Meme: Exploding bear traps
Originator: Grace Note
Cultural Height: The 2nd Monitor, Website Graduation
Background: During the endless talk about Code Review graduation, some were wondering whether Code Review could even graduate some day or was doomed and would close. The answer was as follows...
^^ exploding bear traps have been immortalized ;)
@Morwenn Hard{style|dance|core|whatever} first, then House, then Electro, then Good Prog House, then Glitch Hop, then Nu Disco/Indie Dance, then Drumstep, then Trance, then Dubstep, then DnB and finally then Shit Big Room
I am not sure I have heard it expressed that way .... the only concerns I have heard are that we have a fair amount of low-rep users who have not been active since before the 'upsurge' last November.
Lest it be misunderstood, my using "exploding bear traps" in that context was meant to be a "reductio ad absurdum": to cast doubt on the usefulness of a metric which (it seems to me) will penalize a site for having a continuous influx of new users; and not to suggest that new users are unwelcome. — ChrisWApr 3 at 13:08
Well, it would help if we were given more guidance about exactly what criteria we're missing for graduation. Is it just the number of high-rep users? Is there anything else? If the former, could we agree on some numeric targets?
We don't go purely on numerics, so you shouldn't just try to "meet whatever thresholds there are". Your goal is to focus on overall growth in all departments.
It doesn't matter if you've "met" any of the "thresholds" that we might have for certain categories. Graduation is a sign of sustained and sustainable growth - so you want to always be focusing on improving all facets.
I still personally find issue at the rep distribution, but let me go break the numbers from our wider time span and focus solely on what's been around since December.
PCG.SE is going on a mission.
And so the race begins. For Code Review!! -- syb0rg 2 days ago
Let's see:
Programming Puzzles and Code Golf Voting & Activity
PCG.SE Voting and Activity Chart
Compare to:
Code Review Voting & Activity
CR.SE Voting and Activity Chart
Out of our numbers, 800 users basically haven't been seen since December, so our "active user count" since your big shift we'll call this at 1804 users.
That's the numbers only looking at people who have at least contributing or moved within the past 120 days. The percentages past the fourth one are largely not something to think about.
(it should be noted that we have a few people who are on the threshold of 10K as well... expect that number to be 11 within the week... if they keep up their rate
Argh, I have to go rescue my daughter ;-) apparently she likes going home each day.
I want to see that giant chunk that is currently ~84% of the site being under 500 reputation, I want to see that shift some of its bulk into the higher values. That's what I want to see.
Let me bring up for a moment, Robotics. Robotics is a smaller site than here. Not nearly as far down the road. And when I did their review last week, I noticed something odd that I decided to investigate further. Every single question that turned up in their site evaluation, as well as basically every single new question I saw on the front page or from a short query of new posts, was asked by someone either under 50 reputation, or at 101-125 reputation.
This is an extreme case of low engagement. You guys aren't going down this road, but I want to bring it ups as an extreme case of low engagement. No one is sticking. Nothing is convincing people to stick around because there's no progress to be earned. So no one is moving up in the ranks. With no rank movement, things stagnate. Which is sad because Robotics has some REALLY cool answers that I loved reading when I did the review.
@200_success We want more repeat customers, yes. And getting rewarded is how we usually keep people engaged. A sense of accomplishment is not just something that feels nice, but it gives people the devotion to the place to keep it running, and that's largely what the community is responsible for as a whole. You have the 59 users up there at 2000+ reputation who will be in charge of the "community maintenance" so to speak, and the moderators in charge of the moderating.
When I say that I want to see the numbers shift, it's not because I think there's too many people on the lower amounts - I just want to see more people in the upper amounts. I want to see people moving on up, I want to see what shows up to me as signs that there's a continually growing community, often silent, but still there, that is helping make the community thrive.
This is just a friendly reminder to vote. You have 40 votes to use every day, and I don't see many reasons to not use them all. Your voting on answers is what makes the reviewing process fun.
