The Awkward Silence

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Aug 9, 2017 20:20
an explicit mention of the word suicide is not needed to infer that the OP needs professional help that we're not prepared to give.
Aug 9, 2017 20:20
@heather In some cultures, that is actually very common and normal. This is an international site.
Aug 9, 2017 20:19
@heather Using the word "suicide" doesn't mean that they are contemplating suicide.
Aug 9, 2017 20:18
@Hamlet Someone is asking for advice on how to be better at interacting with people... that's what we're here for. They are not asking for a diagnosis.
Aug 9, 2017 20:14
@heather I am managing this in the way I see fit. Both HDE and I have talked it over and I've sent it to the CMs to deal with. We have had questions that have been managed by the CMs immediately because of the content. I personally do not see any indication in this post that the user is suicidal. The post is also closed.
Aug 9, 2017 20:08
@Catija, @HDE226868, @John: Why in the universe is this question not locked!?
Aug 9, 2017 05:22
Somebody should teach Microsoft some IPS. They don't know about "consent".
Aug 8, 2017 23:58
I wrote an answer on meta explaining why I think this is so important here, if it's necessary, but please do lock it.
Aug 8, 2017 23:57
@heather We are not ignoring you. We've pushed it up to the CMs.
Aug 8, 2017 23:57
This is not something that you need to wait on the CMs for.
Aug 8, 2017 15:10
@Hamlet We can't be here 24/7.
Aug 8, 2017 09:49
@JackParkinson unfortunately, no one here is a professional therapist. Chat is not a substitute for therapy. For these types of questions, the OP should be redirected to professional help, not chat. Although I'm sure everyone here means well, without professional experience you might do more harm than good.
Aug 8, 2017 05:55
Meh. I don't have an account there
Aug 8, 2017 05:48
@HDE226868 @Catija @John congratulations on the modship! You'll make a great team and you 3 were my preferred choices :)
Aug 8, 2017 04:18
@Zizouz212 But I am not talkative. ;)
Aug 7, 2017 20:50
I've been told that we're all the "Chaos Monkey"... but I don't know that I trust that information.
Aug 7, 2017 19:38
Okay, so, what I'm getting at is that our comments should be tailored to OP's level. "I'm voting to close" should not be the first words they see. My two cents.
Aug 7, 2017 17:52
@NVZ I think that at this point we should be more concerned about fixing quality issues than about mucking up the front page. We don't have so many questions per day that going to the "questions" tab is that onerous. :)
Aug 7, 2017 07:19
I think that, as you said, tag are not hierarchical, so the Europe tag would usually need additional context anyway. That lead the discussion towards dropping it and removing the temptation to use that as "the" context tag, and reducing the use makes room for other, hopefully helpful, tags in the five slots allowed to a question.
Aug 7, 2017 07:07
And yet there are common aspects.
Aug 7, 2017 07:00
@Hamlet also, should it be nuked?
Aug 5, 2017 18:25
@Catija yep I agree - knowing the why is half the battle
Aug 5, 2017 18:16
@Hamlet Understanding why we do things is a problem people have.
Aug 5, 2017 17:35
We would likely close them as too broad.
Aug 5, 2017 16:50
@Hamlet ( -[tag] -[tag] ) in search.
Aug 5, 2017 04:12
I mean, I can be very blunt even after extensive "tailoring", because I find bluntness useful. You might be blunt for that reason, or merely because you've not taken time to file down the edges so to speak. Does that ring true?
Aug 5, 2017 03:22
@YvetteColomb I would like some space, please. I don't appreciate how you are acting towards me and I would appreciate it if you left me alone for a while. I am very uncomfortable and am trying to continue using this site but I am finding that very difficult. I don't know how to react to one very complimentary comment followed by a very rude one. Thank you for your consideration.
Aug 4, 2017 06:31
@YvetteColomb That sounds like an answer, not a reason for closure
Aug 4, 2017 06:18
@YvetteColomb so let's not accuse people of acting unilaterally when you also acted unilaterally. Like you all have experience with the network, you all know how meta works.
Aug 4, 2017 06:12
@YvetteColomb no. You, Catija, and Zizouz212 are all already mods, albeit on different sites. Which mean that in chat, your names are all blue and you are identified as being mods. Which means that y'all need to act like mods.
Aug 4, 2017 05:57
@SQB That's been on my mind. 'Country' tags don't work well. I've always preferred having [demonym-culture] e.g. [indian-culture] or [aboriginal-canadian-culture]
Aug 4, 2017 05:57
@YvetteColomb May I suggest that post just being "what do we want to call our chatroom feeds?"?
Aug 4, 2017 04:33
^^^^ And that's a key issue. I think many people think that "Oh! Yeah, I would do this" rather than "This is definitely relevant for the situation that the OP is in, and I can empathize with the question and the answer"
Aug 1, 2017 06:39
Spam should not be edited. It will mess up with the flags.
Jul 31, 2017 17:31
Got the badge! Yay!
Jul 30, 2017 16:26
@HDE226868 I think it's manual. But also, we get on average 5-6 answers a question (without HNQ), easily jumping to 20+ when we get to HNQ. Same reason why sites like PPCG, Worldbuilding, and Academia are on the HNQ list more often than other sites
Jul 29, 2017 04:20
> If I use your suggestions, how can I be sure that they will make my situation better? In order for answers to be helpful to readers, it's important that answers be more than just suggestions. Try to explain why the suggestion would be beneficial to the reader - in other words, discuss where you got the idea for the answer (experience, perhaps).
Jul 27, 2017 01:07
So... it might be good to start thinking about tag schemes.
Jul 25, 2017 21:55
A: Why doesn't this site have a back it up rule?

HamletThe problem that this site currently has is that the answers are mostly suggestions. What this means is that answers will simply suggest suggestions to the problem, but there is no way for anyone reading the answer to know if the suggestion will work unless they actually try them. This leads to p...

Jul 25, 2017 20:52
@IntrovertedMetaMan. I notice that Extroverted Meta Man is a bit quicker than you.
Jul 24, 2017 18:09
Hey!!! My question hit HNQ!!! Wooooohoooo!!
Jul 24, 2017 04:23
about what?
Jul 24, 2017 04:15
Jul 24, 2017 03:15
Those names are weird though. They should fit the site theme
Jul 24, 2017 02:54
All I know is that if you want to change the name of the feed, you need to make a duplicate of it or something... we may have accidentally changed the name of one of the feeds for the entire network.
Jul 24, 2017 02:54
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Ugh. Why...
Jul 23, 2017 06:46
I'm pretty sure Gypsy just meant anthropologists prioritise emic studies. But they also do etic cross cultural analyses.
Jul 23, 2017 06:45
The study of culture is cultural anthropology. There's nothing relativist about that because no judgements are being made.
Jul 23, 2017 06:29
Sure. I wasn't planning on discussing it either :)
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