Conversation started Oct 8, 2011 at 17:37.
Oct 8, 2011 17:37
:2121860. I've heard David Mitchell described as a spare Stephen Fry.
@Cerberus I've heard David Mitchell described as a spare Stephen Fry.
Oct 8, 2011 17:52
@TRiG Haha, yes, he reminded me of Fry a great deal.
They should do a battle of eloquence!
@Cerberus Have you ever watched QI?
David Mitchell has been a guest a couple of times. Stephen Fry is the presenter.
@TRiG Oh, nice. I've watched a few fragments on Youtube, but never an entire show. It seemed pretty cool.
@Cerberus I don't have a telly any more (I have BBC Radio 4 instead), but when I did, QI was one of my favourite shows.
@Cerberus Boo! Hope your thesis is coming along fine.
Oct 8, 2011 18:07
@TRiG You remind me of sin, cos and tan.
@JasperLoy I enjoyed geometry, but the name TRiG is older than that. I created it in primary school.
@TRiG Any reason for it?
@TRiG Timothy Richard Green
@TRiG Timothy seems a very Christian name.
@JasperLoy I suppose so. I was named after the Biblical Timothy.
Oct 8, 2011 18:12
@TRiG Perhaps I should watch it online: I don't have a television set either, but I do have Tunnelbear, which lets me watch the BBC online for € 5 / month unlimited, or 1.5 GB on a free account.
Hi Jas!
@Cerberus Tunnelbear? Must look into that.
@TRiG I didn't know you are atheist till now.
Of course, a lot of shows are available free online through the BBC iPlayer. But only the radio shows are available outside the UK.
@JasperLoy Is it relevant to anything we've discussed?
Oct 8, 2011 18:13
@Cerberus I have lengthened my username to what it originally was as there are too many Jaspers on SE.
@TRiG Oh, are you in the UK? I was only talking about the shows Brits can watch for free.
@JasperLoy Wise.
@TRiG Nope, just a comment.
@Cerberus Republic of Ireland. My family are English, but I'm Irish.
@Cerberus Indeed! And I noted "wise" is your favourite word.
@TRiG Not to be confused with Northern Ireland of UK.
Oct 8, 2011 18:14
@TRiG Ah OK, so you can't watch BBC programmes on their site?
@JasperLoy I've recently acquired friends in Northern Ireland, which seems to me a very odd place. I'm used to Ireland, and I'm used to England. And NI seems like a strange hybrid.
@Cerberus Nah. But I was brought up with the radio. I don't really miss telly. Except QI and Mock the Week.
Sentence fragments!
@TRiG averts eyes
I watched me some Downton Abbey too. Nowhere else to get it at the moment, the new episodes.
τετράζω, cackle like the τέτραξ, on laying an egg, Alex.Mynd. ap. Ath.9.398d.

II. (τετράς) observe a four-day cycle, Philostr.Gym.47.
@Cerberus I've always avoided plot-based telly, because I don't watch enough and always miss bits.
@Cerberus ?
Oct 8, 2011 18:20
@TRiG But you can watch several episodes in a row on-line! That is also one of the reasons why I don't watch television.
@TRiG Wrong room, sorry.
Must pop off for a moment. It's getting dark, and I must put the ducks to bed. They need food and water and a safely closed gate to keep them away from foxes and mink.
@TRiG You have a farm there?
Haha aww.
Si hello to the ducks from me!
@JasperLoy Not a farm. Just four ducks and two cats (one of whom I had to throw out of my lap to get up).
@TRiG I never had pets. I am afraid of most insects too.
Oct 8, 2011 18:27
I used to share a house with four other guys. Now I've moved back home for six months to look after the place while my parents are away in China. So I'm alone in a four-bedroom house.
@TRiG Sounds exciting.
I was in a bar yesterday where a kitten was napping in a chair.
Extremely cute.
@Cerberus But you're a hellhound!
Well I still get to pet my food before I eat it.
It has been raining cats and dogs the past few days.
Oct 8, 2011 18:30
@JasperLoy Did you step in a poodle?
@TRiG I am not good at understanding jokes but I happen to get this one.
@JasperLoy It's not original, of course. But as puns go, it's not too bad.
Hands up, children, who can see the grammatical mistake caused by shitty English in that headline?
or am i I talking nonsense? maybe 'answers' is actually supposed to be a plural noun. hmm.
