@Nic Hello Nic! Votes on meta are just to show the opinion of the users about a post. While upvote will show that a community member agree with the post, downvote will simply say that he/she doesn't agree, nothing more. You shouldn't feel bad about downvotes there. :)
@Zanna It is a trick, yes ;) So you get an IMGUR image URL (e.g. i.stack.imgur.com/keE8t.jpg) -- add m` before the .jpg for a medium sized image, or s for small (thumbnail)
@Zanna When the title is vague and the content is guaranteed to bring people screaming about the OP's terrible life decisions, the HNQ-bot says this is amazing and needs more attention
Use this tag when you are asking about scientific studies. If you are asking about experiments done on animals (an ethical issue for veg*ns), please use the tag [animal-experimentation]
Ideally Moderators are elected by the community, but until the community is large enough to hold a proper election, we will be appointing three provisional Moderators to fill those roles.
We need your help. Please nominate folks you would like to see become provisional moderators for this site. ...