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3h ago – PM 2Ring
PM 2Ring: 3h ago, 4946 posts (0%)leslie townes: 3h ago, 57307 posts (1%)Pizza: 13h ago, 7618 posts (0%)Xander Henderson: 17h ago, 27850 posts (0%)Madder: 119d ago, 3831 posts (0%)

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Normally, most spam gets detected and deleted fairly quickly. But we've had a bit of a spike this month.
yst 20:41
Hi all: I've got an announcement for interested parties. (I promise i really don't do this often.)
yst 19:03
it is our duty to clean up this mess so future generations don't have to suffer as much
yst 07:22
Cleo's mystery has been finally solved!
Feb 11 17:21
but I'm a crank, I'm a weirdo
what the hell am I doing here, I don't belong here :(
Sat 23:34
finally, real math
Sat 23:34
this is no ordinary typesetting. we're quantum-typesetting through the 5th dimension
Sat 17:36
I am looking for a recommendation for a numerical analysis book. What book do you guys recommend?
Sat 16:43
recently Hatcher uploaded a revision paper on arxiv
Fri 03:04
Feb 13 09:47
Feb 12 15:48
oh duh
Feb 9 23:28
category theory is a field where most statements are kind of obviously true and the proof is basically forced upon you by virtue of basic syntax
higher category theory is a field where most statements are kind of obviously true but it took a decade to prove that
Feb 9 07:01
Happy Birthday, H. S. M. Coxeter!
Feb 9 07:01
Harold Scott MacDonald "Donald" Coxeter (9 February 1907 – 31 March 2003) was a British-Canadian geometer and mathematician. He is regarded as one of the greatest geometers of the 20th century. Coxeter was born in England and educated at the University of Cambridge, with student visits to Princeton University. He worked for 60 years at the University of Toronto in Canada, from 1936 until his retirement in 1996, becoming a full professor there in 1948. His many honours included membership in the Royal Society of Canada, the Royal Society, and the Order of Canada. He was an author of 12 book...
Feb 8 03:19
(1) the lattice of subgroups is distributive
(2) every finitely generated subgroup is cyclic
(3) the group is a subquotient of $\mathbb{Q}$
Jan 27 21:15
clearly, one prime looks like the start of $\hookrightarrow$ and two primes look like the tail of $\twoheadrightarrow$
Jan 27 14:23
if you want me to take part in your psychological study you'll have to pay me
Jan 19 15:50
user image
Jan 17 18:38
If somebody feels like helping you they will, but spamming is not welcome here.
Jan 25 08:32
From the answer it is possible to embed Penrose triangle into curved three dimensional space, something called "nil geometry". I wonder if the impossible cube also can be embedded into curved three-dimensional space.
Dec 15, 2024 17:28
Why is epsilon afraid of zeta?
Dec 15, 2024 17:28
Because zeta eta theta.
Jan 22 15:13
the holy trinity: Obvious, Trivial, (removed)
Feb 1 22:04
@Thorgott auspicious
Feb 1 22:01
banach and tarski destroyed both the street price and the quality of the cocaine in 1920s lwow with their methods
Feb 1 15:37
also, I checked a reference, and $Wh(\mathbb{Z}G)$ is infinite for most abelian $G$ (any $G$ containing an element of order $5$ or $\ge 7$, for example)
Jan 2 20:55
email his children with accusations
Jan 30 02:01
@BenSteffan G-d, I hope not. Lungs work better in a slightly lower dimension.
Jan 28 16:37
found a pdf of “Littlewood’s Miscellany” online, and it’s a really interesting read. I saw the book referenced in the Wikipedia article on “Ross-Littlewood paradox”.
Jan 27 23:56
when he's putting out his garbage someone needs to pop up out of the bushes and demand an answer from him
Jan 27 17:57
although there's also the trap of "i don't plan on doing this a lot so i'll just do it in ms office this one time" or "i don't have time to learn this week so i'll use MS this one time" and you blink and a few years later "this one time" was 20 times, you've wasted a nonzero percentage of your life on fiddling with word/PPT quirks, and you still don't know latex
Jan 27 16:33
@HomesickIguana That isn't how PhD theses work.
Dec 5, 2024 19:53
attention is for losers, make claims first, worry about details later
Dec 23, 2024 15:20
user image
Jan 25 16:05
Given any irrational real number $r$ it's possible to find a linear Diophantine approximation for any other incommensurable irrational $s$ in the form $z=ar+b$ with integers $a,b$ such that $|s-z|<\epsilon$ for any given $\epsilon>0$. I have a fairly simple algorithm to find $a,b$ pairs, based on the continued fraction convergents of $r$ and the extended Euclidean algorithm. But I'm not sure how optimal it is, and I'm curious about alternative algorithms.
Jan 25 07:34
Any high-rep user can kindly share screenshots of this deleted question?…
Jan 25 00:31
@Thorgott wrong answer. correct answer would have been "not much, how about you?" :)
Jan 24 21:14
@BenSteffan repeat after me: every homotopy type is 1-connected
Jan 24 15:42
You have better things to be thinking about.
Jan 24 13:29
If someone keep cheating on all the exams, I wonder why hes still in university or college etc. Maybe he should think about whether this is really what he wants to do.
Jan 22 08:44
What do those symbols mean?
Oct 28, 2024 09:20
That's great, but given your track record, I suggest waiting a while before announcing you have proven it, next time.
Nov 3, 2024 22:11
@DannyuNDos Tired of math? Study math
Jan 20 19:27
i don't mean to imply that definitions and hypotheses don't matter, but at the level of generality that people ask questions on MSE it is often the case that it sort of doesn't matter. i.e. if you aren't asking some question that depends on the details of the setup, then someone can assume whatever setup they like that is compatible with the question, and answer it in that setup, and everybody goes away happy
Jan 20 01:01
I mean, geometric arguments are neat (and I wish I knew more), but they're typically suboptimal for algebraic ends (though can be enlightening in other ways)
Jan 1 15:48
allow me to challenge the framing of this question, does it matter?
Dec 17, 2024 11:52
@XanderHenderson is this one of those "back in my days, to get to school I had to..." bits
Jan 19 16:10
This is my nightmare:
1 2 3 4 5 491