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Apr 2, 2014 14:23
The specific wording of that rule kinda falls apart when you have a required subset of tags, though. All tags outside that subset would have to be burninated, and that's clearly not the intent.
Apr 2, 2014 14:12
I keep seeing opinions are divided, but who is on the other side of the divide? (aside from JasonC, who is obviously causing trouble)
Apr 2, 2014 14:07
@Geobits No, we should delete the tag and all questions in it.
Apr 2, 2014 13:40
I wanted to put a comment on the question: This site should not be a place to take the piss out of SO users. But I haven't to avoid inflaming the situation.
Apr 2, 2014 11:06
Such a wonderful idea for a site, squandered by pretentious users and worthless moderators. An eyesore of an SE site. Its low popularity should be a signal. There are other places where "programming challenges" are actually acceptable. I'll be there, along with everybody else outside of PCG's little circle-jerk club.
Apr 2, 2014 11:04
Two people came and downvoted every answer on…. You guys should be ashamed. PCG is kind of a fail. Its close reasons are inconsistent garbage, its tags mislead people into believing something is acceptable when its not, and the only people that bother talking on meta are the people who think the entire site should be some sort of serious-business-only over-constrained anti-fun trash heap.
Apr 1, 2014 15:56
from itertools import*
b="".join([str(i) for i in range(1,10)])
for d in c:
for e in zip(*d):
for f in e:
if eval(g)==100: print g+"=100"

Runs in what, 10 seconds?
Mar 31, 2014 22:03
@Rusher Mostly being devil's advocate. I'm with @PeterTaylor, I'd rather earn my reputation "the hard way" and encourage all others to do the same. The site will graduate or not based on the other all value of the site to its users. We'll create our eventual graduation if we continue to produce valuable challenges and answers :D
Mar 31, 2014 20:46
@Rusher Would those fall within this rules? Maybe HQ9+ is an bad example, I'm talking about about people that go "Hey! I just created this language, here's an interpreter, it's only command is x, that just happens to solve this program in one char."
Mar 31, 2014 07:16
Also: does anyone have a golfscript tutorial that's not the one on the official site? DDG came up with nothing but that one
Mar 30, 2014 04:57
@DoorknobChatbot I thought you had your own room...
Mar 29, 2014 16:19
Taking a trivial task and slapping popularity-contest on it does not create a good or interesting challenge. — Doorknob 1 min ago
Mar 28, 2014 03:10
I dislike popularity contests, so I have nothing to say about that. ;-)
Mar 28, 2014 03:02
I think they should run indefinitely. If a better answer comes along, update the green tick.
Mar 27, 2014 23:03
@Rusher The close reason is "Off topic". When what the OP wants is clearly better served by another stack then the correct thing to do is not to try to force them into being the host of a contest: close their question, flag for migration, and if there's a nugget there which can be recast into a suitable form then do that as a new question rather than trying to pervert the OP's intention.
Mar 27, 2014 19:37
@Rusher (FWIW: I cast a close vote on the question as it was, so I can't cast another. But as it stands, it's a trivial problem dressed up as pop-contest, so I would prefer it remain closed).
Mar 27, 2014 14:21
For code-golf types, usually there isn't a time limit anyway (from what I've seen). I don't think removing it will be frowned upon. Accept whichever one is winning. You can always accept a different one later if one comes along and beats it.
Mar 27, 2014 01:41
@TimWolla and then losing it all after the answer is nuked? Yeah, it would! :D
Mar 27, 2014 01:36
I hope this does not become the norm.
Mar 25, 2014 22:33
$(".tile-container").addItem("<div class="tile tile-2048 tile-position-3-4">2048</div>");TheDoctor 1 min ago
Mar 25, 2014 18:22
I game the system by attempting to maximize this: # of NiceQuestionBadge / # of QuestionsAsked
Mar 25, 2014 18:21
@vzn I've just looked and you have to go to the 16th highest voted question to find the first with a half-decent spec. If I received a specification as poor as some of the highest voted ones here at work I'd be sorely tempted to tell my boss to stuff his job where the sun doesn't shine.
Mar 25, 2014 17:43
says @vzn
Mar 25, 2014 17:42
It's their right to say so. And saying so doesn't make it real and thus true
Mar 25, 2014 17:42
I just exaggerated an example of lying on the inernet
Mar 25, 2014 17:41
@vzn When playing almost any MMORPG, you usually receive tons of lovely comments regarding your mom and such.
Mar 25, 2014 17:40
_ is class name. Wow, 136 upvotes.
Mar 25, 2014 17:39
I looked at his answers. They seem rather simple.
Mar 25, 2014 17:34
Even if he's lying, it's his right to :P This is internet.
Mar 25, 2014 17:30
I'm almost sure Doorknob lies, but who knows...
Mar 25, 2014 16:37
@luserdroog His name is actually Robert');DROP TABLE Students;--
Mar 25, 2014 16:19
@vzn If someone asks you to stop using excessive emphasis in your chat message, it would be nice if you would do so
Mar 25, 2014 13:13
@vzn I've said this before, but could you please use capital letters and punctuation in your post? Reading an entire post that consists of two sentences and no capital letters, with & scattered all over the place, is extremely annoying and difficult. Could you at least spell out the word "and"?
Mar 25, 2014 02:20
@Malachi Oh no!!! Bummer. I almost got that badge for CGSE but I broke my streak for some stupid reason, and I lost my motivation to try again.
Mar 25, 2014 01:30
in The 2nd Monitor, 12 secs ago, by rolfl
Yeah, @Doorknob - we even have a better chat room than PCG ;-)
Mar 24, 2014 22:17
Yeah, the reactionary re-openers are something of a problem.
Mar 24, 2014 20:23
@PeterTaylor Disallowing all future [popularity-contest] questions and deleting all [code-trolling] questions and that tag would be a step in the right direction, I think.
Mar 24, 2014 09:56
@xfix Even more worrying is that 3 people have voted to reopen it. I think last December was our Eternal September and we'll never recover a culture of questions which have clear specifications and objective winning criteria.
Mar 23, 2014 19:55
It's not that fun Googling / Looking up every single line
Mar 22, 2014 17:25
@vzn What do you mean? I'm pretty sure that any attempt to complain about this site on SO would be closed as off-topic within 5 minutes.
Mar 22, 2014 16:23
I study physics, thats where)
Mar 21, 2014 19:20
The winning move is the move that forces the other to lose?
Mar 20, 2014 19:39
@Rusher Language-specific challenges are pretty heavily frowned-upon. Don't do it unless you have a very good reason to.
Mar 20, 2014 18:39
@Rusher Edited my post now. The community team reads our meta from time to time. With enough community support, I feel there'd be enough weight for the community team to take action.
Mar 20, 2014 18:08
@ChrisJester-Young I really like the idea of a sandbox.codegolf.SE
Mar 19, 2014 14:16
We should get a MC group together from the people that sit around in this chat room. That way I can spend less time complaining about sandboxes and more time building sand castles
Mar 18, 2014 20:35
I see Milo changed their avatar slightly to differ from TheDoctor :P
Mar 17, 2014 20:04
that seems to be a new fad - need beta testers and funding for your Mac port? put it on Humble and get both
Mar 17, 2014 18:11
That's definitely a candidate for the FAQ: choosing your question tag 101