Conversation started Feb 8, 2017 at 11:43.
Feb 8, 2017 11:43
@Tonepoet I'd argue that the example sentence (which may or not be exemplary) is the single most important datum you can offer. Without it, I have no way of knowing if my word suggestion fits what the OP is after. Context is essential when choosing a word.
Feb 8, 2017 11:59
@terdon Hmm, it can be essential but it is it really always? I think the important thing is that a question be sufficiently descriptive. There will be times when a contextual sentence is necessary for that and times when it's not. I think the most important thing to consider is that the question could be closed as unclear if it is and one isn't provided anyway though. The absolute requirement seems a little prejudiced in that respect.
@Tonepoet I can't imagine how a word request could be sufficiently descriptive without an example sentence.
Feb 8, 2017 12:20
@terdon Hmm, well, I think asking for the name of a color doesn't really need one at least. It has one of course, but it seems largely unnecessary to me.
OK, yes, I can see how a picture could also provide enough context there. Still, 99% of all word questions do need the example sentence. And it never hurts to add one.
Feb 8, 2017 12:43
@terdon I'm not so sure about never. I can vaguely imagine a circumstance where somebody forced out a mismatched sentence that spurred the suggestion of a much too contextually sensitive word, to make the question eligible for consideration, that ended up encouraging a real world usage that made no sense. That is to mean, we have no way of verifying if the exemplary sentence is really an example, which might be related to what you mentioned before.
However with that having been stated, I can certainly say it usually won't hurt.
Conversation ended Feb 8, 2017 at 12:47.