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Feb 22, 2024 22:17
Q: How to make a joint hexagon ternary plot in Python?

bebe_pochiI am trying to make a joint ternary plot where 6 triangular plots are put together in a hexagon shape in Python or MATLAB. I am using it to show the concentration of certain elements of a number of particles. I tried to make one in R and MATLAB, but to no avail. I would like to write it in Python...

Jun 17, 2021 22:20
@NikeDattani Goes to show my inexperience with chat. I was always annoyed that replies didn't see to show you what message you were replying to, only the user. But the arrow works nicely for that.
Mar 26, 2021 10:02
I don’t use SO very much but in my opinion Stack overflow is overflowed with too many posts now a days to be really toxic. The smaller stack exchanges can still be toxic tho, I’m happy to say MMSE is friendly tho :)
Jul 2, 2020 02:21
Q: Can density functional approximations including dispersion correction perform worse than without it?

The_VinzI am trying correlate some experimental properties of a molecule to its calculated equilibrium geometry. To do so, I calculated the geometry and energy of some conformers. Now, I obtain mixed results when performing the same energetic calculation with dispersion-corrected (D3) and not corrected f...

Jul 2, 2020 02:20
Q: Are there Exchange integrals in Semiempirical methods?

Charlie CrownOne of the major features of semiempirical methods is that they significantly reduce the cost of evaluating 2-electron integrals. In general, they follow the formula for HF, but, introduce many simplifying assumptions. In HF for same spin electrons you need to calculate both coulomb and exchange...

Jul 2, 2020 02:16
Q: The difference between CASSCF and MCSCF methods

GilliI'm not sure the exact difference between the MCSCF and CASSCF methods. I know that the CASSCF method proceeds by optimizing both the CSFs and MOs (I mean the coefficients), but I don't know if this is also the case in MCSCF calculations. My guess is that in MCSCF only the coefficients of CSFs w...

Oct 10, 2021 23:56
+100 bounty just added: A really interesting question as a good answer will touch on several interesting topics. There are several leads so far in the helpful comments, hopefully someone will grab the ball and run with it!
Sep 11, 2021 00:41
@Tyberius or we could subtly suggest to them to ask post the question on MMSE. I do this on Chem.SE sometimes if I feel it would be better served here. I always feel awkward doing that but it tends to have good results.
Jan 26, 2021 03:24
@uhoh The atomic-structure tag did it!
Jan 22, 2021 07:08
@CodyAldaz We could use the tag and the advantage over wikipedia would be that our 1900+ users can vote and comment on which ones they recommend the most, or which ones to avoid. Plus much more detail can be written for each of them. I think it would be a good question, and there's no rule that MMSE has to have zero overlap with Wikipedia. There's nothing wrong with having two sources for information, each with their own pros and cons!
Dec 26, 2020 12:29
Q: A question about rotational symmetry of organic molecules and in particular, the cyclic Isomers of C4H3X2

dubstepI was thinking about an organic chemistry problem a few days ago but reached a dead end. There were 2 parts to this question. The first was thinking about the isomers of 'C4H3X2' [where X could be anything like a halogen or a deuterium etc]. I came up with the following 7 isomers: (I've really t...

Aug 20, 2020 08:56
Q: Is the completeness of the 230 known space groups in three dimensions proven?

uhohWikipedia's space Group; History is shown below. While it mentions a proof for the 17 wallpaper groups in two dimensions, the word "proof" doesn't occur again in the article. Is it settled now that there are exactly 230 possible space groups in three dimensions; that the current list is correct a...

Aug 15, 2020 21:07
Q: Calculation of phonon dispersion

AjaxI have a couple of conceptual questions regarding the calculation of phonon dispersions. I wish to calculate the phonon dispersion of Nickel with my lattice vectors given by [111], [1-10] and [11-2] (though my lattice vectors are non-orthogonal to minimize the number of atoms. My lattice vectors ...

Jul 25, 2020 14:23
Q: Difference between x and bq in gaussian

subscriptTo the best of my understanding Bq (or H-Bq) will add a ghost atom, remove the electrons and set the nuclear charge to 0. I was wondering if the x keyword behaves differently, I could not find any details on what the x keyword does.

Jul 13, 2020 01:17
Q: What basis set should i use for a molecule like Graphene oxide?

BrunoI need to calculer the vibrational frequencies on a graphene oxide structure. Problem is, i am not sure what basis set should i use. Isn`t def-svp used for smaller molecules? Would it work with GO?

