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5d ago – Willeke
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Aug 11, 2020 15:24
@Willeke Why did you delete this? It is an answer...
Sep 19, 2013 10:57
i bumped into a western female sex tourist here two nights ago!
Sep 17, 2013 14:40
travel.SE is better than sex
Sep 16, 2013 14:47
Two weeks ago I googled myself and on number 5 there was "Dog farts and laughs"
Aug 10, 2020 02:22
@hippietrail How does beatthatflight compare ? ;)
Sep 14, 2015 10:09
I wouldn't put a bounty normally, but we're in for the Bounty September contest :)
Sep 6, 2013 15:42
I don't think you guys made enough flags.
Sep 3, 2013 20:30
Congrats to @HaLaBi for being the first to get the golden great answer badge
Dec 1, 2017 14:21
And the whole concept of the platform is to have a Q&A format, not a curated list of encyclopaedic “canonical questions”. Only those question that are truly unanswerable or get downvotes and no answers really need to be erased
Aug 30, 2013 06:36
if you cant even get hello right you might be better learning a different language. like Python
Aug 27, 2013 05:35
shit! i got it wrong and bought a cheap ID and a fake suit!
Aug 26, 2013 21:55
Q: Rule 1: Be nice!

Mark MayoSo there's a couple of metas about this, and it's been discussed at length in the chat room, and the mods' chat room. What it comes down to: Stackexchange has rules about being nice. We've been very lenient with these rules. We will no longer be. Insults / personal attacks will result in susp...

Aug 24, 2013 15:40
@Andra arguing with Marcel? hahaha that's pointless my friend
Aug 20, 2015 14:10
@GayotFow i am not sure if you are joking or not.. but seriously @roflcoptrexception is one of the best mods ever..
Aug 20, 2015 11:03
there are like 10,000 of him.. what are the chances of having a mod from lichtenstein?
Aug 20, 2015 06:11
@GayotFow I think there was a misunderstanding. I don't know why you think I would suggest a reelection. I'm very happy with the current moderator team and there is absolutely no need to change it. Obviously, it's your right to propose a new election any time if you see the need.
Aug 14, 2013 14:45
user image
Nov 14, 2017 20:39
@chx I assumed you were talking to Jonathan… because I am not a mod. What do you want me to resign from? But since it seems you are in fact talking to me, I will continue to ping you.
Nov 13, 2017 13:59
Finally, I firmly believe that talking things out helps solve problems.
Nov 13, 2017 09:43
@chx I believe some people are taking the site way too seriously. May I remind that we're on a forum discussing a leisure hobby, where the only reward is virtual points on the internet? :)
Aug 9, 2015 16:30
@andré-peseur - you're voting to keep almost everything open. I mean, everyone has their opinion, but… and… are IDENTICAL, and posted by the same user. Why would you vote to keep both open?
Aug 4, 2015 21:47
There are on topic guidelines for the site and they should be respected or changed.
Jul 19, 2013 11:15
just go to iran, get arrested and write all you saw in a blog
Jul 8, 2013 15:36
@Halabi thanks for suggesting me flying with a 777 to SFO ;)
Jul 13, 2020 13:41
@MarkMayo Nominated. But my Expat score is abysmal.
Jul 8, 2015 15:12
I came in from Dublin because they always deport me when I try Heathrow
Jul 7, 2015 15:41
@pnuts meh. like I care. Travel-SE mods are my best buddies
Jun 11, 2013 15:45
@Geeo i think you will like these games
Jun 1, 2013 14:50
tablets are not for computing. they're for swiping.
May 31, 2013 18:55
I will end up with what.. Halal bolognaise :D
Jul 12, 2011 08:34
i just had an idea. the up/down voting arrows could be made to look like north/sough compass points
May 27, 2013 14:12
Oops sorry, I thought this was
Jun 24, 2020 08:15
If you keep to the rule 'be nice' we do not need to edit.
Jun 2, 2015 07:50
I have a dollar, can someone pluralise it? :D
May 1, 2013 16:41
He's actually quite cute
May 22, 2015 08:11
@MarkMayo Addicted? Who are you calling addicted?! I can stop whenever I want!
Sep 4, 2017 19:51
Before I leave, in general the best way to handle these issues is to stop engaging with whomever you find rude/offensive, flag, and go answer some quality questions with quality answers.
Sep 4, 2017 10:17
If two users would like to settle a personal issue they are free to do so on a different platform. On StackExchange we must remain civil and polite.
Sep 1, 2017 03:26
@greatone if it makes you feel any better, I was the one who downvoted you, and I did so because your answer came across as pure rant with little actual advice on what to do.
Sep 1, 2017 02:37
@GayotFow It's much more easier to convince a guy who hasn't already made up his mind. Unfortunately, your little spat with @Relaxed has shown you don't like to be proved wrong. It should also be noted that ultimately, it is the judge that needs convincing, not the solicitors or barristers. Sometimes, even the judges disagree.
Apr 9, 2013 19:07
@RoflcoptrException Being a moderator of travel.SE isn't enough now you want to be a millionaire too?
Aug 29, 2017 23:17
@GayotFow close, link to rules and move on
May 3, 2015 16:53
plus, my wife is Indonesian, i have to love the country,,, like really love it.. otherwise i am in trouble :D
Apr 3, 2013 13:44
We may be able to help with the traveling salesman problem, though :)
Apr 2, 2013 16:30
Real life. The thing that does not happen in your computer.
Apr 2, 2013 14:49
Yes simple, but evil maths tends to present itself as simple before getting outrageous complicated
Aug 26, 2017 18:35
Can you talk in whole words, remember, ESL here. (Even if I do understand a lot.)
Aug 24, 2017 15:55
@GayotFow don't do that, avoid Expats; even though some users seem to think comment is the tool to chat/forum/blog/argue/disparage/rant, your answers have immense value and provide the most accurate, official, and verified content. Your sort of expertise is sorely needed there.
Aug 22, 2017 12:48
Also please stop calling people trolls.
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