In case you don't think I practice what I preach.
@GraceNote Regarding our beta-progress, I'm almost at 11K now, I'll be going on vacation for a week shortly but then I'm aiming towards 20K, but after that there's not so much more I can do personally, is there?
So quite a specific question can the below code be made more clearer / pythonic in any way. Essentially based on the condition of the string x((len(x) / 3) - 1) I use this to extract out parts of the string.
def split_string(x):
splitted_string = [x[counter*3:(counter*3)+3] for counter in ra...
I guess I don't have too much to add to what Grace said. The big thing is that I do have access to voting data, so I ran one query you guys can't do in SEDE.
A lot of progress has been made, but we're not there, yet.
In the one month since we've had access to the data, we've barely made a dent in the distribution of avid users among reputation tiers (the "Grace Note query").
There is still a massive backlog of users who are still suffering from the ...
We've been experiencing FTP issues with the app I'm working on... and I don't know anything about FTP or servers or networking, but I'm convinced the problem is server side and not with the app.
@SimonAndréForsberg invite everyone to this chat, maybe make a blog post about being in the CR community with links to meta posts about zombies and stuffs... link to the chat
@nhgrif what I have found out about FTP is that you download the files from the server then you disconnect, work on the files, then you connect and upload. I was trying to keep the connection open while I worked, that is not a good idea. is that what you are trying to do?
What percentage of connections would you say result in an error? If it's less than 1% or so, I would just make sure your error handling is good and chalk it up to WiFi being a pain.
I don't know. The error logging was put in this morning... and I realized, I have no way of keeping track of successes versus failures, so tomorrow morning I'll put some code to track successes versus failures.
My code is correct as I can see it has no errors at all, but when I execute it and say for instance I type in "MY NAME IS JACK" it only converts "MY" to lowercase.
int main()
char str[20];
int i;
printf("Enter any string->");
@Pops is there too many locks or something? I would imagine that the chat data changes so quickly with people chatting, I haven't tried to query a chat DB before
@Pops Ok. It would be really interesting to see some stats on this room, such as "number of stars given per day", "number of unique users chatting per day", etc... I have considered writing a program to do a lot of HTTP requests to gather a bunch of data and then analyze it locally, but it feels... non-optimal.
@Pops lol that sucks a little bit. but less of a headache at the same time too right, SQL is both Fun and Frustrating at the same time, or maybe I just don't know it as well as I should
Quick summary: Grace (and Pops) did a quick once-over of the numbers, exlcuding the deadweight from pre nov.2013. The bottom line is that not enough users are advancing through the ranks, and retention is low.
@syb0rg We may also need to look at the line between factual and "opinion-based" answers. We cannot accept all of the latter, but there may still be some when you're reviewing code. After all, these are peer reviews.
There's still room for improvement with the unanswered list, but the work done since Grace Note's post is really impressive. For the user rep thing, it would always be nicer to see more high-rep users, but the main issue is the lack of retention for lower-rep users.
This is going to be an exaggeration, but the numbers kinda make it look like there are a hundred good reviewers here serving a never-ending stream of drive-by askers.
I have some PHP code where I use Variable functions to call the right function. Something like this:
private function foo($groups, $getter) {
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$value = $group->$getter;
// Do calculations with $value...
and then the function gets called ...
@Jamal The 10k+ bracket isn't as much of a concern. Yes, you want folks in there but you don't need barrels of them. Focus, as rolfl mentions, on getting new users to stick.
And we've just had two posts from new users within the last few minutes (including the above question).
As for 10K for myself, I have been on a pretty good trend lately. I don't think it was too long ago when I reached 9K. But I also don't want to go overboard with pimping answers.
I've recently been asked to make some emergency changes to a legacy application. It was written in VB.Net. I come from a C# background so am not overly familiar with this language, though there are enough similarities for me to get by. The current code has no separation of concerns (e.g. DAL c...