The Symposium

A Party Space for Philosophy.SE! Both philosophy and mundane chatting welcome.
9d ago – Martin Sleziak

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Aug 6, 2013 00:24
@JosephWeissman An ana- or cataphora. A variable.
Aug 2, 2013 02:24
A border is just a cog in a machine of human interactions. If people treat it as a border, it is a border. When will they treat it as such? When they are inclined to do what others command or advise them to do. And when does all this happen in such a way as to result in what we consider a normal border? Ah, says, Tolstoy, that is more or less like asking why a ripple occurs at a certain spot in a pond: a result of complex factors, where no single main cause can be identified.
Aug 2, 2013 01:25
I feel like a snowball!
Aug 1, 2013 16:55
fail again, fail better
Jul 27, 2013 03:58
> Even when they are well-controlled by an empire that owns them (as in the Chinese and Roman empires), there is a major movement of clandestine exploitation, and of miners' alliances either with nomad and barbarian incursions or peasant revolts.
Jul 8, 2013 14:24
In case someone hasn't noticed yet: there's a self-evaluation going on right now in our review section. Get it before it's gone!
Jun 25, 2013 23:40
Anything is a philosophical issue!
Jun 19, 2013 18:50
Jun 15, 2013 14:13
@Cerberus Oh no! You broke the pattern!
Jun 14, 2013 20:07
I think they are doing this on purpose.
Jun 14, 2013 19:25
But it's kind of... all over the place. How does he do it?
Jun 13, 2013 19:34
We're not as unique as we think. Except by our own standards.
Jun 13, 2013 19:08
nature does it herself, of course; species have a halflife... :)
Jun 12, 2013 15:53
Chaire, phile!
Jun 3, 2013 17:42
Jun 1, 2013 16:33
A small bottle?
May 28, 2013 23:49
they've always been there in my imagination
May 28, 2013 04:23
I still think we need something out of Bucket's source code
May 25, 2013 16:18
Ah, so the name change has occurred
May 24, 2013 17:53
It's not polite to call it a "plot hole". We prefer to call it the "entrance to eternal rest*".
May 23, 2013 02:24
only if we had the misfortune to have arrived... :|
May 19, 2013 15:34
The free will theorem of John H. Conway and Simon B. Kochen states that, if we have a certain amount of "free will", then, subject to certain assumptions, so must some elementary particles. Conway and Kochen's paper was published in Foundations of Physics in 2006. Axioms The proof of the theorem relies on three axioms, which Conway and Kochen call "fin", "spin", and "twin". The spin and twin axioms can be verified experimentally. # Fin: There is a maximum speed for propagation of information (not necessarily the speed of light). This assumption rests upon causality. # Spin: The squared spi...
May 16, 2013 20:15
May 16, 2013 17:32
"If I am any wiser than other men it is because where they do not know but think they know, I know that I do not know."
Apr 20, 2013 17:03
At any rate, I'll be in San Diego til Tuesday, hold down the fort :P
Jan 26, 2013 03:38
Jan 1, 2013 08:00
Dec 5, 2012 16:00
@Saeed Finally, I might note that the various stacks have different policies and guidelines. What may be appropriate on one may not be on another.
Nov 29, 2012 06:35
you're the hero NY deserves commando
Nov 21, 2012 05:17
YAAY! CATS! <- In real life, I sound like this.
Nov 21, 2012 02:06
Jun 23, 2012 22:44
@Tames the whole thing is online here:
Jun 23, 2012 22:21
@Tames the reunification of art and science is named by Nietzsche the "joyous science" -- he seems to say that both science and art are insufficiently mature/robust at the moment to permit the merging, however
May 19, 2012 04:09
we've already gotten 35 clicks on our community ad on gaming.SE
May 17, 2012 14:23
@JosephWeissman The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. -Winston Churchill
Apr 5, 2012 19:19
it appears my question about music downloading is #1
Apr 3, 2012 23:55
well, maybe instead of having a challenge where people ask questions about specific subjects, we could have events (perhaps not challenges) where the community tries to deconstruct a really big question (posted on meta) into great smaller questions, both to enrich the material on the site (at the same time avoiding people asking the same big question) and to stimulate activity.
Mar 24, 2012 23:16
There is a politician called Enrique Peña Nieto.
Mar 24, 2012 23:16
I hold the believe that Homer Simpson is smarter than this guy.
Mar 23, 2012 02:37
I don't have any suggestions for implementation, but what we need is a consistent asking-more-questions boost among the expert users
Mar 19, 2012 21:31
Given that this model of spacetime seems to be the most accurate that we have, it would appear that if space emerged with the creation of the universe, so did time. If time existed before, then space must have too (this seems like a bit of a contradiction).
Jan 24, 2012 02:43
I have to say, this is an excellent site. Kudos to whoever suggested it.
Oct 1, 2011 06:00
Q: Energy and the ontology of physics

I have long been interested in physics as (working toward) a description of absolute truth and, as a consequence, have had a number of discussions with people with religious and metaphysical beliefs far from mine own. These conversations often turn toward ontology, the study of existance vs. non...

Sep 28, 2011 15:00
Q: Are there borderline cases of existence?

Jaime RavenetMetaphysical/ontological vagueness, classically understood, can be summed up as the problem of borderline cases of some thing x. Clouds are the standard examples of vague objects. If posit that our minds meet up with some things in the world that we call "clouds" that have something akin to defin...

Sep 26, 2011 13:09
Q: Which Philosophers are most often cited as Materialists?

Luke IshamWhich Philosophers are most often cited as Materialists (aka physicalists)?

Sep 23, 2011 23:58
Q: Where does 'continental' philosophy fit in the subcategories of modern philosophy?

MitchIf one considers a abstract systematization of what constitutes modern philosophy, it is very natural to come up with something like wikipedia's outline: metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic, political philosophy, philosophy of mind, and many other narrower subjects. This is pretty comprehens...