The h Bar

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naturallyInconsistent: 21m ago, 14803 posts (0%)Silly Goose: 30m ago, 16661 posts (0%)fqq: 4h ago, 1494 posts (0%)Slereah: 6h ago, 145832 posts (8%)ACuriousMind: 6h ago, 150993 posts (8%)Loong: 2d ago, 2486 posts (0%)KDP: no posts

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Oct 11, 2024 06:26
Some of us started programming on a 1MHz 6502 - in assembler! :-)
Oct 28, 2024 08:10
this feels like a celebrity meet and greet
Dec 10, 2024 09:09
would you rather have diffeoemotional spaces?
Jan 6 20:24
Freudian slip by Dirac at 6 miniutes 26
Dec 10, 2024 06:06
hey @SirCumference I saw this book left on a bookshelf at work today
Jan 6 18:17
It was constraining for everyone except a small number of people
Jan 6 13:19
Meow is always good
Dec 9, 2024 17:48
I'm afraid my opinion is that it's not - the reason the physics language is so confusing is because it does not spend time building the abstract concepts that would be necessary to make the relevant distinctions; this saving in time is paid for by not being able to answer such structural questions unambiguously
Jan 6 08:54
@JohnRennie software page 22, labelled page 49, Section 3.5.5 Equation (3.62). Yes, I'm this level of precise when teaching students too, you're welcome
Jan 6 03:09
@SillyGoose Ehrenfest's EoL was plagued by depression. I dont know how you can assert that that had anything to do with moral compass. The people who worked on Manhatten project mostly were of the impression that the nazis would get to the bomb first, not least due to the monsters that were Heisenberg and Weizsäcker seemingly giving Bohr the impression that they were close to getting nukes. I dont know how you can assert that they dont have moral compasses in that scenario
Jan 6 03:08
from the science report "Several of the studies questioned in the dossier involved the experimental drug 3K3A-APC. Zlokovic and others postulated that it would reduce brain damage in people who suffered ischemic strokes, caused by blood clots. But the dossier described signs that 3K3A-APC might have increased the risk of death among participants in a clinical trial."
Jan 6 02:50
in particular, von Neumann wanting to (and he did) compute the optimal height to detonate a nuclear bomb to cause the most destruction (cf.
Jan 6 02:31
@SillyGoose Then I dont know what kind of shithole you have found yourself in, but that is not anywhere near the kind of impression I got in the many universities I had been to.
Jan 6 02:21
@naturallyInconsistent i gave an example of where someone can expect to run into falsification in physics. the fact that high-Tc superconductivity is highly scrutinized suggests that in less scrutinized fields there is even more falsification.
Jan 6 02:21
@SirCumference Yes, I get it, you run into people who believe the worst kind of nonsense all the time and you have a defense reaction to it, but I would suggest that you shouldn't immediately assume that people who start to disagree with you on what might be a technicality are all the same
Jan 6 02:21
@ACuriousMind i really tried acm. i also things its completely inappropriate for someone to say "im going to ask you to disclose" regarding a medical issue that a person already said they aren't comfortable doing.
Jan 6 02:19
I'm not sure why everyone in the New Year here seems to have suddenly decided to get into fights all the time, but can we please all add a little more good faith to the discourse instead of immediately jumping to the worst conclusions about the other people after a few ambiguous chat messages?
Jan 6 02:02
thats fine i dont have a problem when people disagree but i have a problem when people discussing with me speak in a way that i think is condescending or disrespectful
Jan 6 01:59
@naturallyInconsistent standard medicines often come with nasty side effects. this was true for my case. particular supplements often dont
Jan 6 01:57
@Relativisticcucumber the alternative is a lot of death!
Jan 6 01:56
look i believe in medicine. i take a medication that allows me to have a quality of life. but i also believe in things people have honed and studied for centuries in a less academic sense that also increase quality of life and i dont believe in this notion of alternative medicine as lacking in any credibility. that's all i mean to say. @SirCumference
Jan 6 01:52
@SillyGoose obligatory xkcd
Jan 6 01:49
But medicine is extremely important to get correct
Oct 25, 2024 14:26
the other 10% is spent talking about cats, hidden sources report
Dec 8, 2024 20:14
@Relativisticcucumber after months of observations I have concluded that you are clearly ACM's favorite student :P
Jan 5 19:58
you solved death?
Nov 15, 2024 00:06
Jan 5 17:27
the "we need it for consistency" approach I have only seen in CPT/Epstein-Glaser material like
Jan 5 17:26
e.g. is part of a series of papers by Fröhlich, Morchio and Strocchi where they insist in formulating all gauge theories entirely in terms of gauge-invariant fields and quantities first
Nov 14, 2024 13:08
And here we go again. How many times have we told you that ancient demonic language is not allowed in the hBar?
Jan 5 10:53
I disagree. I have seen many students mislead by light clocks into thinking that time dilation is a feature of the travel time in light clocks.
Jan 5 01:39
sabine hossenfelder starred? boooooo she sucks
Dec 6, 2024 13:43
It's not illogical when the world does not conform to your expectations
Jan 4 07:54
so im just confused where mu comes from in that case
Jan 4 07:53
so i get what theyre doing, minimizing the energy with respect to the density, while constraining that the density integrates to exactly N electrons
Jan 4 07:52
Nov 11, 2024 12:00
@RyderRude "I watched a couple of videos on YouTube and I now know that all statisticians are wrong about these statistics words"
Jan 3 18:20
@SillyGoose This made me think of you :P
*"If the external
field is time-dependent it is impossible, in general, to implement the time
evolution of the quantized electron-positron field in a fixed (Fock) Hilbert
space. The more one thinks about this situation, the more one is led to the
conclusion that one should not insist on a detailed description of the system
in time. From the physical point of view, this is not so surprising because in
contrast to non-relativistic quantum mechanics, the time behavior of a relativistic
Nov 10, 2024 11:19
@TobiasFünke : Ha-ha. For completeness, you should link to the IMDB page for actor David Cross on your profile page :)
Nov 10, 2024 03:13
If you mißuße "ß", you get ßent to ßiberia
Jan 3 08:11
@User1865345 that's me, sitting in my office with a drawer full of sweets hehe
Nov 9, 2024 20:12
By the way, it's hilarious that Tobias finally joined us just now that we've entered the condensed matter era of the hBar
Nov 9, 2024 13:56
@Mr.Feynman I am not allowed to talk about this
Jan 2 22:10
there's always a middle ground between looseness and pedantry but in general no one agrees where it is lol
Jan 2 12:43
@naturallyInconsistent I regret to inform you that earning 100k SE rep does not make you an author of the Oxford Dictionary of Physics.
Jan 2 12:36
@naturallyInconsistent My claim is precisely that being disturbed by its non-existence is a sign that they attribute more meaning to a conserved quantity (whose existence is always dependent on the model!) than they should. By "obsession" I mean that instead of re-evaluating their beliefs about energy they instead insist it must always be there without having any rational reason to believe that.
Sep 25, 2024 22:33
You are too easily impressed by people pretending to know what they are talking about
Oct 15, 2024 09:42
user image
Nov 6, 2024 22:19
@Mr.Feynman ive already been scarred for life by my undergrad soviet lecturer :P
1 3 4 5 6 7 392