
Discussion for quant.stackexchange.com
2109d ago – chrisaycock

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Jul 21, 2012 00:14
Blair Hull, channeling Manoj Narang, also argued that rules preventing "locked markets" are antiquated.
Nov 2, 2011 01:59
Looks like the primary thing that we need to work on now is increasing the number of questions on the site: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/117/quantitative-finance. Let's all try to build some interest around asking questions. Maybe we should organize a "flash mob" kind-of-thing, where we try to get as many people hitting the site at the same time as possible. We just need to get over that hump of getting questions asked.
Oct 11, 2011 16:52
The following free online class from Stanford on machine learning may be of interest to some people here: ml-class.org/course/auth/index
Feb 9, 2011 22:23
int rand(void) { return 3; } // why doesn't this work?
Jun 4, 2015 02:19
Q: Is there a community wiki for Quantitative Finance forum of StackExchange?

athosIf so, how could I access it? Some post was mentioning it but I couldn't find a link to it in FAQ or the first page of the forum.

Apr 21, 2015 23:30
wow! flash crash asserted by US DOJ caused by program trading, possibly
Nov 10, 2014 20:56
Q: How long should the "beta" tag remain?

emcorI recommend to remove the "beta" tag from "Quantitative Finance beta". "Beta" makes the site less sincere and professional. The "beta" version remained for some years now, I dont see why it should be called beta anymore.

Jan 1, 2014 03:50
Happy New Year, everyone!
Nov 17, 2013 17:01
But why oh why didn't I buy bitcoins. That profit would dwarf all my other endeavours.
May 2, 2013 17:17
I've never seen so many nerds in a slap fight before:
Apr 11, 2013 18:08
I'm kind of surprised no one has asked about BitCoin arbitrage strategies yet. With all the noob questions lately, I would have thought this was a given.
Feb 18, 2013 12:35
Just my 2p guys, but I think you might want to ease up on the 'you ain't no quant' bar for measuring questions. I'm a professional, but I know very little about a lot of areas of finance. Right now I wouldn't want to ask a question about those areas here; I'd go read the rest of the internet first, and only ask once I was a long way down the rabbit hole. I think the critical mass will happen when people are free to ask quant questions without getting closed down.
Jan 25, 2013 16:11
@Nikos no man, it's more complicated than that. Have a look at this book if you want to see what it's all about.
Nov 24, 2012 10:33
@SRKX The other "celebrity" that might be amenable is Emanuel Derman. I am better acquainted with him than Taleb, but it is all I can do to get and hold his attention (he can be unnervingly sharp witted, and discerning). Once again, what would we do with either of them? Shane and Dirk both think I'm dingy, and they're probably right. Any other people you would want, of what you consider "quant fin celebrity" or serious fin celebrity?
Oct 16, 2012 03:54
I generally have only one rule for the newbies who want to post here: just work in the industry.
Oct 13, 2012 22:41
I felt like the hot girl at a bar.
Jul 21, 2012 00:11
Naturally, many HFT shops on a panel were vehemently opposed to this view. I have many of the interesting talks in softcopy format. I was relieved to hear a regulator comment that what keeps her up at night are unintended consequences of regulation. Email me and I'll send it over to whomever is interested: [email protected] .
Jun 14, 2012 16:56
Anybody else going to the Chicago Quant Invest / HFT conference this June 25th-June 28th? I'm giving a talk on applying machine learning and other disciplines to the investment process. As a result I have several full-conference complimentary passes. Email me if you'd like to attend!
Jun 8, 2012 01:40
New paper by Kritzman and Page on "Regime Shift Implications for Dynamic Strategies". Thought some in the chat room might find it interesting: papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2066848
Apr 25, 2012 17:44
So there may yet be hope for us.
Apr 25, 2012 17:40
If anyone is curious about how Quantitative Finance is doing in comparison, we have far more visitors than those sites, plus we keep growing at a slow but steady pace (moderators can see the traffic logs).
Mar 20, 2012 01:27
Hey folks... The "Battle of the Quants" conference is in New York next week: battleofthequants.com . There is a panel on the impact of HFT on "Market microstructure and institutional investor response", as well as the impact of HFT on industry more generally. Panelists are comped. Shoot me a note if you'd like to participate as soon as possible (see profile for contact info). Cheers
Feb 7, 2012 15:48
That's encouraging and discouraging. We need to convert some of those daily visits to question-askers.
Dec 22, 2011 01:59
This is the first spam I've seen. Does that mean we've "arrived"? ;-)
Dec 13, 2011 20:27
hey all - I haven't really been following this conversation but I'm helping run the ambassadors program
Dec 9, 2011 04:19
Quant SE is mentioned in the latest podcast at 17 minutes in.
Nov 1, 2011 00:23
Hey everyone. Glad to see that the site is humming along. @TalFishman is having some great contributions. Starting to get a little more active again, although can't really access the site during the day.
Sep 19, 2011 15:39
Q: Has high frequency trading (HFT) been a net benefit or cost to society?

Tal FishmanVarious studies out there have demonstrated the very large and growing influence of high frequency trading (HFT) on the markets. HFT firms are clearly making a great deal of money from somewhere, and it stands to reason that they are making this money at the expense of every other participant in...

Sep 19, 2011 15:37
Not sure if anyone comes here any more, but I found the following interesting, particularly as it relates to one of the questions I asked here:
Sep 7, 2011 19:43
Q: How should we rationalize our tag scheme?

sheegaonMany common topics on the site have multiple overlapping tags covering the same or similar areas. The specific tags I have in mind are: Risk risk risk-management risk-models coherent-risk-measure risk-neutral risk-neutrality risk-premium Research/reference request research reference refer...

Aug 18, 2011 19:31
Is anyone still here in chat? What are people's impressions of how the site has been progressing? Many of you have probably noticed I've made a concerted effort to contribute quality content and to clean up some old posts for clarity, brevity, and grammar. I hope I haven't stepped on anybody's toes here.
Feb 14, 2011 20:30
"Artificial intelligence turned out to be more like cancer research than a moon shot."
Feb 14, 2011 20:21
It's a tough question though. I prefer to distinguish between experts and amateurs, rather than institutional vs. retail. It's hard to draw a line on a specific platform; I tend to think that the content of the question may be more relevant.
Feb 14, 2011 18:46
@Shane slacker
Feb 12, 2011 03:41
And I'd like to give a big shout-out to Dirk for hitting the 1K rep mark.
Feb 9, 2011 22:45
I was like the hot girl at the bar, apparently.
Feb 9, 2011 22:41
Dirk's a real pretender. I only pretend to pretend.
Feb 9, 2011 22:25
I'll give it the first ceremonious star. Like a boss.