@Ѕᴀᴀᴅ My guess is that the account was deleted after the user started the bounty. In that case the bounty is “moved” to the Community user, see here: meta.stackexchange.com/a/89614/196432.
Please upvote the "comments have been moved to chat..." comment here, since otherwise it will be hidden so many readers may miss the helpful comments there, e.g. by Arturo (better than the accepted answer). It needs 2 upvotes.
I moved to close this as a duplicate but it was eventually overturned. I do not feel TOO strongly about it... maybe there's utility in having a worked example for a finite base field. I don't plan to participate on re-closing it, but thought I'd drop it here for review in case anyone else feels it should stay closed as a duplicate.
(Also, it seems disingenuous to both chide me for asking why something happened in CURED and chide me for creating a new chat room to ask you why you moved messages to trash. No opacity was intended, but I'm genuinely not sure how I was supposed to go about this!)
@XanderHenderson closed. Perhaps the comments, if they continue below the question, could be moved to a chatroom? The thread is not outrageously long. But if it gets longer....
I was looking into Jameson, the prime number theorem,5.2,p192. he said
If the Riemann Hypothesis were true, then (for the main cases)the contour of integration in 5.1.1 could have been moved almost to the line Re s=0.5. A modified version of the argument then leads to the following conclusion
In the prime number theorem book by Jameson he said that Riemann Hypothesis implies the error term of prime number theorem equal O(x^c) where c>0.5
He prove it by making the counter of integration in theorem 5.1.1 moved to the line Re s=0.5
I don't understand his prove can any one prove it?
The Riemann Zeta function's analytic continuation at s = -1 is -1/12. At another page they show that the infinite number has p-adic description as equivalent to -1/12. But there is no indication in the derivation that we moved to p-adic numbers.