Spring Cleaning

[reaction]: https://goo.gl/KPBWGE || possible chemdraw query: https://goo.gl/3TCcNn (spoiler: pings are liberal) Please see pinned messages for other projects.
864d ago – Buck Thorn

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Starred posts

1 2
Mar 10, 2018 17:31
I wanted to wear shorts and sandals to work and you can do that in theory.
Feb 22, 2018 05:11
@GaurangTandon I have no words, but I guess you see what I mean... It is one of the more common replies: Why do you need to know how I failed? Why can't you just help me? Why don't you just give me the solution?
Feb 16, 2018 06:20
@GaurangTandon It actually does not really matter. If the placeholder is present in the post, there is an issue. It is not friendly to people with viewing disabilities, it is also terrible for indexation.
Feb 16, 2018 06:17
@GaurangTandon the tag is supposed to disappear completely. Any question that carries it should be reevaluated, then all posts contained improved (closed or not) or deleted. Unfortunately closed questions have to be cleaned up manually sometimes.
Jan 15, 2018 13:01
There are currently 694 homework questions, score < 1, answers > 1. We will never get rif of that tag :/
Nov 21, 2017 09:51
For those who joined from the periodic table, here is how it works: I'll post a question that won't be automatically removed because of various reasons. I'll also briefly outline why I think we should get rid of it. Please reply to the message whether you want to keep it (and how to salvage it) or if it is okay to delete it. Thank you very much for your participation.
Oct 10, 2017 16:43
Anyone know a good software for drawing MO diagrams (i.e. interaction diagrams, like the ones that appear in textbooks)?
Sep 26, 2017 18:42
A: Enable automatic deletion of old, unanswered, zero-score questions after a year?

Jeff AtwoodJust to formally document the exact policies we have in place to remove old abandoned / dead questions, the Community user will delete questions in the following circumstances: If the question is more than 30 days old, and ... has −1 or lower score has no answers is not locked ...or... it ...

Sep 15, 2017 04:18
oops I woke up and to my horror I saw a question tagged with homework...
Jul 9, 2017 11:04
@orthocresol So, perhaps we add "Yes, let's use this approach going forward" and "No, let's not use this approach going forward" answers to the question, edit the question with some bold THIS QUESTION IS NOW AN OFFICIAL POLL PER ITS OWN PROPOSAL language, and see what happens?
Jul 5, 2017 15:43
How about ?
Jul 5, 2017 07:22
But I am going to stop using the closehammer on HW, make the community work for it...
Jul 3, 2017 16:52
For every meta proposal, make an explicit poll, an explicit time for which the poll lasts, and an explicit warning that the post with most upvotes will become policy. There's far too much inaction on meta.
Jun 1, 2017 12:52
May 15, 2017 14:28
soon$^*\\{\Tiny ^*\textit{"soon" is not to be construed as indicating that action will actually be taken in any particular near-term timeframe}}$
Apr 8, 2017 19:27
Apr 8, 2017 16:11
Please make sure to
1. exercise your votes on the question and its answers
2. Edit 1) grammar 2) MathJax 3) taglines and salutations 4) punctuation and 5) tags
3. Some images might have broken after the HTTPS update. Changing HTTP to HTTPS or
re-uploading the image to imgur should do the trick.
Apr 8, 2017 01:33
peace will certainly be achieved after the OP feeds his/her tubli + jatropha concoction to the world population
Apr 8, 2017 01:26
I'm a simple man, I see a Q/A probably about drugs, I upvote.
Apr 7, 2017 11:09
Weinhold gets pretty quantitative about it in Discovering Chemistry, and Valency & Bonding is (or at least gives the appearance of being) extremely rigorous.
Apr 6, 2017 03:36
@pentavalentcarbon i have an odd sense of humour
Apr 3, 2017 15:53
in Root Access, 5 mins ago, by Powershell for Linux
user image
Apr 3, 2017 15:28
@DownChristopher What is it with you PPCG people always choosing a downvote-related avatar? O.O
Apr 3, 2017 13:39
@M.A.R. Welcome to the Martrix.
Apr 1, 2017 16:25
the reason why we coordinated TRE is so that we don't flood front page all day round.
Apr 1, 2017 01:04
Everything's fine, until it's suddenly not
Apr 1, 2017 00:46
I'm editing the edits. I'm going meta on meta.
Mar 31, 2017 15:46
Chat search of Spring Cleaning for questions posted by @Feeds
Mar 29, 2017 04:13
Mar 28, 2017 17:59
@hBy2Py I noticed you used \bbox. That's grounds for suspension here.
Mar 28, 2017 14:55
New SEDE query for locating questions with specific tags applied, and no others
Mar 28, 2017 10:02
Corn syrup \(*v*)/
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