PM demands Liam Fox MoD inquiry answers by Monday I'm pretty sure answers is intended as a verb.
Though either reading would be possible. It's certainly confusing.
one can "demand answers"
Oct 8, 2011 18:38
I'm going to try to write a response to this Box Turtle Bulletin post to say something about the unfortunate use of the word crazy. People with mental health issues do not appreciate being compared with hate-filled bigots.
i can't quite hang the BBC on that one because they might technically mean that
@Jez Or one can demand that an enquiry answers.
one most certainly cannot demand that
Sorry. answer.
Oct 8, 2011 18:40
@Jez It's also the weird use of inquiry to refer not to the question itself, but to the panel of people making the inquiry that confuses the issue.
And, in British usage, collective nouns like company, or, in this context, inquiry, can be treated as either plural or singular.
doesn't matter; the subjunctive is always answer
the only context in which that sentence could be correct is if answers is a plural noun
which as you said, i doubt. The PM himself can't speak proper English so if they're quoting him, it'll be wrong
I wonder why it rains "cats" and "dogs" and not other animals.
cats and dogs are the most common pets?
> But Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra, from the Muslim Council of Britain, said: "Faith schools are by and large established to enforce the religious teachings of our lives, and the theory of creation is one of the cornerstones of our faith.
> "To expect faith schools not to teach this kind of religious teaching is unreasonable, but I also think it is important for faith schools to teach science to children as well so they are aware of modern day findings and can use the information to ask further questions and strengthen their faith.
Oct 8, 2011 18:44
@JasperLoy I'm sure I remember reading that somewhere (Hungary?), it rains old women and sticks.
if you're not in Britain, thank goodness you don't have to put up with this bullshit.
@Jez Sorry I missed your birthday yesterday, I could not come into chat.
no problem :-)
@Jez I've heard it's possibly worse in the USA.
@TRiG I used to tell my friend "raining ants and cockroaches".
Oct 8, 2011 18:45
@TRiG yes and no. depends where in the USA you're looking i guess.
over here, there is this egregious widespread acceptance that 'faith school' isn't an oxymoron.
@Jez Any birthday wishes you want to share here?
that various women come on to me, maybe?
Hello @nohat!
@JasperLoy Hello
I'm <this close> to leaving forever. Please talk me down from the ledge.
@nohat Well, I'd miss you.
Oct 8, 2011 18:48
@nohat Why?
A: How can the pronunciation of famous peoples names be "too localized"?

nohatRidiculous. Reopened. There was nothing localized about those famous names. I'm sure those who voted to close just were unfamiliar with the names and voted to close without checking first if the names were famous.

I've been in chat very rarely, but I was reading backlog a while ago and saw a calm discussion of a massive blowup which had happened earlier.
massive blowup about what?
@nohat Well, just tell yourself it is just one question. Don't let one question change your life like that. One person maybe, but not one question.
No, it is the profundity of Jeff Atwood's ignorance which continues to astonish me.
He doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to language
Oct 8, 2011 18:51
@nohat That was the one about humour.
@nohat Ah I noticed the similarity between "pronunciation" and "profundity", how the "o" is omitted.
Again, it was Jeff being high-handed and driving away high-quality contributors.
yes, dealing with Jeff's nonsense dramatically takes away from the fun of contributing here
@TRiG I am neither high-handed nor low-handed, just left-handed and not right-handed.
it is why I have been so scarce lately
Oct 8, 2011 18:55
@Jez Are you still working on your Firefox addons? I am looking forward to install Ubuntu 11.10 in a few days.
@JasperLoy yes, sometimes. why?
@Jez Nothing, just a thought. Just tell them about your addons like I said.
A: Are questions about ununderstood English-language jokes on-topic?

Jeff AtwoodAnother (bad) example: What is the explanation for this joke - I just don't get it... I do not feel that "explain this joke to me" should generally be on topic on a site ostensibly for linguists, etymologists, and (serious) English language enthusiasts In fact, I feel such questions t...

I hadn't been aware of what's going on here.
@TRiG Well, let's move on after that episode.
Oct 8, 2011 19:00
@TRiG I don't know, it is rather ambiguous. It could very well correspond to initial findings.
