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I also kind of disagree with your premise---in mathematics, I don't think that there is any real confusion about the meaning of "smooth". Smooth means whatever the author of a given text says it means. And if the author does not give a specific definition, it means $C^\infty$. I suppose that it might be possible to find a counterexample, but that is going to be the exception rather than the rule.
@XanderHenderson Then probably I should have misunderstood what it is said about the real time chat. By the way, mathematics is not something only concern mathematicians, unfortunately your opinion, being valid in this situation, I heard it many times on MSE and I believe it leads to exclude people from learning here...
in Meta are many related complains on how narrowminded the users have become trying to make MSE in a reference source sacryfing the aim for help of least trained users,
so far I know MathOverload is a site for exlusive mathematicians, on MSE you got engineers, enthusiasts, chemist, financial, physicicians, and everytime less students since they are treated harshly by people given their background should have been more open minded... poor quality questions got deleted anyway, so given nowadays anti science trend we should be doing everything in hour hands to keep courious people learning
@Joako The context of any question on Math SE is mathematics.
But, again, the real problem is that you didn't actually ask a question. You tried to start a discussion.
math concern people from many areas, not just hardfully trained matematicians. I am aware of it, and I am sad about it but understand is not under policy know.
later comments is about, since you are a Moderator, to understand that not everybody must know beforehand everything about was he is asking for, since your answer: "kind of disagree with your premise---in mathematics, I don't think that there is any real confusion about the meaning of "smooth"... I saw the confussion in plenty of very good answers among high ranked users, on the comments of the deleted question I show a few
specifically when asking for a bump function example
but that is an opinion.. so thanks anyway for the chance of explaining what is the chat for. and your time.
Yes, I expressed an opinion. But you seem to be ignoring the most important reason that your post was deleted: you didn't actually ask a question.
@Joako in mathematics there is no confusion about smooth, but there is two concurring conventions about what smooth means
I think its ignorant of you to assume that users of math.se would be confused about this

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