSinha Who are you?
@Knight delete that before ACM sees it once again. WE all will be fired :(
@Knight Don't do that again, it bothers ACM
@user8718165 dun worry
@AbhasKumarSinha ACM can retrieve anything, he is so powerful
@Knight As I said
@user8718165 ACM is most powerful man here
@FakeMod Are you Knight?
@Knight lol, I'll bring Donald Trump here.
@Knight We should change topics. Haven't you heard something terrible is about to happen when it gets too silent :-/
@user8718165 Yes. You’re right
@user8718165 ah, that's hindi thing....
@user8718165 I think ACM is just watching out for me to make some terrible messages
@Knight He's on main site
editing comments/posts
@Knight same here... We should move to the other room :-)
@AbhasKumarSinha Hahahahaha
@Knight We are not violating rules, so it's okay :)
@Knight k
@user8718165 Abhas will manage everything
@AbhasKumarSinha we aren't talking about physics. Prolly nonsense :(
@Knight lemme bookmark this conversation for fun.
@AbhasKumarSinha He will eat you in raw form
@user8718165 There's nothing new in it in this room :P I usually do that.
@Knight I'm here, dun worry! :P
@AbhasKumarSinha I'm afraid. Everyone became silent.
@AbhasKumarSinha See you guys later :-)
@AbhasKumarSinha Don’t star the messages, he will fire me.
@Knight If we get kicked, we all will get together, so dun worry
@Knight I didn't
@user8718165 where you going?
@AbhasKumarSinha and then I won't be able to sleep for a night. New year wasted :(
@Knight nowhere... :-)
@FakeMod Finally you have got who I am ? You are a smart kid

Cool Random stuff.

26 mins ago, 26 minutes total – 119 messages, 6 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 14 secs ago by Abhas Kumar Sinha