@JasperLoy I'm just saying that I hadn't even been aware of it till I was reading chat backlog the other day.
@TRiG yes, sigh. the real WTF was I actually deleted Jeff's answer because I thought it was unnecessarily inflammatory (and here we are again, being inflamed by it) and he read me the riot act
@TRiG That was quite long ago. Don't tell me you read the entire transcript?
I'm suddenly becoming aware of a pattern of behaviour which everyone else here has known for a while.
@JasperLoy Nah. It was more recent. It wasn't the impassioned debate which I'm sure happened at the time, but a sort of look back at something which had happened earlier.
@TRiG But honestly it's not that many incidents.
Oct 8, 2011 19:03
@nohat Jeff is just an idiot. I've been much less involved since his extremely annoying meddling as well. I think a proper strategy could be to just do on this site whatever is fun for you, and ignore the things that aren't, especially chores and arguments. I know you are a moderator, but who cares? It's your life and your time.
I find it bearable so far.
@Cerberus That's basically the approach I've been taking. And I was kind of irritated by the "shame coloring" system used for moderators
@nohat Huh?
@nohat No, but nvm.
@nohat Can't see it either. They colour your names based on activity or something?
Oct 8, 2011 19:06
let me show you
Step one would be to pay you lot first—then talk about responsibilities.
oh, well they sent me some t-shirts and a sticker! that's like payment
@nohat I get a page-not-found error for that page.
you can see how Kosmo and I have some things marked in bolded red
@nohat That's just advertising the company.
Oct 8, 2011 19:07
@Cerberus (I was being facetious)
@nohat Oh, good, I couldn't be sure...
The red 4 does looks a bit like shaming.
@nohat So you got them! I didn't ask for mine.
Out of context, I'd shrug; but what with Jeff's comments on Reg's doing all the work, it looks annoying.
@Cerberus after the shame coloring was first implemented, I did make a concerted effort to deal with more flags
but then I just stopped caring
Ah, well. Have a booby.
Oct 8, 2011 19:10
I'm going to do whatever I want, tell Jeff what I think about him and his idiotic ideas, and if they don't like it, then they can kick me out
@nohat Well, when is the next mod election anyway? Is it a yearly affair?
@nohat Seems wise. As an alternative, you could just not argue at all after one firm statement and save yourself the time and energy.
Just use the site as a tool to provide you with whatever fun you get out of it, instead of a thing to care about.
@TRiG Is that your duck? Pretty impressive, those colours!
@Cerberus That sounds a bit selfish.
@Cerberus well that's what Kosmonaut did, but I'm not sure I like that strategy
Oct 8, 2011 19:12
@JasperLoy Indeed it is.
@Cerberus No. It's a red-footed booby.
I kind of like having something to care about
It's a habit I've picked up from The Slacktiverse. Whenever feelings are high, post pictures of boobies.
@nohat Normally I'd find that a bit selfish; but, after Jeff's behaviour, I think it is justified.
@Cerberus I prefer to see it as a place to have fun and contribute as well to all users.
Oct 8, 2011 19:13
@nohat It's better to have someone to care about.
@Cerberus oh it was definitely justified.
@JasperLoy I used to see it that way too. And I still wouldn't hurt the site. But I don't feel at all responsible any more. Besides, I know I'd quit if I were made to feel responsible.
I'm just not at the throw-in-the-towel point yet
Jeff and I had a heated discussion over e-mail about the answer of his which I deleted
@TRiG There are occasional pictures of boobs here which I am not a fan of.
@Cerberus We should at least be responsible for what we write here.
Oct 8, 2011 19:15
@nohat Oh... and was he rude again? Or more reasonable one on one?
@JasperLoy In what way?
@JasperLoy A while ago there was an in-depth discussion of pictures of penises. No actual pictures, unfortunately. ;)
no, he is rude in private too
he said "In the future, if you unilaterally delete any Stack Exchange employee post on meta without first contacting us about it, I will be forced to take action in response."
@nohat I suppose that was to be expected.
What did you delete anyway?
@nohat I don't think they have any idea what they're doing. They're programmers, flying by the seats of their pants on this site.
@Cerberus I mean our questions, answers, edits, comments on the main site. They should be correct.
@TRiG I was just scrolling back. I assume I am allowed to be here, in the sanctum sanctorum <snark>pretense</snark>?
