Hub of Reason

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2d ago – Joe W
Joe W: 2d ago, 155 posts (0%)

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Dec 9, 2023 21:09
I think that it started in 2023 is the reason for the tag even when it drags outlonger
Nov 25, 2023 04:09
The tour also points to the Welcome to New Users:…
Nov 25, 2023 04:08
It explained that we are here for applying scientific skepticism.
Nov 25, 2023 04:08
Not for politics. Not for speculation. Not for hunches. We are here for one purpose.
Nov 25, 2023 00:28
3) The man was genuinely arrested, and managed to talk his way out. Maybe he was an Israeli, and someone vouched for him.
Mar 29, 2021 21:29
Just broke 20k!!!!
Feb 24, 2023 09:15
This room (and by extension the site) is now twelve years old. Happy anniversary!
Aug 7, 2019 17:45
You know, just once I want to open the Skeptics home page and see that people are skeptical about something warm and fuzzy and wholesome. :-/
Dec 5, 2022 13:20
Q: Ban ChatGPT network-wide

AdámUse of ChatGPT generated text for posts on Stack Overflow is temporarily banned. However, the reasons for the ban really apply to much or all of the network, and certainly for sites that are similar in nature to Stack Overflow. I suggest (temporarily) banning ChatGPT network-wide. It turns out th...

Dec 5, 2022 13:19
Q: Could ChatGPT be a viable way to answer people's questions?

LarsenvA few days ago, OpenAI, the people that brought you GPT-3 and DALL-E, launched a new product called ChatGPT. It can answer questions so accurately that it's legitimately scary. Even the most obscure topics known to man are answered swiftly by this bot. It's not 100% accurate, but it's shockingly ...

