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Q: Gave two subordinates special privileges, get others to stop talking about it?

BigVTwo of my team members I look after (of a certain cultural background) had some personal issues to look after so I allowed them to use sick leave and work from home for extended periods, without the required paperwork. Management and HR agreed to this. Other team members' (another cultural back...

can you clarify -- did they use sick leave for some days, and work from home for others, or did they do a little bit of work while they were being paid as "sick"? And why does it require leniency or a hard life to work from home? Do people not actually get much done when they work from home?
When sick, no work was done. When working from home, some work was done, but not to the full extend. Yes, working from home means you don't get much done, in particular if you actually have things to attend to. If I have the impression that someones life is easy, I won't make special arrangements for them.
What reasons do you feel the other members of staff don't need the same treatment? It's important to treat your staff equally.
"What I want to achieve is to prevent them from bringing morale down with their negativity, and concentrate on their deliveries only." IMO you brought their moral down by not treating all of your twelve subordinates equally - which was a poor choice on your side..
"I don't think their lives can be as hard, they have it quite easy from what I can see." hardship is very relative and can't always be seen..
I don't think their lives can be as hard - It is not even about the hardship. It is about the fairness at the work place. Fairness of chances. Fairness to flexible hours. And so on... "People join companies and leave bosses" - search for this on the net.
I find it funny how you classify people: Asians and Whites :)
I actually think this is a good question that could be used as a lessons learned when favoritism occurs.
Please, can I get this question removed? I think it was a mistake posting this here. I think I need to deal with this privately.
@BigV I don't think it was a mistake to post this here, just try to learn from your mistakes.. You live and you learn
I get that, but I noticed this could actually get me in trouble IRL.
@BigV: is everyone in your company on the Workplace StackExchange? If not, no need to worry too much.
@iLuvLogix: if a question already has an answer, it cannot be deleted any longer.
Can they not subpoena SE for any relevant data? Also, there's no delete button. I think the rules are that you cannot delete your own questions if they have upvoted answers.
@BigV Please read I've thought better of my question; can I delete it? and follow the advice there.
"How can I stop them from talking about this issue altogether?" Treating all of your employees equally would be a good first step.
I've upvoted this question because it is good that people who make this sort of mistake can come here and have their errors pointed out to them
I think it would be helpful to explain how the situation was different for the first two individuals. It seems like all the comments (and answers) are treating the question as if the situations of your workers were the same even though you said that there were differences.

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