The Hangar

General discussion about The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone.
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Jan 8, 2014 18:02
!!summon 12036
Jan 8, 2014 06:05
@egid also can I say that motor gliders freak me out
Jan 8, 2014 03:39
And unicorns working…
Jan 8, 2014 03:35
@DannyBeckett this is my office:…
Jan 8, 2014 03:08
@BretCopeland I'm a sysadmin, we're trained to think the worst of the psychotic crack-deprived monkeys using the keyboard to crack open walnuts users :-)
Jan 7, 2014 21:46
see, that's why i think it is not a ridiculous question
Jan 7, 2014 21:10
so the other day I was up with a friend shooting some approaches, and ATC was having trouble raising a Boeing test flight... which, when they finally responded did so with "Center, sorry, we were on the land line."
Jan 7, 2014 21:03
@egid though, if there's something we (as a company) could do which is inexpensive, but would generate new active users (especially controllers) then I bet I could get someone to make it happen.
Jan 7, 2014 20:45
@abelenky yes sure let me go to the bathroom and shit seven grand
Jan 7, 2014 20:39
> Back when I was an instructor, one of our school's students was on his first solo cross country when he was asked by ATC, "Cessna XXX, Say Altitude." Without missing a beat, but in an unsure voice, he replied "Altitude!". The controller was not impressed.
Jan 7, 2014 20:28
@PatoSáinz I'm surprised our local controllers don't have more nervous breakdowns. After a weekend shift I think they must just curl up at the base of the tower rocking and muttering about "so many planes... make the buzzing stop"
Jan 7, 2014 20:27
BTW: There used to be a popular video with an "old-timer" who wouldn't take direction from ATC.... he finally said, something like, "My instruments work just fine, and I don't need your help. Please don't bother me no more".

I haven't been able to find that video in awhile now... anyone know what I'm describing?
Jan 7, 2014 20:25
it was kinda hilarious - guy didn't know whether he was east/west or north/south of the field. When the controller eventually figured out where he was they came back with something like "Winds calm, you're cleared to land on any runway you want" (unspoken: "Just please get the damn thing on the ground without crashing into the tower")
Jan 7, 2014 20:14
@abelenky I think everyone agreed that it was fair to point out questions you thought were off-topic or simply a bad fit. What was wrong was your tone and singling out a user who obviously isn't asking questions maliciously.
Jan 7, 2014 19:40
@voretaq7 are you going to accept your moderator nomination?
Jan 7, 2014 19:38
the two numbers I'm personally least happy with are Q/day & Visits/day - which both generally scale log-linearly with users :)
Jan 7, 2014 19:34
no rep = no fun
Jan 7, 2014 18:11
@PatoSáinz just said you watch Grey's Anatomy. Making such self-contradictory statements is usually reserved for members of the United States Congress
Jan 7, 2014 18:03
Jan 7, 2014 15:44
damn i want to vote it down to oblivion
Jan 6, 2014 16:18
@PatoSáinz There's nothing wrong with Javascript. It's a turing-complete language, just like Brainfuck.
Jan 6, 2014 04:37
All we ever have in aviation are Cessnas landing on minivans
Jan 6, 2014 04:30
@PatoSáinz Dude. You're in Chilé. You guys even HAVE laws down there? :P
Jan 6, 2014 04:16
Jan 6, 2014 03:40
(and supposedly shifting 1/19 north, but every time we talk about fixing that displaced threshold people scream and cry and carry on like we're talking about slicing their babies up with propellers and cooking them on jet exhaust :-/)
Jan 6, 2014 00:20
Jan 5, 2014 22:09
@BretCopeland isn't having midlife powers to abuse AWESOME?! :)
Jan 5, 2014 08:15
@DannyBeckett KMIA: VFR • Observed at: 2014-01-05T07:53:00Z • Wind: 130°/SE @ 3kts • Visibility: 10.0mi/16.09km • Sky: Overcast @ 13,000ft AGL • Temperature: 22.2°C/72°F • Dewpoint: 20.0°C/68°F • Pressure (altimeter): 30.03" Hg/1,017mb
Jan 5, 2014 04:41
I'm going to assume "Sky Condition: Object" is a Javascript thing and not "There's a goddamn bird sitting on the laser."
Jan 5, 2014 03:29
I vastly prefer aviation to driving. Even on the ground taxiing around I can predict what other pilots are going to do. Driving? Ain't no predicting what those nutcases are gonna do!
Jan 5, 2014 03:12
Jan 5, 2014 03:01
actually I'm really pleased with Information Security - I would expect a chat room full of security people to quickly devolve into a disaster of people dissing each other and making threats, but they keep their house in good order.
Jan 5, 2014 02:19
@DannyBeckett Definitely
Jan 5, 2014 00:50
"It's cold. The birds are frozen to death at the runway threshold."
Jan 4, 2014 06:45
@DannyBeckett I awoke on Sat, 04 Jan 2014 06:41:04 GMT (that's about 3 minutes ago), got invoked 1 times, teleported 31 goats
Jan 3, 2014 18:42
@voretaq7 That was probably immediately preceded by a "Braking action nil" report before they crashed it.
Dec 22, 2013 08:49
Q: Are there legal implications to posting answers?

egidAs a pilot (and especially as a flight instructor) I'm probably slightly more at risk of litigation than your average civilian, which leads me to wonder... if a CFI answers a question here, is there a chance somebody could pursue legal action against them? Is there a precedent for this sort of ...

Dec 18, 2013 20:50
Q: Can we ask about airplane design?

geoffcIs it appropriate to ask about airplane design? Like design features of a 747 or an SR-71, or an F-15? Or is that out of the scope here?

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