18 messages found

Sep 21, 2020 16:19
@KorvinStarmast Not that I recall. Rogues (thieves), Barbarians, WM Sorcerer, Ranger; no fighters (no organized warbands/armies to train people at that level), clerics, wizards, monks, bards. Maybe there were champion fighters? But we might have cut back the martial weapons and armor lists.
Aug 15, 2019 17:41
@JohnClifford I've had brewing on a back-burner for quite a while a set of tables to do traveller-style 0-->1 chargen for 5e. (Monks and bards, it turns out, make things hard. I may have to just scrap them.) (cc: @KorvinStarmast; if I ever get that sorted out we should incorporate it into our T&D hack!)
Dec 6, 2018 04:36
One thing to look at is whom they benefit/harm. Bards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks are hit pretty hard: the only positive they can really look to is the CON-bumping things, but those cost them CHA-effects.
Rogues are pretty well screwed, with DEX, INT, and CHA being the three negatively-hit.
Monks, Paladins, Fighters are pushed toward WIS (monk) or STR (fighter, paladin) and away from DEX (monk, fighter) or CHA (paladin).
Wizards are alright--I suppose the +CON/-CHA thing is a mild benefit at likely no cost.
Jul 23, 2018 14:20
@B.S.Morganstein I don't play bards.
Jun 10, 2018 03:50
Yeah... I was going to say something about there already being a bard performing the ballad of Hal o'longshot and Nadarr Buildingleaper when you got back to the pens... but then I remembered I can't stand bards =)
Jun 9, 2018 22:33
Also, bards would totally get hunted down and exterminated by the Robed Orders in Krynn.
Feb 13, 2018 04:09
is intended for things that explicitly span/apply to more than one edition. I.e. "how has awarding of XP evolved in D&D" would be tagged with the broad tag. Or "when did bards first appear as a class proper, rather than as a prestige class?"
Feb 9, 2018 00:43
That question makes me realize: 5e bards are "full casters." I wonder if that's part of my problem with them.
Apr 24, 2017 20:28
(There weren't bards, either. I just forgot about them now. As I generally do.)
Apr 24, 2017 20:28
@Yuuki Please don't get me started on bards. I'm running for office, after all =D
Mar 23, 2017 13:02
@Patta oh, are you just talking about perception scores that high? I thought you were saying that all passive scores were 15 or higher, making me wonder how every skill modifier was +5. (And, dear gods, the only thing I could think of was a party of bards, buffing and polishing each other all the way through the nine hells.)
Feb 24, 2017 03:17
Jan 14, 2017 15:25
@daze413 I agree. And I think it's clear from the example in the PHB that this isn't the use-case they were envisioning: they didn't want a party of seven bards and 1 fighter to be able to load up that fighter with ridiculous buffs. But the wording of "effects" does prompt the question.
Jul 12, 2016 03:17
What's a Bd17 up to for CHA: +5? +6 more for proficiency, maybe another +6 for expertise? (Do bards grab expertise?)
Jul 12, 2016 03:08
@Miniman (I don't really believe in bards. Nor, really, 9th-level spells for PCs. If they want to be world-building then either they should GM or we should be playing a different game.)
Jun 24, 2016 23:37
@JoelHarmon (just blame the Bards)
Apr 19, 2016 04:40
@Miniman No worries. Some people like bards, after all =)
Apr 19, 2016 04:22
'Cause... bards.
