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Q: Is running allowed?

JannisI just got scolded by my instructor for running. I was chasing after someone who asked me a question, and I found the answer after the person left the room. And on the way back I naruto-ran outdoors for 25m just because it felt good. My instructor told me to not run, because our company has an p...

Where did you run? Indoors?
@FooTheBar It was outdoor naruto running about 25 meters
Seriously? Is child labour allowed in your country?
@FooTheBar Child labour is not allowed in germany, and i'm 19
we don't really have an image - how did you assess that? How do you know that an image is not being built? What kind of company/business do you work for?
And you think a naruto run is something you should to around the workplace?
@virolino we make cashregister software
naruto running and being in any kind of hurry are definitely distinct. Even looking to be in a hurry might be regarded as unprofessional in some businesses - that transmits the message of bad time management.
@FooTheBar the question was if you would care, i personally do not care
More likely due to safety.
If you are happy with the 'strange nerd' image, naruto run as much as you want, but don't expect to get promoted much.
@FooTheBar I'm an apprentice and my company sucks
Well according to your instructor running is not allowed, so you have your answer
The question is off-topic because it is about company specific policies.
@PatriciaShanahan Looks more like OP is asking if their supervisor / instructor / trainer is being too strict. Which I'd say no, they're being completely reasonable.
@JulianaKarasawaSouza thanks, I appreciate this answer
I can't wait for the new stock images of business people naruto running to the copier.
Downvoted. You know damn well what the answer is, but are fishing for someone tell you that behaving like a fool is ok.
I'm voting to close this question. Really, this can't be serious.
@FooTheBar Looks like we have another troll here on TWP -> previous question of the OP
@Jannis you understand that "they" in my comment means your instructor and not you, right?
@Studoku I am downright serious ... I was just about to put this under the 'pedantic trainer says some shit' folder until I asked this. 'behaving like a fool' - I am pragmatic, that means I am giving a shit about rule as long the output is ok. Other people tend to think differently, so I am just asking about why I should adapt to them. -> And I am adapting this, thanks btw
@JulianaKarasawaSouza I know, I have a strict trainer, and he is often just unnecessary pedantic, which is why I couldn't decide if he was just pedantic or not just strict
How is the size of the company relevant to it's image? Are you implying that a 30 person company can't have an image? You did a Naruto run? That's a bit immature and foolish. "Is it OK to run in the workplace in a manner similar to a character in a popular Anime series?" - No. No it is not.
I am giving a shit about rule as long the output is ok seems your trainer thinks differently

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