Oct 8, 2019 16:08
Cleared 15K last night!
Dec 11, 2020 22:23
@Oddthinking Yeah. That's framing. For Inc, it's great, for the site's purpose it's horrible. Isn'it?
Apr 11, 2019 07:06
🎉 Yay, I passed the 10k mark 🎉
Mar 27, 2019 13:47
Dec 15, 2021 12:09
This 2Sinovac/1Pfizer vs 3Sinovac combo experiment recently inquired about so much seems to be… Just in case anyone is interested to read the background to an off-topic question…
Oct 9, 2021 13:54
Removed tags (from the most recent ones): main, meta.
Oct 9, 2019 20:11
Sep 11, 2019 22:26
user image
Sep 3, 2021 15:50
But in general we think that debunking the dangerous or offensive statements is worth it. But if the answer is pointless as I think, my conclusion would also be that simply repeating the claims by Wagenknecht here is not really doing any good
Sep 3, 2021 15:42
Another issue which doesn't make it off-topic, but will annoy people is that your claim even if it is true is meaningless and doesn't say anything bad unlike implied by e.g. Sarah Wagenknecht
Jun 23, 2021 12:13
@Oddthinking That's what I wanted to avoid by being explicit about "I do not endorse the claim! And as fast typing goes, the 'not' went AWOL. Embarrassing. Sorry about that.
Jun 18, 2021 21:13
@Oddthinking And again on that lovely religiously coloured post/thread: No one needs to use the word "enemy": "[that site] is the worst kind of anti-vax BS. […] is just one batshit crazy idea in the article. FFS. No fact- check needed, it's idiocy on its face." — Stands for quite some time, apparently no one flagged it. Do you see the pattern?
Apr 30, 2021 06:21
Gotta love the irony of someone accusing black people of being less intelligent and spelling the word "black" wrong in the title.
Mar 18, 2021 22:32
One interesting paper for the Moderna mRNA platform, from 2017: Distribution of foreign mRNA in test animals, sorted by weight, highest first, after 8 hours:
Injection site muscle, proximal lymph nodes, distal lymph nodes, spleen, liver, plasma, ileum, bone marrow, testes (!), lung, kidney, cecum, heart, rectum, stomach, brain , jejunum.
Interesting that testes is so relatively high up the list, and that more crosses the blood-brain barrier than attacks the jejunum.
Mar 18, 2021 05:14
Well, after several hours of being accused of "lies" "plain faced lies", left standing — on this site — I guess conclusions are also quite obvious.
Mar 17, 2021 18:11
That has a certain aroma of added excrement to tip already unequal scales. Those flags were evidently nothing but motivated reasoning without base in reality. That the message contained is backed up by a host of reliable references seems not to matter when the content is just so inconvenient for the fanboys. Vaccines should protect us. Not we should protect the vaccines. Please register my protest against that practice.
Mar 17, 2021 13:53
"And for what, again" I hear you say? ["Since most SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in development use only the spike protein as immunogen, we also analyzed whether peptides from the spike alone can yield broad CTL coverage over the global population.
Based on our analysis, the immunogenic spike peptides alone are unlikely to provide such broad coverage from the standpoint of CTL responses. Therefore, to get broad CTL coverage, an immunogen consisting of other SARS-CoV-2 proteins might be necessary. This is potentially significant if antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 prove not to be durable, as reported
Mar 17, 2021 09:33
So let me say that very clearly: I firmly protest that this fear porn answer gets +15 votes while being so low in quality, measured on things like quality standards for answers here are supposed to be required. A deplatform-voted Q means that the 15 UVs on the A are all from regulars? That is quite a disgrace and showing nothing but ideological echo-chamberism.
Mar 17, 2021 09:30
And yet, meanwhile on this site we see the fanatics being all so overjoyed that a perverted braindead idea like vaccinating ex-covid-patients gets much more love as a question? That is sick!
Mar 17, 2021 09:28
Data-dredging in the trials to then still only show a benefit of 1% absolute risk reduction, a manipulated two early unblinded trial with large dropiout numbers and still an efficacy of 19–29%? Dependent on only one single structure that while slower than flu could easily mutate away is in the prcess of doing so on a great scale?
Mar 17, 2021 09:27
That's the funniest thing about this: those criticising VanderBosche are effectively denying evolution. His point is that we create a large evolutionary pressure on the bug, but leave a barn door wide open and in sight. So, are vaccine-fanatics really a new form of creationists? They surely ignore the lack of scientific evidence in favour of the current vaccines.
Mar 17, 2021 09:22
This cross-immunity is by definition lacking or much weaker if S is mutated and a weakened body only had 'vaccines' to battle. In Nature we see that blood from reconvalescents shows good immunity against mutants (with few exceptions) and that vaxxed blood is virgin soil for those mutants.
Mar 17, 2021 09:19
A recent nature paper even shows that the idea to focus on only one epitope structure, the spike protein , was an achilles heel from the start. Natural infection presents the immune system a lot of information, and against all of those structures defenses could be built. If the bug mutates on S, there are still the others. Which is the reason why many had a level of pre-existing immunity from pre2019 against the 'new' CoV.
Mar 17, 2021 09:15
While in reality, we see studies showing that sterile immunity hasn't even been a design goal, infection susceptibility really does increase after the first jab, that after the first neutrophiles go down, massively, immunosenescence questions any efficacy in the elderly who in one-third fail to produce any antibodies.
Mar 17, 2021 09:12
Punishment for a good Q, because it might shatter a weltanschauung, praise for a bad A that shows no insight into the subject matter, smears the person, with bad language, and does only come up with one egregiously propagandistic 'fact-checker'.
Jan 4, 2021 15:29
@fredsbend This argument would have more strength if interpretations weren't closely tied to particular sects - if the scholars were converging on an agreed consensus interpretation. I don't see that happening.
Jun 6, 2016 22:07
That's actually an awesome discussion for those two sites to be having. When your world views reject the scientific method as a discriminant, how do you actually decide what to believe?
Dec 13, 2020 23:57
@LаngLаngС Australia has pretty much eradicated community transmission of COVID-19. The new cases are pretty much exclusively from International travellers. A measles vaccination is required to get a via to Australia (I am sure there are medical exemptions, but I didn't check.) Measles is certainly a worse disease, but in most parts of Australia, there is herd immunity.
Dec 11, 2020 22:55
@Oddthinking To me, it looks more like a dance on common ground? I emphasise that without solid evidence it might still be true, although it more likely isn't (chiro.subluxations, masks, lockdowns…), And I Emphasise, that to claim squarely 'rhight/wrong', nall those positions mentioned need much better evidence.
Dec 3, 2020 04:19
I'd say we tend to find them (or they us), but I think we do struggle with those less honest creeping in, usually to ask or answer politics questions.
Nov 26, 2020 16:43
It's almost as if people are generally dishonest and prefer in-group belonging over science and facts.
Nov 17, 2020 15:00
For that reason, I decided that it was time to help the room and its lapsed conversation into the archives.
Apr 26, 2014 17:15
Well, that's a turn-up for the books. Snopes quotes us.
Nov 2, 2020 03:17
Covid mortality is down, from 6%ish to 2%ish, I just read. My math when looking up the numbers was under 1%, so idk anymore.
Nov 2, 2020 00:30
One more than interesting data point: a German 'increasing quality of medicine' initiative analysed data from 421 participating hospitals. Result: 75% of those patients treated in those hospitals for Covid symptoms never had any positive lab result whatsoever.… Talking of inflated positive test results? And excess mortality?
Sep 2, 2020 14:45
NEW TAG: I feel like we've gotten some BLM related questions lately, so I've created the tag. Any thoughts?
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