@TRiG Oh, I am not a fan of dicks either.
@JasperLoy Well, I wouldn't write things that were incorrect; but I may not care to correct mistakes later if I didn't feel like it.
@Cerberus I actually care. After all, my real reputation is at stake since I am using my real name here!
Oct 8, 2011 19:18
@TRiG On Quora, whenever feelings run high, some of us just start or end every answer with "your mother"
@nohat Ah, his famed "apology".
@FeralOink Well, the idea of the boobies is to make people feel better.
Or do passive-aggressive grammatical editing.
One thing I said "To be perfectly honest, most of your interactions on the site and with me have been, disappointingly, in a tone-deaf, lumbering-giant style. All of our interactions via comments on the sites have been unsettlingly acidic. A lot of what you do comes off as capricious and arbitrary, swooping in and doing something bold and then explaining what appear to be impulsive actions with what seems like sophistry or post-hoc rationale. "
Well, I'm glad I was not involved in any heated argument with anyone here.
Oct 8, 2011 19:20
@TRiG Gotcha. Breasts, like Grapes of Wrath. Restorative, soothing. Maybe? Penii wouldn't do it for me though. As far as soothing. I'm w/ @Jasper Loy on that one
@nohat It seems like he invokes executive priveledge a lot.
@nohat Yeah, I agree on all that, but it contrasts with the rest of your e-mail a bit.
@FeralOink privilege
@nohat Sorry, I can't spell priviledge privelidge privledge?
@Cerberus yes I was trying to be conciliatory but that quoted segment was how I really felt
Oct 8, 2011 19:22
@TRiG My best friend and I used to say "dodo birds" all the time instead of "idiots" affectionately.
anyhow I have to run out for lunch now. I'm getting glared at
If I were you, I'd probably take as much distance from this guy as possible.
Heh OK, later!
@nohat See you! It's late for dinner, here.
Bye @nohat ! Thanks for letting me chat with you!
@FeralOink I think "privilege" is the only correct spelling.
Oct 8, 2011 19:24
@JasperLoy And we rekwe..., reqwa..., ask that you use correct spellings.
I was actually hoping to get some kind of peon-like job with StackExchange. Plea my case with TheCodingHorror. I'm in Phoenix.
Yes privilege is like knowledge in that it defies my abilities. Often.
@TRiG By the way I think I correct the most spellings in chat and maybe on the main site too.
@FeralOink honestly I wouldn't want to work for an organization with Jeff Atwood at the helm if I were you
In terms of correct spelling. Accommadate accomodate accommodate is yet another. Committee is more accessible, with three m's, three t's and three e's. Easier to make a mnemonic out of it.
You know the stem leg- from legend; there is priv- from private and privy; the i in between is sort of a binding vowel in Latin.
Oct 8, 2011 19:27
@Cerberus Ah yes, you are the authority on Latin here.
Ac-com-mod-ate comes from ad-con-mod-atus in Latin: d-c assimilates to cc, n-m to mm.
Mod- is from modus, "measure, manner, etc."
@nohat From following his blog, I picked a few troubling "vibes". But here on the SE sites, he is in full arbitrary glory. It is kind of unnerving for such an egalitarian and rules oriented place with mutual respect and courtesy so highly valued, that there is one individual who knows all, nearly
Commodus = fitting, easy, agreeable
about all stacks, and overrules the standards otherwise set. The latter is what creeps meout the most.
@FeralOink This is a very difficult sentence.
Oct 8, 2011 19:29
Ad- turns it into a verb that means "make something commodus".
@Cerberus Commodius which I can't seem to spell correctly either.
@FeralOink I don't think we have many adjectives on -us (but not -ous) in English: they are nearly always -ous.
@JasperLoy That is a NON-sense. My apologies. I get emotionally excited whenever I use IM. It is silly. And my ability to communicate grammatically flies out the window.
@FeralOink It was intelligible enough!
@JasperLoy Ooops, sorry, meant to say a NON-sentence. Urk!
Oct 8, 2011 19:31
@FeralOink Never heard "emotionally excited".
A tad redundant, no?
@JasperLoy I've yet to see someone unemotionally excited.
@Cerberus Only to the classicist!
There are other ways of getting excited!
As opposed to unemotionally excited. Maybe sexual.
