Data Science SE

For general discussions about the site and data science in general
164d ago – Ben Reiniger

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Jul 17, 2023 22:53
Sep 26, 2022 08:38
Is there any good way to understand the book, "deep learning" by Ian Goodfellow ? The book is quite math heavy, and I don't understand several things. Like how one equation leads to other. Is there a guide book of sorts to help me?
Or is there any other book which can hold my hand while going through math?
Any math book I could read first which will help me through this?
Nov 21, 2018 06:32
It takes a lot of efforts to share answers here and some idiots just downvote everything because you commented on their answer but didn't replied back to their re-commemt
Jan 24, 2018 10:34
Not really. There is a lot to learn about how all the options and hyper-parameters work. Probably most important is normalise your inputs. Each input should be a fixed length vector, and each element of the vector should have mean 0, standard deviation 1.0 across the dataset. SKlearn's StandardScaler will do that for you.
Jan 30, 2020 16:08
Since there doesn't seem to be any demand for this chat room, may I suggest users who come here looking for chat to come to the cross validated room instead?
Apr 5, 2019 06:23
hello, can anyone help me out

I have retail sales data of 3 months. how can i get details of top selling products of each month and predict future months top products.

any help will be appreciated
Oct 29, 2018 13:43
I think the following is a very interesting question.
Aug 13, 2018 21:21
Pleased to announce that math formatting is now enabled on SE:AI Feel free to come take a look and see if any open questions are of interest!
Jul 25, 2018 06:20
Jun 21, 2018 11:17
I posted an answer to that meta question. Not a topic that is going away any time soon, as any "clean" split between sites would be very difficult, especially in machine learning topics. Confused question posters, and different opinions of long-standing community members will keep this running for a while yet.
Mar 12, 2018 21:15
Anyway, votes on Meta don't count for anything, and everyone was well behaved. Kudos for you in keeping your cool when being criticised so heavily for asking .
Jan 30, 2018 13:00
I'm teaching my first straight up stats class today, wish me luck!
Jan 30, 2018 04:43
This may or may not be currently true. Also, I have not been here very long, I mostly gathered my opinion by reading through a bunch of old meta posts, and getting barked at in the occasional post of my own. Lots of strong feeling on the subject.
Jan 5, 2018 09:36
And a great job as a new user too!
Jan 5, 2018 09:35
Q: Find optimal P(X|Y) given I have a model that has good performance when trained on P(Y|X)

claudiusInput Data: $X$ -> features of t shirt (colour,logo,etc) $Y$ -> profit margin I have trained a random forest on the above $X$ and $Y$ and have achieved reasonable accuracy on a test data. So, I have $P(Y|X)$. Now, I would like to find $P(X|Y)$ i.e probability distribution of $X$ features giv...

Dec 31, 2017 19:17
Cheers! Still 5 hours to go here (UK). Happy New Year to everyone in turn as the timezones each reach local midnight . . .
Oct 19, 2017 18:52
@Cowthulhu: Good evening in fact. It's not so busy here. Depends on details, but questions about details of small code segments in TensorFlow should be welcome here and SO. Longer questions about making your TensorFlow NN match some standard feature - such as dropout, batch normalisation etc, or why your NN implementation runs without error, but has performance issues - are IMO more suitable on Data Science where we can mix and match the code and theory more freely.
Oct 6, 2017 15:23
As @NeilSlater mentioned, the answer has to include the practical aspects of Data Science. My take on this would be that questions are particularly well suited for Data Science SE if they help you iterate (faster/more informed) through the data science project lifecycle or help you in some way to 'apply' the scientific method. That would include the above debugging questions of NN, data preparation, selecting the right tools for the job, understanding algorithm complexity and so on.
Oct 6, 2017 09:00
We probably need a more positive spin on what the site is actively for, as opposed to "we'll handle questions on topics that SO/CV cover, but that have the wrong angle for them"
Oct 6, 2017 08:55
On Stack Overflow, the debugging work requires too much NN theory. On stats.stackexchange the mood seems to switch between these being acceptable or off-topic depending on who is answering.