@FreeMan I'm exceeding expectations. Some of my doctors have revealed that I've gone 15-16 months longer than they thought. Recent prognosis have been wrong too, but I'm afraid it's just a matter of time. But it's been great to have support from family, friends and colleagues. And I kind of feel lucky for getting a chance to say goodbye to people, unlike those that pass suddenly from tragedies.
So my boss made this VBA macro while I was off, and now I have a ticket to "make it work on any computer", which... involves rewriting everything around data access, which... is kind of the entire 650 lines. Cyclomatic complexity before: 42, and 180+ inspection results. After: 4, and 0 inspection results. Thank you for taking Rubberduck where it's at - it's truly become an amazing tool!
Good News Everyone! Visual Studio 2022 performs infinitely better than 2019. In the preview version I no longer have the Not Responding problems. Everything happens faster, opening, changes, compilation. It's quite an improvement.
also, there's exactly zero difference between a 10-liner module and a 700-liner module, and most of the delay with 1300 lines feels like it's still the idle timer. 2600 lines feels the same, 5100 lines too, ..I'm at 10.2K lines and it's still sub-second to parse, fold, and syntax-highlight.
Editor progress: I added a Rubberduck.Parsing project to the solution, and added a simple parser off the main grammar, that works off a TextReader stream from the TextDocument in the editor... and now whenever the text changes and remains unchanged for a configurable number of seconds, the module gets a quick parse and the VM gets an IParseTree... nothing else, just the tree.