Oct 8, 2011 19:32
Yes, precisely Cerberus!
@FeralOink Ah, we're back to penises?
@JasperLoy You understood it too.
@FeralOink That is also an emotion.
@TRiG Yup.
Oct 8, 2011 19:32
Fitting name, for sexual excitement. Maybe he has 3 of them, as the demon doggy from Hell?
@JasperLoy Nah.
@Cerberus Actually I did not bother to parse it.
@FeralOink No comment.
@JasperLoy OK.
@Cerberus Devil Dog. Little Debby dessert product.
@Cerberus I only have one, and it has not been used on anyone.
Oct 8, 2011 19:34
@JasperLoy Parse what, if I may ask please?
@FeralOink Your difficult sentence.
@TRiG Yay! So is that blue natural?
@Cerberus Yep. They're called blue-footed boobies. I also posted a picture of the rarer red-footed variety up there somewhere.
@JasperLoy Ahh okay. It was actually in response to @nohat. I'll find my metier (rhythm?) here eventually. Y'all are very fun and bright and fast. Not like other SE chat rooms I've been in. Emotionally exciting, you know?
Oct 8, 2011 19:36
@TRiG Seems that boobs and tits both refer to birds as well.
@TRiG Yeah I saw it: I thought perhaps you painted it blue...
@FeralOink Well, glad you enjoyed yourself.
@FeralOink Hmm then what are other rooms like?
@JasperLoy Well, let's have a blue tit, so.
@Cerberus Wow! That is genuine natural coloration? It IS comforting! Very soothing. More so than human anatomy.
Oct 8, 2011 19:37
@TRiG Aww. We have those here too.
@FeralOink Hey it's not my colouring! I cannot accept the praise for it.
@Cerberus They're sweet, aren't they.
Perhaps Trig will accept it vicariously.
@Cerberus Well, the Personal Finance and Money is very slow and ponderous. Actuaries. Or fathers doing childcare, so they are preoccupied. Understandable.
@TRiG Yes! And their rarer cousins too.
@FeralOink Hmm, I see.
Then in Quant Finance, it is just plain lonely. 10 or 15 days go by between communiques. We could just as easily send letters by postal carrier as IM or IRC
Oct 8, 2011 19:38
@Cerberus Actually, the blue-footed boobies point their feet at the sky as a form of sexual display, much as peacocks shake their tails, which brings us back on topic of forms of excitement.
@TRiG Interesting how you emphasise that excitement is the topic.
@FeralOink It used to be like that here too, a year ago.
@TRiG How exciting!
@FeralOink Well, I'm here mainly because h2g2 is down at the moment.
@TRiG I was contemplating blue colored parts of human female anatomy, but not feet. Rather the word as it is applied to humans. THAT would be exciting!
@FeralOink Well, each to his own.
Oct 8, 2011 19:41
@FeralOink I'm sure there are websites to supply your blue needs!
Bodypaint and all.
@Cerberus Rule 34?
@TRiG If I remember the rule correctly, yes, exactly.
@TRiG I just heard the non-urban legend of putting a statue of St. Joseph in your yard if you want to sell your house. Bury him head down, feet pointing up. Sold by and endorsed by Roman Catholic supply houses even. First I thought it was derogatory, then realized that St. Joseph just wanted to help get housing troubles righted. Ohhh blue!
Rule 34 failed me once, believe it or not.
@TRiG What is rule 34?
Oct 8, 2011 19:42
There's avatar, but my favorite indigo female was on FarScape.
And the wicked X-men female... ummmm
@TRiG Did it? Perhaps you required certain passwords, because the required topic was illegal in most countries?
@JasperLoy That's a question for ... TV Tropes, perhaps? Or Meme generator?
Rule 34: If you can imagine it, there's porn of it.
Rule 34, pray tell? Please?
@Cerberus Talking about passwords I recently changed mine.
Ehh OK?
Oct 8, 2011 19:45
@TRiG Are you going to make me research Rule 34? Perhaps a token clue to get me started?
Hello @reg!
@FeralOink It's answered above.
> Rule 34: If you can imagine it, there's porn of it.
@FeralOink That was the definition of the rule he gave you there.
Wow sup with all zis drama
@Cerberus Actually, I think I have an adequate corpus of details to pull something together.
