Conversation started Feb 21, 2016 at 23:50.
Feb 21, 2016 23:50
BTW, what are some warning signs to watch for in a company when I am interviewing?
My mom doesn't work, and my dad is in a union, so he doesn't need to interview. I really don't know anything about the process.
> "How often will I be expected to work more than a forty hour work week?"
> "What kind of source control do you guys use?"
> "What do you guys do for continuous deployment?"
> "How often are code reviews?"
> "What's the expected level of automated test coverage?"
> "How often are performance reviews?"
Hang on, that's a different category
although, it belongs with my first question
@nhgrif depends on the job description...
Questions 2-5: The specific answers don't matter... the scary answers are obvious and do matter.
Feb 21, 2016 23:53
some jobs are basically impossible to achieve coverage on, because legacy
The person that seemed most interested explicitly noticed that I used GitHub and liked that I did open source.
@Vogel612 which is where we get to "the specific answers don't matter, just look out for the scary answers"
I'm working on a comprehensive cover letter to send to him.
The scary answers look like this...
> "We use a shared network drive for source control."
> "What is continuous deployment?"
> "We don't waste time on code reviews."
> "We don't write automated tests."
sidenote: Possible flags for the first question include "We don't, we just expect you to get the work done"
Feb 21, 2016 23:55
and "We don't really track time comprehensively ..."
So if that is answered
If they give a vague answer, then follow up with...
> "How frequently does the average developer at your company work over 40 hours?"
What's the overtime pay?
> "Who sets estimates for work I'll be doing?"
> "How often are performance reviews? Who does conducts my performance review?"
"we don't use estimates" is just as bad as "the marketing guy"
Feb 21, 2016 23:58
If you weren't an intern, this would be a question:
> "Can I work remotely? What is your flex policy like?"
Even though I don't personally care about working remotely, I care about my company's policy regarding remote workers.
So, what exactly is Continuous Deployment? Is that like our Appveyor thing on Rubberduck, or does it merge changes directly to prod?
Here's what continuous deployment/integration looks like at my company.
it's usually continuous integration (AppVeyor) + Something that regularly packs and installs the master to test / prod
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Feb 22, 2016 00:00
I commit to develop (or whatever branch I set up for the build plan). A Jenkins server builds my app and runs all of the automated tests. If those tests all pass, the binary is pushed out to everyone interested.
Product owners get daily (or more than daily) builds.
So, basically like an Appveyor that immediately "releases" changes?
It doesn't necessarily immediately release to production
I think Netflix does automated releases to production.
Stack Overflow actually does that, too
No, but it does release to anyone who is interested in the changes.
Feb 22, 2016 00:02
remember how the site graduated before it graduated?
But you don't have to automate releasing to production to be considered to be using CD.
@MarcGravell, what do you mean live deployment? I thought that StackExchange was filled with professionals that don't need to test their code? — Malachi Jul 15 '14 at 15:16
To be honest, the most important part is that automated tests are automatically run every time you've pushed to develop.
Just like Rubberduck and VSDiagnostics.
Feb 22, 2016 00:04
that's usually called continuous integration
notable tools: travis, appveyor, jenkins
And then, the second most important part is that product owners get that build as soon as possible so that developers can, as quickly as possible, get feedback on anything that needs to be changed/fix.
So, who is considered a product owner?
Tools vary significantly depending on the language. Sometimes it includes environment control like Docker
@Hosch250 read up on Scrum
@Hosch250 It depends, but there's normally in a person in a role that's literally called "Product Owner"
@Hosch250 the one calling the shots and prioritizing "tickets"
Feb 22, 2016 00:06
also the person you ask when a ticket is unclear
What features come in and in what order. How do particular features prioritize versus particular bugs.
and it's (for vanilla scrum) exactly one person
Where developers are technical experts for the project, the product owner is the business expert for the project.
So, that would be @Mat'sMug for Rubberduck.
Feb 22, 2016 00:08
and then there's the Scrum Master that most people seem to not understand
@Hosch250 yea, but they usually aren't the Lead Architect simultaneously
PO doesn't meddle in code
There's nothing better than an amazing scrum master, and there's nothing worse than anything less than that.
@nhgrif I call a crappy PO is worse than a good scrum master
I'd disagree.
Feb 22, 2016 00:10
And a Scrum is where we say what we plan to focus on during the day and what difficulties we think we will encounter, and what we did yesterday.
I never actually worked on a "real" Scrum team (whatever that is)
@Hosch250 that's right and wrong at the same time
OK, seems people have differing views around the web. What is the right one?
Purely from the perspective of a developer, a good PO is great, but scrum masters can be major pains.
@Hosch250 for "the one and only" scrum, check
@Hosch250 You shouldn't waste time in a meeting talking about things that could be determined by looking at a tool like JIRA.
A scrum master has one job. He is the idiot plow.