Jul 9, 2020 12:42
You can find posts in this chatroom which have some specific tag, for example, by searching for "tagged/orbitals".
Jul 6, 2020 16:58
Q: Methylene "anti" Jahn-Teller effect

LocoAskerYesterday a Reddit user posted a page from Morrison's Organic Chemistry in which it is said that singlet methylene is less stable than triplet methylene. Another user asked basically the same I'm asking here, as he got no answer and probably won't get any. I'm used to see radicals (and therefore ...

Jul 5, 2020 14:49
Q: Existence of Hartree–Fock limit

An Epsilon of RoomI'm reading McQuarrie's Physical chemistry textbook [1]. On p. 281, the author explains: If we use a more flexible trial function of the form in which $\psi(\mathbf{r_1},\mathbf{r_2})$ is a product of one-electron functions, or orbitals, $$\psi(\mathbf{r_1},\mathbf{r_2})= \phi(\mathbf{r_1})\phi(...

Jul 2, 2020 02:24
Q: What's the longest C=C bond?

Geoff HutchisonThere's been ample work and media coverage on how to make a long C-C single bond. To my knowledge, the longest stable C-C bond is currently 1.704 Å, prepared by Schreiner Nature 477, 308–311 in 2011. All around us, there's considerable plastics, made from polymerizing alkenes like polyethylene. ...

Jul 2, 2020 02:21
Q: How to use dispersion correction with TPSSh in Gaussian 16?

Martin - マーチンA colleague of mine suggested to use TPSSh as a functional. Since I am applying Grimme's D3 dispersion correction by default, I was surprised that it wasn't implemented in the standard density functionals, cf. Gaussian Manual (Copy @ The Internet Archive). Since I might not be the only one to co...

Jul 2, 2020 02:20
Q: I'd like to model some compounds with DFTB, but some elements don't have parameter files in the official site. Is there a workaround?

ksousaI was reading a bit about this technique, Density Functional based Tight binding (DFTB). It's claimed it can provide a speed improvement of several fold when compared to plain DFT, still giving acceptable results. I downloaded one of its free implementations, the DFTB+ package, and started to wor...

Jul 2, 2020 02:08
Q: Normal Mode Analysis of proteins

AnnaI'm trying to do Normal Mode Analysis for my MD trajectory. I'm following Amber tutorial (http://ambermd.org/tutorials/advanced/tutorial3/py_script/section5.htm) which uses an example of estrogen receptor protein and raloxifene ligand. Since I'm only getting errors from this, I'm having a couple ...

Jul 2, 2020 02:02
Q: SMILES string convertors

GEOGreyI'm new to SMILES strings, and have noticed that they're not standardised. Firstly, what is the reason for different structures of SMILES strings to represent the same compound? Why not have a standardised format? Secondly, are there any tools to convert between different SMILES strings for a gi...

Jul 2, 2020 02:01
Q: High-temperature DFT

WychhWhy is it so difficult to perform DFT calculations that consider temperature? I have seen that time-dependent DFT is needed to model systems at high temperature. Why is this the case? What about finite temperature functionals? Why is it also acceptable to use zero-temperature functional with TD...

Jul 2, 2020 01:55
Q: Alternative python modules to RDKit to convert SMILES to structure

WangPython module RDKit is great, but it cannot be installed by pip, and therefore it is difficult to use it sometimes in a virtual environment. I am wondering that if there are some alternative python modules that can convert smiles to chemical structures?

Jul 2, 2020 01:53
Q: Can the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction be simulated with the Brusselator?

ralphsmitI'm trying to simulate the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction mathematically, with a system of ODEs. I know how to do this with the Oregonator and now I'm looking for another model to simulate the BZ-reaction. The Brusselator model is often mentioned as a model to simulate an oscillating reaction and...

Jul 2, 2020 01:53
Q: What are the rules for constructing Kohn-Sham orbitals?

DiscipleI just recently began to study quantum chemistry and need some clarification for the construction of Kohn-Sham orbitals. Consider a system of several atoms. Let there be $N$ electrons in this system. We can reduce the description of such a system to the $\psi_i$ single-electron wave functions de...

Jul 2, 2020 01:53
Q: How to plot the wave function after a Hartree-Fock calculation?

WisdomI have written a code in Mathematica and have obtained the final energy of the hydrogen molecule. I have used Gaussian basis functions for this calculation. Now I need to plot the ground state wave function. How can I do so? I just know that the ground state wave function is defined as \begin{ali...

Jul 2, 2020 01:42
Q: Does PBE find multiple local minima?

RaviI have made e test with PBE; I used two different input geometries for the same structure and I got two different optimized geometry c lattice parameter difference = 0.06 Angstrom total energy difference = 0.0005 eV