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Jul 30, 2015 00:30
Happy birthday, Startups!
Aug 11, 2014 09:01
@jdero It would be good if we could motivate the participation of some more of the 230 committers to the Area51 proposal. Joel Spolsky himself, for example, committed to the proposal but hasn't registered here: what was the purpose behind his commitment if there was no intention to get involved? I'm sure that he (and others like him) could make a lot of valuable contributions.
Sep 26, 2014 21:19
@blunders without a subject, it becomes idiomatic, many native speakers may still understand it, but it is not proper English and will result in difficulty being understood by other users. If it had started out as "Recently set up a small company..." then it probably wouldn't have been a significant enough issue to merit an edit, but it's important to try improve a post rather than make the grammar more ambiguous and less standard.
Sep 16, 2014 20:44
@connor dont worry about the stats, all you need is quality content
Sep 8, 2014 22:18
from Tim Post's public beta announcement "Put simply, unless we see the site overrun with extremely poor quality questions and spam, and no one doing anything about it, you've got a site."
Aug 11, 2014 07:56
hi is this good place to ask one interview question.
Aug 4, 2014 21:38
Oh, how I miss 1990.
Aug 4, 2014 21:32
You want to nominate me? Nominating myself just feels sketchy...
Aug 4, 2014 06:44
Also, we really need to comment and vote more. I think I have the most votes on the network and I'm not even at 50 =o ... and don't forget to star chat messages! :)
Jan 21, 2015 20:35
I think you definitely should improve that answer
Dec 20, 2014 21:47
Friendly reminder that I'm not the only one affected by seasonal business practices! Our weekly topic challenge ends in a couple days, so now's a great time to ask about maintaining a startup or small business during these winter (or summer, for the Southern Hemisphere-ers in the house) months.
Nov 4, 2014 22:51
I've posted another community ad, this time on Game Development. We'll look into something a bit more polished for their next cycle, but I wanted to get something out there quickly, so I threw that together.
Sep 24, 2014 22:06
personally I don't think entreprenuers is really a good fit either
Sep 24, 2014 21:05
in fact, the main reason I'm for a name is because I worry we may be scaring away valuable contributors with the startups name
Sep 23, 2014 03:52
Q: Is our name appropriate?

connorDuring the private beta, we came up with this scope for our site: Startups Stack Exchange is for entrepreneurs faced with starting and running a small business under conditions of significant uncertainty. We encourage questions about both startups and running a small business, but there is ...

Sep 20, 2014 17:28
@NickWilde Was it not Lincoln who said "Show me a man without vice and I’ll show you a man without virtue"? :)
Sep 20, 2014 00:17
how do you guys feel about small businesses on the site? They're included in our official site scope, but our title makes it seem like our site is exclusive to startups (whatever that means)
Sep 18, 2014 20:54
In particular: "All contributions are licensed under Creative Commons, and this site is collaboratively edited, like Wikipedia. If you see something that needs improvement, click edit!

Editing is important for keeping questions and answers clear, relevant, and up-to-date. If you are not comfortable with the idea of your contributions being collaboratively edited by other trusted users, this may not be the site for you."
Sep 16, 2014 06:37
@MatthewHaugen: Not sure it makes sense to edit the scope/meaning of a question to match an answer after the fact. Are you aware of any existing meta supporting this?
Aug 8, 2014 05:06
A: Is this site viable? We're extending the private beta

Awal GargYes, there are these problems... But we can, and we will fix! 1) Narrow view? I completely agree that this site is focusing on getting started, and not to maintain the start. I think the reason is that people who have already started, don't get enough time to contribute. We have people here...

Aug 5, 2014 23:59
I don't want to punish someone's rep because they don't quite agree with my perception of on-topic
Aug 5, 2014 07:15
A: Nominate "Pro Tempore" moderators to help guide the site through beta

Nick WildeI've been thinking and yeah I am going to take advantage of that self-nominating option. So without further ado... I nominate myself: Nick Wilde A bit about me: I have been minorly active on StackOverflow for the last 3 years. For the last 6 months I've been active with the beta of So...

Aug 4, 2014 22:01
Oh, silly question.
Aug 4, 2014 22:00
He makes good top ramen while he works on startups. But I am very active in the community and I am checking this site 50+ times a day, and I always do my best to make the right votes and admit defeat when I'm wrong... but I think I have enough experience and diligence to help this community grow.