@Knight whaaaa!?
@AbhasKumarSinha I am abcdefghijklmnopQrstuvwxyz Mechanics
Now that (removed) message will double everyone's curiosity ;)
@Knight yo
@FakeMod Good Idea :)
Wow... It's 12:03 here. New year countdown begins 😊
@Knight Hey! Hide your secret!!
@FakeMod ACM can retriev it, don’t you underestimate him
@Knight he can't
@Knight sadface
@Knight even mods don't have dat grants
@FakeMod Why you changes your name? Previously there was an Indian name, isn’t?
yo yo yo yo yo
@AbhasKumarSinha Did you forget the diamond beside his name? :)
@Knight You were indian before?
@Knight Yup!! Didn't know that someone would dig that out!!
@AbhasKumarSinha ACM is more powerful than anyone, i know him.
@AbhasKumarSinha happyface
@FakeMod I know because you are me and I am you.
@FakeMod joker smile
:53072682 Don’t play with him
Let's see if he comes, if he comes then he can read it, if he doesn't then he can't
@Knight yo
@Knight Don't pull me into this. I don't wanna get kicked out ;D
Modern Problems require modern solutions
:53072682 Unfortunately, room owners and mods can do that :-) I hope you were thinking about privacy.
@AbhasKumarSinha He can take out transcript
@Knight We can also, in that way
@AbhasKumarSinha I like that reference
@FakeMod yo yo yo
@FakeMod You can use you Knight’s account if you get kicked out
@Knight But I don't think you will be spared
@Knight Don't worry, fakemod is also a mod
@AbhasKumarSinha just a bit fake :P
@FakeMod I will use my FakeMod’s account, simple
@FakeMod I too @Knight that's very sad happened with you
@user8718165 fake...XD
@AbhasKumarSinha what happened to me?
:53072725 A single misuse of a mod account can ruin the site :(
Yup I live in ♦ and my description is ♦.
@user8718165 heheheh joker smile
@FakeMod yo
2 accounts kicked
What? Why?
@Knight now!!!!!!!
@user8718165 Hey ACM is the good kind of mod. Infact all the PSE mods are really kind
@AaronStevens Are you here?
@FakeMod Yes he needs to be good, if he wants to win elections again
@AbhasKumarSinha who got kicked out?
@AbhasKumarSinha But when are the elections?
@Knight no one :-|
@Knight nah, nothing
@FakeMod soon
@AbhasKumarSinha ACM doesn’t live democracy, he is a monarch
@Knight fell for the trick
@Knight no, he was elected
@FakeMod what
@AbhasKumarSinha when?
@Knight last year.
Can I stand for office?
@Knight Nevermind
@Knight yes.
@Knight I would probably vote for you!
@Knight There is some rep criteria I think in order to stand elections
Thank you, thank you
@FakeMod My vote is exclusively for @Knight
@AbhasKumarSinha I will contact ACM and he will do something
@AbhasKumarSinha thank you
@Knight just get 1k rep, then you are done leave rest on me.
@AbhasKumarSinha Lemme learn a fair bit of physics. Then I can someday nominate myself for mod position (hopefully) 😊
@Knight Americans are known to have good elected leaders e.g. Donald Trump. XD :)
Unfortunately, it isn't going to be a very easy journey :(
I will onlystand for a moderator when I would have a rep>300k
@AbhasKumarSinha just go and upvote all my questions and answers
@user8718165 yo, just work around the site, contribute positively, help people, get your presence, then go to rooms and advertise yourself.
@Knight won't work as voting will soon be corrected
@Knight Don't :( You'll ruin your new year
@AbhasKumarSinha Yes. You see we had Nixon too
@Knight lol :)
@user8718165 okay
@Knight joke, no offence
@FakeMod Then you will correct the correction, won’t you?
@AbhasKumarSinha some kind soul went and upvoted my everything, but soon all the upvotes were corrected by the system.
@FakeMod lol, upvote whom?
@AbhasKumarSinha I don't know who did that but I really blessed him/her.
@FakeMod Recently a regular user got banned. They removed their account. His questions received a great deal of attention BTW.
@Knight Yes I will guide you to a treasure that I cannot posses.
@user8718165 Nope it wasn't a user deletion which removed my rep. You can check my account, there will be a -50 in a day.
@FakeMod Ah. Got it.
@user8718165 Who was that?
Was it me?
@Knight I was just going to ask that..
@FakeMod Yes it was me only. You are my friend.
What you have removed I couldn’t see it
Where is @AbhasKumarSinha
@Knight Nah... Actually first time the ban was for a week, the day it ended, within a few minutes, a month-long ban was imposed. Finally after a couple of days, they removed their account. The reason was sock puppeting I guess.
@Knight removed it too quickly. ACM's fear. Nevermind
@Knight Forgot :D
Hey, anyone have time to help me with a relativity thought experiment?
@user8718165 Get outta here. You will get us banned.
@user8718165 are you warning me?
I'd post it on the main site...but, there's too many there already, and I've already posted like 3 questions in the span of a day that are all very similar
@Knight hey, no XDXD
@JoshuaRonis John Rennie is best in it
@JoshuaRonis I would be happy to help but I don't know relativity. Try asking John Rennie. He will help you out in the best way possible.
@Knight He's a physics champ.
@user8718165 hahahahaha. After you all you are me, aren’t you?
@Knight again!!! We seem like typing the same stuff
@Knight yeah... I'm you. Wish we all could meet someday in real :-)
There are awesome people here. Really :-)
@Kyubey wanna join in?
@knzhou is really good too...he's been helping me, but I've been bothering him too much with high school physics questions recently. K, I'll check back here later. Thanks anyways!
@user8718165 Yes. @FakeMod and @AbhasKumarSinha too
@FakeMod yeah sure!
@Knight yeah.
Hello sir :-) @dmckee How are you?
@Kyubey why you have joined, when you Knight (that is you) is already here
Hey (Sir) dmckee is here. I hope he is not as strict as ACM
@FakeMod He's a very good person. :-)
How to pronounce dmckee, is it like dum-kee
@user8718165 Don ping random users or else ACM will kick you out!! Just kidding
@Knight I was just checking in last time if there is anything said on my recent post and then I came here.
@user8718165 ACM is a man you can never imagine.
@user8718165 As I said, PSE mods rock. They are the best you could ever ask for.
@Kyubey You could see it from my account
@user8718165 hahahahahahahaha
@Knight I always say dee-em-see-key
@Knight what can I see from there?
@FakeMod Thank God it’s not dum-kee
@Knight take my word.... you are surely gonna get kicked out.
@user8718165 @FakeMod Why? What happened?
@FakeMod would you ever nominate yourself for moderator in future election as you seem to contribute a lot.
Oh you edited it. Phew!
@FakeMod that was a typo, m was written as n
Guys, pinging people and then deleting the message is still pinging them, and flooding the room with circular conversation about who is or is not going to get kicked is not exactly constructive either.
@FakeMod what’s a great deal in it?
@Kyubey Not yet! I need some more rep and time to do moderation. But yeah I like the udea of being like ACM.... Don worry I wont be that strict :D
@ACuriousMind I have been telling them for so long.
@ACuriousMind I was telling them not to spam this room with nonsense but they weren’t listening to me
@ACuriousMind I think for these utterly meaningless conversations, we should create another room.
@Knight No you weren't
@FakeMod I was
@FakeMod nope. We already have a room for nonsense chats XD
@Knight Alright!!!
Don’t lie in front of ACM
@user8718165 Wait!! Whcih one, becquse there are more than one.
@user8718165 This is one is best for intellectual talks (that we usually do)
@Knight Hey I was just kidding. Why so serious?
@FakeMod You know how I got these scars?
@Knight @FakeMod btw we currently have enough mods so the elections won't happen.
@Knight I don't think we should start a movie here, should we?
@Kyubey Exactly!!
@FakeMod I have to go. Bye
@Kyubey Bye to myself
Even I have to go, bye!
@FakeMod one is for problems another one is there for casual chat. You can easily find it :P
P.S. All leaving at thea the same time. Doesn't this feel fishy?
@user8718165 yup got it!
@FakeMod We are leaving because we all got fired...
@user8718165 John Rennie rules there. I don't think we should disturb him from helping people by our ultra meaningless chats
@FakeMod Yes, if you and the others want to continue this kind of conversation, I would very much ask you to create your own room for that.
@ACuriousMind hello. Could you please move these chats to another room? :-)
@ACuriousMind Hmmm... But I have my exams coming closer, so I might not be a potential participant in the future. So remove me outof the picture.
@user8718165 That's a nice idea.
@user8718165 If you tell me where, I'll gladly do so.
@ACuriousMind thank you sir...
@FakeMod I'm not sure what I am supposed to do with that information.
@ACuriousMind Never mind!
@ACuriousMind I should have added a FWIW.
261 messages moved from The h Bar
04:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

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