Oct 8, 2011 19:46
@RegDwightѬſ道 There is no drama, really.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Nohat showed the "shame colouring" they apply to moderator activity.
@TRiG All I see up above is the very non-Rule 34 of "Determining which Good Sentiment to Wish at Each Holiday".
@Cerberus What I was looking for was mumble, mumble, mumble men with wings.
@Cerberus I am trying to catch up by reading the transcript backwards. Anyone care to just point me to where to start?
@FeralOink The so-called "Rule 34" is this: "If you can imagine it, there's porn of it". That is the rule.
Oct 8, 2011 19:47
@TRiG Ohhh, okay, very mild. I'm sorry. I understand. You are such a cordial, subtle, considerate group here!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Start with the boobies!
@RegDwightѬſ道 OK...
@RegDwightѬſ道 From your last message.
@JasperLoy Haha. +9000
1 hour ago, by nohat
@JasperLoy Hello
Oct 8, 2011 19:48
@FeralOink I have no idea why I was looking for that. It just came to me one day. I was just astonished that I couldn't find it.
@RegDwightѬſ道 No bickering about Bitcoin and abolishing central banking and electronic payment systems and investor fraud regulatory authorities. That's what also goes on in other chat rooms!
@RegDwightѬſ道 We should not type like this here.
I don't care enough about Bitcoin to know anything about so much as spelling it.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Idem.
Oct 8, 2011 19:49
@JasperLoy Right. You shouldn't.
@RegDwightѬſ道 'Tis okay for me but not for thee?
Quod licet Iovi non licet bovi.
Mar 12 at 0:49, by RegDwight
Satur venter non studet libenter.
Hah how is that related?
Oct 8, 2011 19:51
What's with all the funny birds?
Auspicium Melioris Aevi.
@Cerberus Vaguely. Very vaguely. If at all.
@RegDwightѬſ道 OK I should have known.
@RegDwightѬſ道 They're boobies. Well, mainly boobies. One of them's a tit.
@JasperLoy An omen of a better age?
Oct 8, 2011 19:52
39 mins ago, by TRiG
It's a habit I've picked up from The Slacktiverse. Whenever feelings are high, post pictures of boobies.
@Cerberus Ya, hope towards a better age is what we call it, my school motto.
@TRiG Very exciting in all respects, especially feet and beak.
@TRiG Ah. My highest voted comment so far is about boobies vs tits. To borrow a leaf from Cerberus, I should have known.
@JasperLoy Cool. Hope is a bit free.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Yes I remember that question.
Oct 8, 2011 19:53
@Cerberus Free?
@TRiG What's with the "whenever feelings are high" part? You should totally drop it. And use jQuery.
@RegDwightѬſ道 You must be drinking vodka bucketwise on a Sat night.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Well, when I started posting them, we were discussing Jeff and relicking old wounds.
@JasperLoy You're right that I must. But I don't.
@JasperLoy A free translation is a translation that sticks less strictly to the original in details but rather reinterprets the whole a bit more.
Oct 8, 2011 19:55
@RegDwightѬſ道 I just finished my usual tea.
@TRiG Right. I was going to catch up or something.
@Cerberus I see.
@Cerberus A free translation is neither a translation nor free. Kind of like the Federal Reserve.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Hah, what? Why the Fed?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Try asking over on Christianity SE about free translations.
Oct 8, 2011 19:56
@Cerberus The Federal Reserve is neither federal nor a reserve.
It can print free money?
Ah, OK.
Why isn't it federal?
@TRiG You lost me at Christianity.
And why no reserve?
@Cerberus Perhaps you should read up on Federal Reserve.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Like Douglas Adams, I find religion endlessly fascinating, but it does puzzle me that other people take it seriously.
Oct 8, 2011 19:58
The way I see it, religion hangs in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.
It is quite a miracle that there is so much chat on a Sat night.
Yeah I still have a hangover from last night.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Just who is this God person anyway?
Something must be wrong this weekend.
See. Cerberus got all my vodka.
Oct 8, 2011 19:59
@Cerberus There are such places. I am fond of the idea of being blue from head to toe. Sorry for the non-sequitorish out of the blueness of that comment. Here's a blue skinned me for reference.… Hope It isn't intrusive.
Conversation ended Oct 8, 2011 at 19:59.