And if he is an idiot, how can he plow the idiots out of your way?
Feb 22, 2016 00:13
ohhh yea... fun times.
the interesting part here is that this counts for inside the dev-team and outside of it
so if the PO is a moron, the Scrum Master is supposed to keep them in check
His whole point of existence is to make sure that things are running as smoothly and efficiently as possible.
So, one question I've always had about sprints: What happens when a sprint is completed ahead of time?
Do you just close the sprint early?
@Hosch250 pick up stuff from the top of the backlog
And talk about why you finished so early during your retrospective.
What if that stuff would run out of the sprint time frame?
@Hosch250 you might consult with the PO
Feb 22, 2016 00:15
What happens when the planned product cannot be finished during the sprint?
and ask them what to do
Does the sprint end and the next sprint takes up where we left off?
@Hosch250 Sprints are timeboxed.
they start and end at predictable dates
I know. But say that a sprint is entirely about Major Feature Xyz. It is planned for a month, but it is not releasable for 6 weeks.
How do you manage things like that?
and when you get the work done faster (but nothing else fits in) you can always clean the codebase up
Feb 22, 2016 00:16
To be clear, the point of the sprint being time boxed is that you're also looking at how much your team is able to complete in that time frame. Over enough sprints, you get an idea of how much can be done in a sprint.
@Hosch250 At the end of the Sprint, the software is by definition theoretically releasable
@Hosch250 Major Feature Xyz should be broken down into smaller components that can be completed within a single sprint.
every end of a Sprint is (at the core idea) a possible release date
I mean, what if an unexpected delay happens, like a dev getting hit by a bus?
Then the discussion on why you didn't complete what you committed to is pretty easy.
Feb 22, 2016 00:18
then you pick up the pieces, adjust the estimates for the sprint and hire a new dev
OK, so the sprint just ends and another one starts without a release.
Slow down for a second...
So, I'm actually actively working in a real scrum team...
We base our velocity on story points.
We pulled about 100 story points into our current sprint.
@nhgrif I think you're too fast
Just tell me everything. I like stories.
If you don't understand story points, ignore it for now. It's just a way of measuring how much work we're completing/committing too
When our sprint ends, there are three outcomes.
1. We completed less than what we committed to.
2. We completed exactly what we committed to.
3. We completed more than what we committed to.
No matter the outcome, we talk about why we had that outcome. We talk about whether that outcome is something we can expect to repeat. Or if we expect better or worse in future sprints.
Feb 22, 2016 00:21
Q: Function divergence and DRY code

bbarringerI am working on writing a module for my portfolio that loads a requested page. The page requested could load either new "content" data or new "content" data AND new grid data. There is still quite a bit I am working on here and some things aren't hooked up yet, but the issue that bothers me curre...

We talk about things that are happening that are preventing us from getting more work done. We talk about things that are happening that are helping us get more work done.
And then we plan the next sprint.
also... those meetings are usually terse
I mean, they're supposed to be.
15 minutes each day, and a 4-hour or less one at the end of each sprint.
So, Scrum teams are usually small?
Right now, I'm talking about the one at the end/beginning of sprint
Feb 22, 2016 00:24
@nhgrif so you're doing retro and planning in one go?
@Hosch250 the 4 hours change depending on sprint length
@Vogel612 Yeah. Our sprints start/end on Wednesday. We have a demo, retro, planning on Wednesday afternoons.
Before you start, you decide on a sprint length. usually between 2 and 4 weeks
planning is the worst...
We watch the scrum master fill out his stupid spreadsheet...
oh... so you don't have an amazing scrum master :/
There's also a meeting in here which we haven't mentioned: backlog grooming
Which is the only meeting out of all of these that I actually like.
Feb 22, 2016 00:26
@nhgrif that's not vanilla, is it?
I believe it is.
or did that change since I got my certification?
Backlog grooming is when you work your way through the backlog and assign story points to the stories in the backlog.
@nhgrif seems it's not vanilla
@nhgrif I have a "Professional Scrum Master"-Certificate
What is "sprint review" and how does that compare to retro?
Feb 22, 2016 00:28
Monking @Snowhawk04 btw
@nhgrif review seems to be the demo meeting
it can include externals (like major stakeholders)
oh, makes sense
retro is internal only
so, how does the backlog get groomed then?
probably what's going on is that our planning meeting is a pile of idiocy
Feb 22, 2016 00:30
> The Scrum Team decides how and when refinement is done.
And what we do during backlog is closer to what should be done during our planning meetings
@nhgrif theoretically the PO should do the ordering and breaking down.
Estimation happens in planning
Why is PO estimating how long development work takes?
he isn't
Feb 22, 2016 00:31
oh, I misread
PO decides what deliverables they want in next iteration, besically.
Conversation ended Feb 22, 2016 at 0:31.